"Yao Ting, how is it? Can you...can heal the emperor?" Seeing that Wan Dong took his palm back from Bai Zhenshan's back, he didn't speak, but just sat there without saying a word, his face Sometimes I was puzzled, sometimes surprised, and I didn't know what I was thinking.Finally, Tang Xinyi couldn't bear it any longer and opened her mouth to ask.

Everyone's urgency was no less than Tang Xinyi's, but no one dared to make a sound, for fear of disturbing Wan Dong's thoughts.At this time, when Tang Xinyi asked, everyone's eyes widened.

Xu Yaoting shook his head slowly.

When Xu Yaoting shook his head, everyone felt as if they had fallen into an abyss, and their expressions all changed.Especially Bai Die, whose eyes were filled with tears immediately, and a look of despair welled up on his pretty face.

Tang Xinyi was afraid that Bai Die might make a mistake, so she quickly hugged her shoulders, and at the same time looked at Wan Dong pleadingly, "No, you must have a way, right?"

Sun Daobai was also very surprised, and asked, "Yao Ting, can't you even deal with your true energy?"

"Yao Ting, everyone has placed high hopes on you, you must not let everyone down," Xu Wenchuan said.

Wan Dongdao: "Grandpa Sun is right. There is indeed a very strange force in the emperor's body. This force is very strong, but it is not completely impossible to deal with..."

"Stinky boy! Since it's not impossible, why did you shake your head just now? It made everyone so worried!" Xu Wenchuan couldn't help cursing with a smile.

Baidie's tears stopped at that time, and the light of hope flickered again in her eyes, staring straight at Wan Dong.

Wan Dong smiled bitterly, and said, "It is true that there is a way to deal with it, but not now. With my current cultivation base, I am afraid that I am not a match for this energy. If I force it, the consequences will be disastrous, and it will actually harm the emperor."

With such domineering energy, Wan Dong had to be cautious.

"Your current cultivation has reached the peak of the eighth level of true qi, isn't it a match for that power?" Xu Wenchuan asked with a puzzled face, curious in his heart, what kind of terrifying energy is in Bai Zhenshan's body? sharp.

Wan Dong smiled wryly and shook his head, "In my opinion, unless you can reach ten levels of true energy, otherwise...it's very dangerous!"

"Ten heavy with true energy!?" As soon as Wan Dong said this, everyone gasped in unison.

Xu Wenchuan was stunned for a while, then opened his mouth and asked, "Yao Ting, in your opinion, how long will it take you to reach ten levels of true qi?"

Wan Dong smiled. He really couldn't give an accurate answer to Xu Wenchuan's question.Xu Wenchuan himself knew that after asking, before Wan Dong could answer, there was an embarrassing smile on his face.

Starting from the eighth level of true qi and going up, the improvement of the realm depends not only on the accumulation of true qi, but also on chance and comprehension.Without a good opportunity and a strong enough comprehension, it is unknown whether you can break through the bottleneck and reach a higher level, let alone set a breakthrough timetable for yourself.Isn't Xu Wenchuan himself an example?If Wan Dong hadn't memorized all of Wu Qiujun's tricks by virtue of his strong memory, and copied them one by one in front of Xu Wenchuan's eyes so that he could confirm each other, Xu Wenchuan didn't know when he would be able to reach the ninth level of true energy.

What's more, according to Wan Dong's statement, he will not be able to heal Bai Zhenshan completely until his realm has reached the consummation realm of ten levels of true qi.Ten heavy zhenqi, this is the ultimate state that all warriors in the world have dreamed of for a long time.Looking at the entire Dongxuan Continent, it can be said that there are very few people who have the opportunity to enter the realm of the tenth level of true energy.In the entire Qingyun Empire, it seems that only Leng Shuangrong barely reached the tenth level of true qi.

No wonder Wan Dong shook his head at the beginning. It is simply an impossible task to go from the peak of the eighth level of true qi to the perfection of the tenth level of true qi within a month!

"How could this be? Is there no other way?" Bai Die still refused to give up, looking at Wan Dong with tears in her eyes and asking.

Wan Dong frowned, he really didn't know what to say to Bai Die.

To reach the ninth level of true qi within a month, or even reach the peak of the ninth level of true qi, Wan Dong is confident.But for him to reach ten levels of true qi, he only has a [-]-[-]% certainty at most, and this [-]-[-]% certainty is still based on luck against the sky.In such a situation, how can Wan Dong make a promise to Bai Die?Hope this kind of thing is actually very contradictory, sometimes it can bring people back from a desperate situation, but sometimes it makes people want to die!

"Could it be that my father...has no hope at all?" Bai Die murmured with tears in her eyes.

"Well, after a month, no matter what level my cultivation has reached, I will give it a try!" I couldn't bear to see Baidie's despairing expression, Wan Dong's heart thumped suddenly, and he gritted his teeth.

"Really?!" As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Bai Die's expression suddenly became excited.No matter what, as long as Wan Dong is willing to try, then everything is possible.

"Yao Ting, is this too risky? When the time comes, if something goes wrong, not only the emperor's life will be in danger, but even you..." Sun Daobai said calmly, with a worried expression on his face.

Hearing that Wan Dong would be in danger, Bai Die stopped talking immediately, and Xu Wenchuan seemed very nervous, but at this moment he didn't know what to say, and just stared at Wan Dong in a daze.

"It's a little risky, but it's worth a try! Elder Sun, I would like to trouble you to prepare more panaceas for nourishing qi and blood during this month."

"Yes! Elder Sun's elixir, coupled with Mr. Xu's true energy, maybe my father can really be saved!" Bai Die said impatiently, she really couldn't bear to give up this last glimmer of hope, even if it was just to temporarily comfort her heart, It's also good.

Sun Daobai smiled wryly, and said, "Princess, you didn't understand that Yao Ting wanted these miraculous medicines for himself. Once his true energy is exhausted, he will count on these miraculous medicines to gather Qi for him."

"Ah!? This..." Baidie couldn't help exclaiming, her pretty face changing again and again.

The same was true for Tang Xinyi, tears glistened in her moved eyes.This undoubtedly shows that Wan Dong is not like what he said, just ready to give it a try, but decided to go all out, even betting his life!How much determination and sacrifice is it to refuse to give up even if one's true energy is exhausted, and to rely on spiritual pills to gather one's energy?

"Thank you!" They all said that there was no thanks, but at this moment, apart from these two words, Baidie couldn't think of anything else to say to Wan Dong.She bowed deeply towards Wan Dong, Bai Die had long forgotten about what a noble princess is, and now she is a daughter who longs for her father to get better!

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