Seeing the ugly faces of Qiu Wanli and his son, as if they had been hit by a frying pan, Tang Xinyi couldn't help but burst into joy, and hurriedly winked at Baidie.Looking in a daze, looking at Wan Dong's slightly dazed Bai Die, he suddenly woke up, looked at Qiu Wanli with a smile, and asked, "Master, should I issue this edict or not?"

This Bai Die is really not easy to provoke, this question with a smile seems to be asking for Qiu Wanli's opinion, but in fact it is Bai Die's great mockery of Qiu Wanli!You forced me to issue an edict just now, isn't your attitude very arrogant?What's the matter now, dumb?

This was the first time that Qiu Wanli fell into a disadvantage in the contest with Bai Die, and his already ugly expression became even more ugly.The gaze that looked at Bai Die also became stricter.It's just that Bai Die at this time has Xu Wenchuan, Sun Daobai and so many people supporting her, she is very courageous, her complexion does not change at all, she is calm and calm, showing the majesty of the royal family to the fullest.

"How about this, I'll be a peacemaker! Master National Teacher, you don't want to pursue Luo Xiao's matter any more. Lord Xu, you are also showing your respect to Master National Teacher, and at the same time you are paying respects to me How about a face?"

When the two sides were at a stalemate, Hu Jingqi stood up with a smile.

Qiu Wanli frowned suddenly, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.Hu Jingqi was the peacemaker for Xu Wenchuan, and he was still smiling like that. From this, Qiu Wanli smelled something that made him extremely uneasy.

Bai Die also felt shocked, startled and suspicious.Hu Jingqi actually gave Xu Wenchuan a smile, what happened?

"Okay! For Mr. Hu's sake, I'll be at a disadvantage, Mr. Hu has a lot of people, so don't worry about it anymore!" Before Xu Wenchuan could speak, Wan Dong rushed to put on an annoyed look and waved his hands.

As soon as Wan Dong said this, Tang Xinyi and Baidie almost couldn't hold back their laughter.Calling taking advantage as a disadvantage, and being so confident, this is simply the rhythm of trying to piss off the father and son of the enemy family.

Bai Die couldn't help but looked up at the Qiu family's father and son, only to see Qiu Yunchong staring wide-eyed, like a toad, his cheeks were so swollen that they were about to explode, so don't get angry and get hurt internally.Although Qiu Wanli's scheming was deep, his eyes were obviously covered with a layer of anger at this time.Qiu Wanli's expression is not easy to see, Baidie's mood is unprecedented!

"My lord, Mr. Xu has already spoken, how about you?" Bai Die asked with a smile.

Qiu Wanli's tense face suddenly opened, revealing a secretive smile, he took a deep look at Wan Dong, and then said, "That's good! Although Luo Xiao has failed me and disappointed me, but he is the one after all." A rare talent, I hope he can repent and turn from evil to good. Otherwise, if I don't kill him today, it's hard to guarantee that he won't seek his own death tomorrow!"

As soon as Qiu Wanli said these words, the expressions of all the people present sank.It seems that Qiu Wanli still does not intend to let Luo Xiao go. Luo Xiao escaped today's catastrophe, and it is still hard to say what will happen in the future.

Wan Dong subconsciously turned his head to look at Luo Xiao, only to see Luo Xiao's eyes full of hatred, as if welded to Qiu Wanli's skin, and refused to move away.Wan Dong's brows frowned immediately, according to Luo Xiao's posture, if Qiu Wanli wanted to kill him, it would be too easy, and this foolish boy would send him to the door himself.

Qiu Wanli was a very decisive person. Since it was impossible to kill Luo Xiao today, he immediately exposed the matter.Looking up at Bai Die, she said, "By the way, I still have something to inform Your Highness the Princess today."

Bai Die's mind suddenly sank, what Qiu Wanli mentioned at this time would definitely not be a good thing.

Qiu Wanli ignored Bai Die's expression at all, and raised his voice, "Su Bing, the criminal minister, formed a party for personal gain, conspired against the law, and the evidence of the crime is solid. I have already ordered someone to behead him!"

"What!?" As soon as Qiu Wanli said this, Princess Baidie let out an exclamation.Qiu Wanli, Sun Daobai, and Hu Jingqi also changed their expressions wildly, and all burst into anger.

"My lord, are you joking?" Bai Die stared at Qiu Wanli, her phoenix eyes were about to burst into flames, and even a blind person could see it. Baidie was really angry.

Qiu Wanli sneered, and said, "I am a teacher of the state. This matter has something to do with the foundation of the country. How can I be joking?"

"You..." Bai Die's delicate body trembled, her pretty face turned pale, obviously she was very angry.

Xu Wenchuan's eyebrows twitched, and he asked angrily, "National Teacher, Master Su Bingsu, is an important minister of the country. He has made great contributions to our Qingyun Empire, and he is also an important minister of the emperor. How can you kill him immediately?"

"Because of this, I have no choice but to do this! Relying on His Majesty's favor, Su Bing moved around and recruited a large number of disobedient and rebellious parties. If I don't deal with it in such a thunderous way, the consequences will be unpredictable! "

"Master Su, now he is eighty years old and dying, how could he form a clique for personal gain and conspire against others? Master National Teacher, do you have any real evidence for beheading Lord Su?" Hu Jingqi looked distressed at this moment, and directly directed at Qiu Wanli asked.

Qiu Wanli glanced at him, and said, "Of course there is! All the evidence is sealed in the National Machine Building! If Mr. Hu has any doubts, you can go and investigate!"

"I think those so-called evidences were concocted by the master of the country, right?" Bai Die said sarcastically.

Qiu Wanli's expression suddenly became serious, he glanced at Baidie, and said in a deep voice, "Your Highness, you are insulting the old minister!"

"Hmph! Say what you want, but this matter, I will never let it go!"

"You are a princess, and you are in charge of government affairs, so you can check it out! Moreover, the old minister also hopes that His Royal Highness the Princess will be able to see clearly, so that the old minister will not be suspected by others!"

"You killed Mr. Su, then... what about Mrs. Su?" Bai Die asked with a cold face.

"Mrs. Su is a very loyal woman, but it's a pity that she married the wrong person in this life. Su and the others were exposed, and she was executed in the street. Mrs. Su also committed suicide at home."

"What... what!?" Bai Die pressed her hands on the table as if struck by lightning, and then she supported her body and did not fall down.Presumably, Baidie and this Mrs. Su have an unusually deep relationship.

"National Teacher, Mrs. Su, you must have killed me, right?" Xu Wenchuan's eyes sharpened suddenly, he stared straight at Qiu Wanli, and asked sharply.

When Xu Wenchuan asked, Baidie raised her head abruptly, staring fixedly at Qiu Wanli.If Mrs. Su was really forced to death by Qiu Wanli, then he deserved death!

"Prince Xu, how can you say that? Am I the kind of vicious person who hates Wanli?"

"Hmph!" Xu Wenchuan naturally disdained Qiu Wanli's words a thousand times and ten thousand times.But in this whole matter, they had no evidence and were very passive. They had nothing to do with Qiu Wanli!

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