Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 311 Zong Tianwei's Invitation!

Bai Zhenshan's situation is not optimistic. Although Wan Dong promised to give it a try, he has to take the risk of living and dying with Bai Zhenshan. This makes everyone's mood as heavy as lead. Somewhat bland.Even though Princess Baidie's culinary skills were really eye-catching, they couldn't fully mobilize the atmosphere of the banquet.

After the haste was over, Wan Dong brought Luo Xiao back to Dingshan Prince's Mansion, and that night, he began to use Dao Qi to renew Luo Xiao's meridians and replenish Yuan Mansion.At first, Luo Xiao still had doubts in his heart, but when he personally felt that his severed meridians were slowly reunited, and even the shattered Yuan Mansion was brought together again, and slowly healed under the shining of golden lights, All the doubts in my heart disappeared immediately, and my fighting spirit was high again.

After going on like this for three days, Luo Xiao's broken meridians and shattered Yuan Mansion have already recovered, and even his cultivation base has recovered by [-]%.From Luo Xiao's point of view, this was simply a miracle, and he was naturally pleasantly surprised.

Wan Dong also breathed a sigh of relief. He originally estimated that it would take ten days for Luo Xiao's cultivation to return to the original level. Now it seems that Luo Xiao can recover in six or seven days at most.

"Brother Luo, how are you? Are you feeling better?" Liu Ke'er pushed the door open with Wang Yangde and walked in with a plate of snacks that looked delicious.

Three days ago, when Wan Dong brought Luo Xiao back, seeing Luo Xiao drenched in blood and looking weak, Wang Yangde and Liu Ke'er couldn't mention how nervous they were, and felt even more angry.If it wasn't for Wan Dong's stern words to stop him, Wang Yangde would rush to the National Teacher's Mansion to make trouble.

Luo Xiao looked at the two of them and said with a smile, "Brother Xu healed me, and you took good care of me. I can't even think about it! Hehe..."

As the injury slowly healed, Luo Xiao returned to his previous look. This was what made Wang Yangde and Liu Ke'er the happiest.

"Come on, try the crisp cakes I made. After you eat them, I'll take care of you sooner!" Liu Ke'er smiled and brought the dim sum in front of Luo Xiao.

Luo Xiao was about to reach out his hand, when Wang Yangde who was at the side suddenly said eagerly, "Brother Luo, please leave some money for me."

Luo Xiao was taken aback, and asked, "Why, haven't you eaten?"

Liu Ke'er turned her head and gave Wang Yangde a hard look, and said to Luo Xiao, "Brother Luo, leave him! I just realized now that he's a foodie, he's already eaten more than a dozen yuan, and it's not enough!"

"Nonsense, how can there be more than ten yuan? It's only ten yuan!" Wang Yangde rubbed his nose and quickly argued.

"Ten yuan is still less? I only made 20 yuan in total, okay? Go cool down, these belong to Brother Luo and Yaoting, and you have no share in them!" Liu Ke'er said fiercely, but the smile on his face Meaning, it has not been reduced from beginning to end.

It is said that if a woman wants to keep a man, she must first keep his stomach. This is not true at all.In the past, Liu Ke'er tried every means to pester Wang Yangde, but now it's completely reversed, especially when it's meal time, Wang Yangde is like a fly that can't be chased away, circling around Liu Keer non-stop. It added some sweet troubles to Liu Ke'er.

"Hahaha..." Seeing that Wang Yangde and Liu Ke'er seemed to be faintly about to pierce the window paper, Luo Xiao was happier than the two of them, and his laughter was extremely carefree.

"Master, I know you have a small appetite and can't eat much, do you want me..."

"Don't!" Before Wang Yangde finished speaking, Wan Dong stood up abruptly, stretched out his hand, and rolled up his own half of the crisp cake, swallowing it non-stop.

It wasn't that Wan Dong deliberately teased Wang Yangde, it was that Liu Ke'er was very good at making dim sum. Even Ning Shan praised her and even asked him for advice from time to time.It's rare to be able to enjoy Luo Xiao's light and feast on the food, Wan Dong will not take advantage of Wang Yangde.

"Master, you..." Seeing a few pieces of good crispy cakes, in the blink of an eye, only the dregs were left, and even the dregs got into Wan Dong's mouth in the end, Luo Xiao's face suddenly froze. collapsed.There are still some in Luo Xiao's place, but Luo Xiao is a sick patient, no matter how thick-skinned Wang Yangde is, he is too embarrassed to grab his food.

"Yao Ting, I really regret it now!" Looking at Wan Dong, Luo Xiao suddenly let out a long sigh of emotion.

Wan Dong was taken aback, and asked in confusion, "Regret?"

Luo Xiao nodded heavily, and said with a serious face, "I regret it very much, why couldn't I be ashamed at that time, just like Yang De, to worship you as my teacher?"

When Wan Dong's Dao Qi circulated in Luo Xiao's body, Luo Xiao could clearly feel the majestic power contained in it, and Luo Xiao began to regret it at that time.Wan Dong's state is more than enough to be his master.It is said that there is a sequence, and there is a specialization in the art industry!Luo Xiao could recite these words fluently since he was a child, but when it came to the critical point, he still couldn't get rid of the constraints of vanity and face, and ended up missing an excellent opportunity for nothing.

When Wan Dong heard this, he immediately said, "Brother Luo, you don't need to regret it. Even if you wanted to worship me as a teacher, I would not agree. As an apprentice, one is enough. What I really want is to be able to stand side by side with me." Fight, brothers who live and die together!"

"Brother?" Luo Xiao's eyes blurred for a while, and then suddenly burst into an indescribable heat, nodded heavily, and said loudly, "Okay! Then let us be brothers for a lifetime!"

The hands of the two young men held each other tightly.No one can predict what kind of storm this will bring to the entire Dongxuan Continent.

"Boss!" A loud shout sounded from outside the door.

A bright smile appeared on the corner of Wan Dong's mouth, and he pushed the door and walked out.

"Hehe... you boy, where did you die these days? I thought you forgot me, the boss!" Looking at Zong Yang who was smiling in front of him, Wan Dong asked feigned anger.

Zong Yang was not good at words, just laughed dryly and kept scratching his head.

Wan Dong shook his head, for such a younger brother, there is nothing he can do to be the boss.Turning to look at Zong Qinghe beside Zong Yang, she nodded lightly, "Miss Zong, you are here too."

Zong Qinghe pouted, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart. The treatment her younger brother enjoys at Wandong's place is obviously higher than that of her older sister.But thinking about it, she was relieved.Zong Yang is Wan Dong's brother, but what about her?I haven't met a few times in total, but I put them together, naturally there is a difference between closeness and estrangement.

"Master Xu has not officially expressed his gratitude to our Azure Dragon Gang for their great kindness!"

Wan Dong waved his hand and said, "It's just a little effort, what's the point? And the sect master is a hero I have always admired, how can I not help?"

Zong Qinghe smiled and said: "Although I don't say thank you for my great kindness, but my father said that if I don't express it at all, it is really unjustifiable. So I specially ordered someone to find a jar of 50-year-old wine, and prepared it A table of good food, waiting to get drunk with Master Xu! I said, Master Xu, you will not disobey your face, right?"

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