"Luo Xiao, you don't have to be like this! You are Yangde and Ke'er's friend, so that is my friend. I, Xu Yaoting, am not a person who can just stand by and watch my friends being murdered by others without doing anything. Light, I can't bear it, get up quickly!"

Wan Dong smiled and shook his head, because Luo Xiao worked for Qiu Wanli in the past, Wan Dong didn't have a good impression of him, but today he saw Luo Xiao going all out with Qiu Wanli in order to avenge his parents, even more so. He is really an admirable man.

"No! One yard is one yard, and a life-saving grace is a life-saving grace! In this life, Luo Xiao may not be able to repay Young Master Xu, but it doesn't matter, in the next life, Luo Xiao is willing to be an ox and a horse for Young Master Xu!"

Wan Dong heard the determination from Luo Xiao's words, frowned, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Luo Xiao clenched his teeth and said, "The enmity between parents is irreconcilable! As long as I, Luo Xiao, have breath, I will fight to the death with Qiu Wanli and Guichou!"

"Boy, I think you are messed up!" Xu Wenchuan couldn't help but opened his mouth and said, "Didn't you hear the meaning in Qiu Wanli's words? The reason why he let you go today is that it is predetermined, you will send it yourself. Come to the door! I think he must leave the door open now, waiting for you to die!"

"So what? Since there is no hope of revenge, it would be better to die! I should go to the underworld as soon as possible, and apologize to my parents!" Luo Xiao said heartbroken.

"Bullshit!" Xu Wenchuan's temper is so straightforward, he is about to scold anyone who doesn't like him, and he is so impolite, whoever you are!

"Although your cultivation base is crippled, your brain is not crippled, right? Who said that in this world, if you want to take revenge, you must rely on martial arts? If you use your brain well, it will be thousands of times stronger than martial arts!"

Xu Wenchuan really admired Luo Xiao, and didn't want to watch him commit stupidity and die, so he persuaded him earnestly.

"That's right, Luo Xiao, as you have seen, the people here are all Qiu Wanli's mortal enemies! As long as you cheer up, join us, and use your ingenuity, you will definitely be able to kill Qiu Wanli and avenge your parents !" Tang Xinyi also said.

"You...all of you will really help me avenge?" Luo Xiao asked excitedly.

Bai Die nodded heavily, and said with a smile: "Of course! Helping you is also helping ourselves, everyone's enemy is the same!"

After repeated persuasion by everyone, Luo Xiao finally regained his fighting spirit, and his expression became brighter a little bit.

Wan Dong stepped forward at this time, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Besides, this meridian can be renewed if it is broken, and the Yuan Mansion can be repaired if it is broken!"

"What?" As soon as Wan Dong said this, Luo Xiao was stunned on the spot, his expression was full of shock and disbelief that couldn't be concealed.

Not only him, Xu Wenchuan, Bai Die and Tang Xinyi could not help but be shocked, equally unbelievable.

Tang Xinyi couldn't help but opened her mouth and said, "Yao Ting, I know you have good intentions, and you want Luo Xiao to see hope again. But sometimes, too much is too much, if you give a person too much hope, then it will be a blow to him. , will increase accordingly.”

Xu Wenchuan turned his head to look at Sun Daobai, and asked, "Old Sun, you are a medical sage, do you think this is possible?"

Sun Daobai shook his head, and said, "If it were me, I really couldn't do it. But it's hard to say if this matter is placed on Yao Ting. The true energy he possesses seems to use a very powerful regeneration function, which is very miraculous. .”

"Then... Then, isn't Yao Ting talking big?"

Wan Dong couldn't help but let out a wry smile, and said, "Grandpa, when did I say big things?"

As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, all the people present showed a kind of weird and playful smile on their faces.Wan Dong immediately realized that he did not say anything, but Xu Yaoting, who was before him, did not say much.

"Master Xu, you...you really have a way to restore my cultivation?" Although Luo Xiao had gradually accepted this fact, he couldn't help getting excited at this moment, his voice trembling.

Wan Dong nodded confidently, and said with a smile, "Don't worry! You will return to Dingshan Palace with me in a while, and within ten days, I will definitely make you back to normal!"

"I..." When Luo Xiao heard this, he was so excited that he didn't know what to say, and subconsciously wanted to kneel down again.

This time Wan Dong was well prepared, before he knelt down, he supported him, and said in a deep voice, "I really treat you as a friend when I help you, so don't do this to me again in the future, I will help you." dislike!"

Luo Xiao hummed, took Wan Dong's words to heart, and said loudly at the same time, "Master Xu, from now on, my Luo Xiao's life is yours! Whether it is life or death, I will listen to your words!"

Baidie felt helpless, it seemed that she still didn't have that blessing.Luo Xiao's resolute appearance clearly followed Wan Dong wholeheartedly.Such a talent is completely out of luck with her.

Wan Dong would not pay attention to Bai Die's emotions, he was only very happy that he had another general like Luo Xiao under his command!

Sun Daobai gently poked Xu Wenchuan with his elbow, and said in a low voice, "Old Xu, your grandson really has a way of winning people's hearts, it's really not a cover!"

Xu Wenchuan glanced at him unhappily, and said, "Of course! My descendants, Xu Wenchuan, were born to do great things!"

Sun Daobai couldn't help nodding his head, thinking in his heart, if Yaoting continues to develop like this, his future achievements may not be inferior to his father Xu Tianlong!

"Okay, okay, let's put the unpleasant things aside. We came today to taste the cooking skills of Her Royal Highness. Your Royal Highness, I don't know when we can start?" Xu Wenchuan said with a smile.

"I'm ready, the banquet can start at any time, but before that, I think..." Bai Die cast her eyes on Wan Dong, her face burning slightly.Apologizing is really not an easy task for Baidie.Why, never did it!As a princess, she has always only accepted other people's apologies, so why should she apologize to others?Even if she wanted to, no one would dare to accept it. Aren't she afraid that there will be endless shoes?

Just when Bai Die pondered and didn't know how to speak, Wan Dong took the initiative to come forward, bent down to Bai Die with a face full of sincerity, and said: "That day, I didn't know Mount Tai with my eyes, and I offended the princess. Your Highness, I also ask Your Royal Highness to come down!"

"Ah? This..." Originally, in Baidie's script, she was the one apologizing to Wan Dong, but now it suddenly became Wan Dong apologizing to her. Can't help but get confused, a little flustered.The main thing is that I feel embarrassed, and even more regretful, regretting why I didn't take the initiative in the first place, and now I feel so guilty and guilty.

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