"No, no, it's mainly my fault. That day I... I was too Meng Lang, I..." Baidie suddenly felt like a little girl, causing Tang Xinyi who was beside her to let out a giggle.Such white butterflies are rare.

Bai Die was already uneasy, but with Tang Xinyi's smile, patches of blush appeared on her pretty face, making her even more ashamed.She gave Tang Xinyi a hard look. Seeing her smiling so happily, she must have expected such a scene long ago. She didn't remind herself, it's disgusting!

Tang Xinyi suppressed her smile and said, "Okay, princess, this is just a trivial matter, just let it go. Yao Ting is not a small-hearted person, he won't blame you."

Baidie turned her head to look at Wan Dong, seeing Wan Dong's calm expression with a smile on her face, Bai Die breathed a sigh of relief.No matter what, let this embarrassing thing pass quickly, better than anything else.But Tang Xinyi was right, this Xu Yaoting was really generous, very comparable to others.

The misunderstanding between Baidie and Wan Dong disappeared, which was completely expected in Sun Daobai's view.Smiling, she said to Bai Die: "Your Highness, don't you still need Yao Ting's help, why don't we talk about it together, and we will have no chance to talk about it when we arrive at the banquet later! Hehe..."

"One more thing?" Wan Dong looked up at Bai Die suspiciously.

Bai Die's complexion straightened immediately, this was an absolutely important matter, she did not dare to neglect in the slightest.Slightly frowning crescent eyebrows, looking into Wan Dong's eyes, Bai Die looked more serious than ever, which made Wan Dong's heart twitch.The big event Bai Die mentioned must have something to do with Balinger, right?If this is the case, then Wandong must deal with it with all his might.Ba Linger is not only his friend, but also his brother Huyue's lover, so there is no room for loss!

"My royal father suddenly fell ill with a strange disease. He was bedridden and completely lost consciousness. He hasn't recovered until now. Yesterday, it was the ice method. He almost died of Yulong. Fortunately, Mr. Sun came in time, so that my royal father was rescued." I pulled back from the gate of hell. But Elder Sun said, my father might not be able to last for a month."

Baidie didn't mention Ba Ling'er, which made Wan Dongchang heave a sigh of relief and feel relieved.

But Xu Wenchuan and Sun Daobai changed their faces at the same time, and their faces were full of shock that could not be concealed.

Xu Wenchuan looked at Sun Daobai even more fiercely, and said in a deep voice, "Is it really so serious that you can't survive even a month?"

Sun Daobai sighed and said, "Yes, it depends on luck."

"If it's only a month, I'm afraid it's too late." Hu Jingqi shook his head, his expression very solemn.

Xu Wenchuan looked at Baidie again, and said, "This is a top secret, it must not be leaked!"

Bai Die nodded and said, "Of course I know, my lord, don't worry, only the few of us present know about this matter."

Hu Jingqi was excited when he heard Baidie say this.He just showed his heart, Princess Baidie can trust him so much, it can be seen that the big secret is related to the life and death of the entire royal family, and the big secret is not hidden from him!There is an old saying that a woman is the face of someone who pleases herself, and a man who is a confidant dies!Hu Jingqi felt this way at this moment.

"Hey! Could it be that this is an inescapable fate?" Xu Wenchuan let out a long sigh, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Hehe... It is indeed destiny, but it is not necessarily destined that we will lose. Yao Ting, let me tell you what the princess will say next. I said that the emperor only has one month to live, and that is based on my medical skills. But for you, this is not the case. With your special qi, I believe that even if the emperor cannot recover suddenly, at least he can extend his life for at least one year!"

As soon as Sun Daobai's words fell, Xu Wenchuan and Hu Jingqi couldn't help showing a look of surprise on their faces.If Bai Zhenshan could recover quickly, that would be the best, but even if it only extended his life for one year, it would be of great benefit to them!

Although Bai Zhenshan is lying here, unable to move, his prestige still exists, especially in the army, there are quite a few generals who are loyal to him.As long as Bai Zhenshan keeps getting angry, they will never tolerate Qiu Wanli seeking power and usurping the throne!

"Master Xu, I beg you, you must save my royal father no matter what!" Bai Die bowed down to Wan Dongying without any hesitation, pleading with tears in her eyes.

Wan Dong hurriedly said, "Your Highness, there is no need to be like this. As long as I have the ability, I will never refuse! It's just Grandpa Sun, do you really think I can heal or extend the emperor's life?"

Sun Daobai frowned, and said, "I'm really not sure, but you are definitely the emperor's hope. Because, in the process of diagnosing the emperor for the past few years, I have faintly discovered that the reason why the emperor is so sick is Because in his body, there is a very strange power that locks his heart veins. And this power is similar to the fire poison in my body, but it is stronger and more ferocious than fire poison!"

"Is that so?" Wan Dong was taken aback.

Xu Wenchuan's expression changed even more, he suddenly looked at Sun Daobai, and asked with wide eyes, "If this is the case, does it mean that the emperor was probably killed by a traitor?"

Sun Daobai nodded, "This possibility is very high!"

"That's unreasonable! Who is so bold as to harm the emperor?" Xu Wenchuan immediately yelled angrily, causing the earth to tremble slightly.

"Who else could it be, most likely it's Qiu Wanli!" Tang Xinyi snorted, and said angrily and resentfully.

"Qiu Wanli?" Xu Wenchuan was taken aback for a moment. Qiu Wanli was indeed suspected.

Sun Daobai shook his head, and said, "About this matter, as long as the emperor can wake up, the truth will be revealed immediately. It is useless for us to exhaust our brains here. Yao Ting, your true energy is very special, since you can deal with it The fire poison in my body should be able to deal with the strange power in the emperor's body. Even if it can't be dealt with, it should be able to suppress part of it."

Wan Dong nodded immediately and said, "In that case, let's try it now!"

"Okay! Come with me, everyone!" Seeing Wan Dong agreeing so readily, Bai Die was naturally very happy.Hastily led the crowd and went straight to the Dragon Temple.

At this time, Qiu Wanli, Qiu Yunchong, and Guichou had already left the palace.

Qiu Wanli walked in front, with a straight face, without saying a word.Before he came, he didn't expect that he would eat such a big bite!Although it was said that Su Bing's death made him feel bad in the end, but it was far from enough.

"Hey! What a pity, our plan was just a little bit close to success. Speaking of it, it's all Xu Wenchuan's fault! This old guy, relying on himself as Dingshan King, yelled and domineering there, it's simply not Put your father in your eyes." Qiu Yunchong couldn't help but said bitterly.

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