Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 318 The Treasure of the Town Store!

"What I want to see is the best sword in your Tianbao Pavilion, don't fool me with scraps of metal, otherwise don't blame me for turning my face!" Wan Dong pointed at Pi Xiong, whose eyes are not eyes and nose is not nose, He snorted coldly.

"Yes yes yes! You are satisfied with taking care of Master Xu!" Pi Xiong hurriedly nodded and agreed, and hurriedly ordered someone to fetch it.

Seeing that Pi Xiong's men didn't go to pick up weapons from the counter, but turned around and walked into a small door, Wan Dong sneered, knowing that Pi Xiong didn't have the courage to perfunctory him.All treasure shops are like this, the real good things will never be put on display.

Not long after, a long sword about three feet in length came into Pi Xiong's hands.Wan Dong looked at it coldly, only to see that the scabbard of this sword was antique and fragrant, revealing a faint fragrance, simple yet powerful.Among other things, the scabbard alone is probably worth a lot.

Many of the onlookers around were masters who knew the goods, and they all exclaimed. Obviously, they did not expect that such a treasure was hidden in Tianbao Pavilion!

The smile on Wan Dong's face became more and more gloomy. Today Tianbao Pavilion is like rapeseed, if it is not squeezed, the oil and water will never flow out by itself.

"Hey...Master Xu, this sword is the treasure of our Tianbao Pavilion. It is extremely sharp and of first-class quality. It can be called a magic weapon. You will be satisfied with keeping it!" Pi Xiong held the sword in front of Wan Dong with a smile. Looks pretty confident.

"Shen Bing? What a bold tone!" Wan Dong snorted and took the sword over.

After starting with it, I discovered that this scabbard not only looks extraordinary, but also feels excellent to the touch. It is smooth and warm. It is not jade, but it has the same characteristics as jade. It should be some kind of animal skin. Wan Dong is not like this An expert can't identify it, but he can be sure of one thing, this kind of animal must be extremely rare and precious.

Seeing Wan Dong's expression startled slightly, the smile on Pi Xiong's face became even brighter, and he hurriedly said: "How about it, can this sword still enter your eyes, Young Master Xu?"

While talking, Pi Xiong started to calculate in his heart, what kind of sky-high price should be offered in a while, to scare off this young master Xu.He was reluctant to sell such a magical weapon, and he still sold it to someone who made his teeth itch.

"Hmph! I'll have to wait until I see it with my own eyes to know whether it can enter my eyes." Wan Dong's face turned cold, and he quickly pulled the blade out of the scabbard.

There was a crisp sound like a chime bell ringing, clear and crisp like jade and stone, so pleasant to the ear.At the same time, a chilling sword aura swept over in an instant. Because of Wan Dong's arrival, the temperature, which had already dropped sharply, dropped again, so that everyone present couldn't help but fight. a shudder.

Such a precious sword, it really is extraordinary.The sword's edge, which is as cold as snow, faintly exudes a murderous aura, round and transparent, revealing a bit of fantasy and nobility.The flawless sword body, at first glance, was made through thousands of tempers, and the double blades each shone with silver light, scorching one's eyes. Just by looking at it, one can imagine that the blade is so sharp that it can cut iron like mud.

People in martial arts, where is there a bad sword?As soon as the sword came out, the audience was shocked, and everyone couldn't help but hold their breath. They were obviously shocked by the sharpness of the magic weapon. No one spoke for a long time, and the needle could be heard.

The expressions of the people around made Pi Xiong even more proud.Last time, Wandong made a big disturbance in Tianbao Pavilion, which affected the reputation of Tianbao Pavilion to a considerable extent.Just take this opportunity to restore the influence of Tianbao Pavilion!

The sword is indeed a good sword, at least by the standards of the ordinary small world, it is definitely up to the level of a treasured sword.If he hadn't received Xuantian Damingshen's sword casting technique, Wan Dong would have been intimidated by the sharpness of the sword just like those onlookers.

But now, Wan Dong's vision is already too high, and a sword of this quality still seems a bit crude to him.At least there are still quite a few impurities in the sword body that have not been completely removed, and its quality can at least be improved a little bit!

"Master Xu, this sword cuts iron like mud, blows hair and short hair, and because it is infused with blood and steel energy, it is indestructible. It is really a rare and peerless weapon! If Master Xu is interested, then I will give it to Master Xu." You can give me a 200% discount, and I will charge you [-] million taels of gold!"

"200 million taels!?" As soon as Pi Xiong finished speaking, the surroundings suddenly exploded, and there were many discussions.

Although this sword is a good sword, 200 million taels of gold is obviously expensive!What about a [-]% discount? This is completely fishing for Wan Dong as a winner.

Wan Dong frowned, and glanced at Pi Xiong coldly, Pi Xiong's expression suddenly looked a little embarrassed, clearly a guilty conscience.

Although this sword is good, at best it is worth seventy-eight million taels of gold, so Pi Xiong knows it well.But there was nothing he could do. The last time Wan Dong took away 800 million taels of gold from Tianbao Pavilion, a mere seven to eight million taels, it couldn't help him at all.If Wan Dong gritted his teeth and bought it, then Pi Xiong would be blinded on the spot.It was only after some deliberation that Pi Xiong quoted such a price. He only hoped that Wan Dong would be furious and decide not to buy it. Then today's matter would be over, and naturally Wan Dong would have no face to continue making trouble. .

Although this would inevitably give him the reputation of being thick-skinned and dark-hearted, he didn't really care. Tianbao Pavilion has been thick-skinned and dark-hearted for a long time.If you don't have a thick skin and a dark heart, how can you collect money in the Qingyun Empire?

What worried Pi Xiong was that after he quoted a price of 200 million, Wan Dong's expression did not change a bit, neither surprised nor angry.It seems that the sky-high price quoted by Pi Xiong is a matter of course.

"Is this sword made by the Liu family?" Wan Dong asked calmly, waving the edge of the sword.

At this time, Pi Xiong was completely unable to understand Wan Dong's mind, and couldn't help feeling more and more nervous.

"Master Xu, the Liu family is not the only one who can forge magical weapons. This sword was forged by the swordsmiths of our Iron War Dynasty!" No matter how uneasy he was, he could mention the origin of this sword. On Xiong's face, there was still a hint of pride that was not concealed.

Wan Dong has a thousand and 1 dislikes for the Tie Zhan Dynasty people, but he has to admit that the Tie Zhan Dynasty people's deep-rooted and heartfelt sense of national pride is really impressive. people admire.

"No wonder." After hearing Pi Xiong's answer, Wan Dong murmured.

"No wonder what?" Pi Xiong asked with a bewildered look on his face.

Wan Dong glanced at him, snorted coldly, and said, "No wonder this sword is so bad, it almost stained my eyes!"

"What... what!?" Pi Xiong couldn't believe his ears, he was stunned.

The surrounding crowd also let out an exclamation in unison at this time, just like Pi Xiong's feeling.

"Master Xu, today you..." Pi Xiong's eyes slowly turned cold, and the words he said were also chilling.He thought to himself, it seems that he deliberately came to pick trouble today, and it has nothing to do with the quality of the sword!

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