Not only Pi Xiong thought so, but also the people watching.Otherwise, why would Wan Dong insist that such a peerless sword is worthless?It also stained his eyes, what a tone!

However, unlike Pi Xiong, the onlookers did not blame Wan Dong, but seemed even more excited.They just want to see Wan Dong make a fuss again in Tianbao Pavilion, and teach Tianbao Pavilion a lesson, so that they will follow suit.

"Why, what is that look in your eyes? Do you want to eat this young master?" Wan Dong cast a sidelong glance at Pi Xiong, and asked coldly, full of disdain.

"Master Xu, it's the honor of our entire Tianbao Pavilion that you are willing to honor us, but if you come to make trouble, we will never be polite!" Pi Xiong decided not to give in to Wan Dong any more.He could tell that Wan Dong didn't eat hard or soft!

Wan Dong came today, really not for anything else, but to make trouble in Tianbao Pavilion and get Suan Ni out.Seeing Pi Xiong put on such a face, it fell right into his arms.

Just when Wan Dong laughed and was about to explode, Duan Lengyan appeared.When Pi Xiong realized that Wan Dong came here on purpose to make trouble, he immediately ordered Duan Lengyan to come over with a wink.For nothing else, just to let Duan Lengyan be a witness for him, he has tried his best, Xu Yaoting deliberately wanted to make trouble, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"Mr. Xu?" Seeing Wan Dong, Duan Lengyan's mind immediately came up with the scene when the two met in the city, and her pretty face couldn't help but blush slightly.Duan Lengyan herself couldn't explain why she blushed, anyway, she was blushing, it was natural and out of her control.

Wan Dong looked at Duan Lengyan and nodded slightly, but the coldness on his face did not retreat at all.

"Third Miss!" Now that Duan Lengyan has stepped out, Pi Xiong's mind immediately settled down, and he retreated behind Duan Lengyan, leaving everything to her to handle.

"What's going on?" Seeing Wan Dong's complexion was wrong, Duan Lengyan asked with crimson eyebrows.

Pi Xiong immediately leaned into Duan Lengyan's ear, and explained what happened in detail.Wan Dong didn't even bother to eavesdrop on the private conversation between the two, besides, he could guess what Pi Xiong would say.

"You..." Sure enough, as soon as Pi Xiong finished speaking, Duan Lengyan's face became a little more angry, and she glared at Wan Dong with regret.Well, who wouldn't be annoyed by being bullied by someone coming to your door?But Duan Lengyan only said "you" before stopping abruptly, followed by a sigh.

For some reason, Wan Dong was also a little awkward at this time.But in order to find Suan Ni, he could only endure it!

"Master Xu, there are many people here, how about going inside to talk?"

Wan Dong chuckled lightly, and said, "Okay! Can you still eat this young master?"

Wan Dong readily agreed to Duan Lengyan, which disappointed everyone around who were waiting to see the show.But disappointment is disappointment, no one left, still holding some expectations.

"Master Xu, Tianbao Pavilion treats you as a distinguished guest, you are deceiving people too much by doing this, right?" When Duan Lengyan came inside, Pi Xiong opened his mouth to speak first.

If he doesn't perform well, if Duan Lengyan considers him incompetent, his end will be miserable.

"Are you guys bullying too much, or am I bullying too much?" To Duan Lengyan, Wan Dong was a little awkward, but to Pi Xiong, he didn't have so many scruples, immediately snorted coldly, and sneered back. "I want to buy a good sword, but you give me such rotten metal! Why, do you think this young master is poor and can't afford your good sword?"

"Young master Xu, you must be kind! Do you really think this sword is worthless?" Pi Xiong was angry for a while, he was talking nonsense with his eyes open!

"That's right! In the eyes of this young master, this is scrap metal!"

"Hmph... Then I have to ask, what kind of magical weapon is it that is considered a piece of scrap metal in your eyes, Young Master Xu?"

Wan Dong turned his head and glanced at Duan Lengyan, only to see that Duan Lengyan just kept looking at her stupidly, silent, and didn't know what was going on in his heart, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"At least I have to be able to bear my true energy, so I won't cut it off casually!" Wan Dong looked away from Duan Lengyan, feeling a little guilty for some reason.

"Ha! Okay! Then, Young Master Xu, you might as well give it a try and see if this sword can withstand your true energy!"

Hearing Wan Dong's words, Pi Xiong almost laughed outright.The sword in his hand is definitely a first-class magic weapon.When it was cast, an unknown amount of blood steel raw stone was consumed, and it was so tough that even the true qi of a master at the tenth level of true qi would definitely be able to bear it!Pi Xiong made up his mind to read Wan Dong's jokes, and to embarrass his face, so as not to make him mistakenly think that Tianbao Pavilion is a soft persimmon, which he can pinch as he pleases.

"You really want me to try?" Wan Dong narrowed his eyes and asked with a sneer.

Wan Dong's sneer and sarcasm, in Pi Xiong's eyes, turned into a sign of guilt, he sneered, and said, "Of course! Young Master Xu just try!"

"But if this sword is destroyed, will your Tianbao Pavilion let me pay for it?"

When Wan Dong asked, Pi Xiong's heart skipped a beat, this sword is the treasure of Tianbao Pavilion, it is extremely precious.Although he is the manager, he can't make the decision at all, not to mention that Leng Yan is standing aside at this time, where is it his turn to overstep?

"Third Miss, Third Miss?" Pi Xiong looked towards Duan Lengyan, not knowing what Duan Lengyan was thinking, he shouted twice, Duan Lengyan answered vaguely.

"Third Miss, let Young Master Xu try it, you decide."

"Try..." Duan Lengyan lightly parted her red lips, and a word floated out, her eyes were still a little empty, and she didn't know where her thoughts were.

"Okay! Don't regret it!" Wan Dong immediately responded, and injected Dao Qi into the sword without hesitation.

Hearing from Pi Xiong that this sword is the treasure of Tianbao Pavilion, Wan Dong has already made up his mind that he will destroy this sword no matter what he says. .

Brilliant golden lights immediately enveloped the entire sword edge. As soon as it came up, Wan Dong used the method of sword casting. In the blink of an eye, his Dao Qi was as hot as magma, making people even approach him. are difficult.

Shocking waves of heat continuously radiated from the golden light, causing Pi Xiong to let out an exclamation. At this time, Leng Yan also woke up completely. Looking at Wan Dong, she couldn't help it. I yelled "What... what is he doing?"

While gritting his teeth against the heat wave, Pi Xiong looked at Duan Lengyan in amazement, and said, "Try the sword! Third girl, don't worry. Although this kid's true energy is weird, this sword is absolutely indestructible and will never break. !" It's rare that Pi Xiong can still maintain such confidence at this time, it's not easy!

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