Qiu Wanli had already known everyone's reactions, and sneered, "His Royal Highness, Prince Xu, Mr. Sun, Mr. Hu, and this old minister still have important matters to attend to, so please forgive me for not being able to accompany you." Luo Xiao said faintly, "I hope you can learn to be smart and don't make trouble for yourself. You only have one life, and once you lose it, everything is for naught! Hahaha..."

With a series of wild laughter, Qiu Wanli walked away.That arrogant and arrogant look almost made Baidie gnash her silver teeth.

Just now, when Qiu Wanli and Bai Die were arguing with each other, Wan Dong had been searching for information about Su Bing in Xu Yaoting's memory.This kid Xu Yaoting only knows how to eat, drink, have fun and bully others on weekdays. The memory in his mind has too little confidence to be useful.However, Wan Dong still found Su Bing's information from it.

Seeing this, Wan Dong immediately understood why Bai Die and Xu Wenchuan were so angry, because he, who didn't know Su Bing at all, couldn't help crying for Su Bing's death.

Su Bing was older than Xu Wenchuan, and his qualifications were also older than Xu Wenchuan.He is loyal and pure, upright and upright, and has made countless contributions to the Qingyun Empire. He is a first-class minister of the humerus, and is deeply admired and valued by Bai Zhenshan.

In order to allow Baidie to receive a good education and training, Bai Zhenshan even let Baidie live in Su Bing's mansion for more than ten years.To a certain extent, Su Bing is Bai Die's mentor. No wonder Bai Die and Su Bing's relationship is so deep.

Such a selfless old man will form a party for personal gain and plot evil?Anyone with a little bit of IQ would not believe it, it was clearly Qiu Wanli's painstaking efforts to frame him.

Su is not only upright, but also wise!Early in the morning, he saw through the national teacher's ambition to plot the world.Relying on his own prestige, Su Bing has always been the mainstay of the DPRK and China, and Qiu Wanli's head-on collision.I don't know how many times, Qiu Wanli's plots and calculations have been thwarted!It is no exaggeration to say that without Su Bing stepping forward, Qiu Wanli's current power would at least be twice as strong.How can such a person who is dead against him not hate him?

Wan Dong couldn't help sighing, full of sympathy for Su.This is a hero who has struggled all his life. In the end, instead of enjoying his old age peacefully, he was framed and left the world with humiliation.Such a blow, no matter who it is on, cannot accept it.

And Mrs. Su, Xu Wenchuan would bring Xu Yaoting to visit her every year and festival.In Xu Yaoting's memory, this old Mrs. Su was kind and kind, always smiling, even Xu Yaoting, who was used to misbehavior, was very tolerant and loving.How could it not be heartbreaking for such an old man to end up like this?

Qiu Wanli walked away, but the people in the imperial study all fell into deathly silence.

After a while, a shrill cry suddenly sounded, and Bai Die knelt down like a tearful man, muttering incessantly, "Grandpa Su, Grandma Su, Die'er is incompetent, Die'er failed to protect you well!" ..."

Bai Die's cry was so sad that people couldn't help but burst into tears.Tang Xinyi didn't know how to comfort Baidie, so she could only cry with her.

"Crazy! It's crazy!" Xu Wenchuan slapped heavily on the bookshelf beside him, leaving a deep palm print on the bookshelf made of iron and wood.

"Don't worry! We will always get back this bloody debt from Qiu Wanli!" Although he and Su were strangers, Qiu Wanli's unscrupulous behavior for the sake of ambition also aroused Wan Dong's indignation.

"Yes! Grandpa Su, I will take revenge against Mrs. Su!" Bai Die suddenly raised her head, her tear-stained face was full of determination.

"No matter what, the Qingyun Empire must not fall into the hands of someone like Qiu Wanli!" Hu Jingqi opened his mouth and finally expressed his position, completely sided with Baidie.

"Pfft!" When everyone was filled with righteous indignation, Luo Xiao seemed to want to say something, but because he was too excited, he spat out a mouthful of blood arrows.

"Luo Xiao, how are you?" Tang Xinyi hurried over and asked.

Luo Xiao opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Wan Dong stepped forward in a hurry, stretched out a palm, and pressed it against his back.Wisps of golden light slowly swayed, shining on the person's body, warm, like sunshine in spring.

Tang Xinyi couldn't help being taken aback. She hadn't noticed before that Wan Dong's true energy was really extraordinary.

Under the nourishment of Wan Dong's Dao Qi, Luo Xiao's pale complexion quickly improved, and his eyes, which were almost dim and hollow to the extreme, gradually regained some of their spirit.For a man in despair, there is nothing precious to hope for.At this moment, Luo Xiao could smell hope on Wan Dong's body.

Seeing Luo Xiao, who was so badly injured, recover quickly under Wan Dong's hands, Bai Die's expression immediately cheered up.If Wan Dong could save Luo Xiao, who was on the front line, he would definitely be able to save Bai Zhenshan!

Sun Daobai shook his head, and said with a wry smile, "With such genuine energy, what's the point of medical skills? I think I should take the initiative to let the sages forget about my title as a medical sage!"

Xu Wenchuan glanced at him with a smile, and said, "Old Sun, don't say that either. Looking around the world, how many people can possess such miraculous true energy? After all, this medical skill is the foundation of saving lives and healing the wounded!"

Sun Daobai nodded with a smile, he just showed envy in his heart, so naturally he would not give up his lifelong pursuit of medical skills and medical skills because of this!

After about a cup of tea, Wan Dong slowly withdrew his palm.Although Luo Xiao's complexion looked better, it can be seen that his injury has not healed. This is natural. Although Wan Dong has Dao Qi, he is not a god after all. He wants to heal the seriously injured Luo Xiao in one fell swoop. Not very realistic.

As soon as Wan Dong withdrew his palm, Luo Xiao immediately jumped up from the ground.It may be because of too much force, his weak body couldn't bear it, he couldn't stand still, and he staggered and fell to the ground again. Fortunately, Wan Dong made a timely move and supported him.

"Your injury has only healed [-]% at best, and your meridians have been cut off, and Yuan Mansion is broken, but you can't stand the toss, you take it easy!"

As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Tang Xinyi, Bai Die and the others gasped.No wonder Qiu Wanli would say that Luo Xiao is a useless person. It turned out that not only Luo Xiao's meridians were broken, but the Yuan Mansion was also broken.

Luo Xiao didn't seem to listen to Wan Dong's words at all. With Wan Dong's support, as soon as he stood firmly, he couldn't wait to kneel down to Wan Dong.

"Huh? Luo Xiao, you... what are you doing?" Wan Dong hurriedly wanted to help, but Luo Xiao was very determined, and directly blocked Wan Dong's hand.

"Young Master Xu's life-saving grace, Luo Xiao will never forget it! Please accept Luo Xiao's three respects!" After speaking, Luo Xiao kowtowed three times to Wan Dong, very simply.

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