Pi Xiong couldn't help turning his head to look at Duan Lengyan and asked, "Third Miss, isn't Mr. Jin good at forging swords? Wasn't it the same when Mr. Jin forged swords? I...why do I feel something is wrong?" , there is no sword casting furnace, and there is no fire, this..."

Duan Lengyan sneered, a look of sarcasm appeared on her face, and said coldly: "Although Jin Xidao is good at forging swords, I can assure you that he has absolutely no such ability."

"Third Miss, you mean that the young master of the Xu family's sword-making skills are especially superior to the third master Jin?" Pi Xiong couldn't help but widen his eyes, which were filled with disbelief.You know, Jin Xidao is recognized as a master of sword casting, and represents the highest level of sword casting in the entire Iron War Dynasty.At the same time, he is also recognized by the entire Dongxuan Continent as the only person who can challenge the Liu family's sword casting skills.

How can Pi Xiong not be surprised that such a master swordsmith is not as good as an ignorant dude?

It wasn't just Pi Xiong who was surprised, in fact, even Duan Lengyan thought it was unacceptable.But a woman's feeling told her that what she said was right!The aura and testament Wan Dong showed at this time are by no means comparable to Jin Xidao.

Just when Duan Lengyan and Pi Xiong were shocked and couldn't accept what was in front of them, the golden light diffused in front of their eyes suddenly faded away, and at the same time, an icy feeling swept across the whole room instantly.

From scorching heat to severe cold, this change is so fast, so sudden and smooth, as if it happened overnight, as one likes, Duan Lengyan and Pi Xiong are not only surprised, but also feel a little terrified.No matter what kind of zhenqi Wan Dong possesses, such skillful and superb control is enough to make any enemy tremble.

Compared with the last time in Tianbao Pavilion, Wan Dong's progress is really too great.Compared with when Duan Lengyan met Wan Dong for the first time, there was no comparison at all.It's hard to imagine that such a remarkable and huge change will happen to a person.Unable to restrain herself, Duan Lengyan developed an irrepressible curiosity towards Wan Dong, and even felt a very powerful attraction emanating from Wan Dong's body, making her approach Wan Dong involuntarily.

Melting swords, tempering, and forming swords, all in one go, without stagnation!A bright sword light suddenly lit up, piercing Duan Lengyan and Pi Xiong's eyes suddenly hurt, they hurriedly blocked it with their hands, and at the same time stepped back hurriedly.

Although I haven't seen clearly what the reforged sword will look like, but this majestic power alone is enough to make the two of them shudder.No need to look any further, and no need to ask questions. Feeling alone is enough to make them realize that the quality of the recasted sword has definitely improved by more than one level.

"This sword is a few inches shorter, I hope you don't mind." Wan Dong glanced at it and was satisfied, handed it to Duan Lengyan, and said.

The sword was a few inches shorter than before, but this did not attract Duan Lengyan's attention at all.Just because all of Duan Lengyan's attention was almost attracted by the sword's edge as bright as a bright moon, how could he be distracted to pay attention to these details?

"This... is this the same sword as before?"

Take the sword from Wan Dong's hand.A clear stream immediately flowed into Duan Lengyan's body along the hilt of the sword, causing her to shiver uncontrollably, and instantly refreshed.At the same time, an unparalleled sense of fit also surged up, as if the sword was a part of Duan Lengyan's body, inseparable.

When holding the sword, Duan Lengyan really felt like holding her father's hand, kind and warm!Even the childhood memories hidden in the depths of her mind were highlighted, causing tears to glisten in her eyes.

Pi Pixiong was stunned for a while, and suddenly understood, no wonder people regard him as a precious sword, as a piece of scrap metal.you do not say!Seeing the re-tempered magic weapon in front of him, isn't his previous one just a piece of scrap metal?

"Why, you are not satisfied?" Seeing that Duan Lengyan was about to cry again, Wan Dong asked with a wry smile.

"You...how on earth did you do it?" Duan Lengyan suddenly raised her head and looked into Wan Dong's gaze, full of curiosity.

"Didn't you see it all, and I didn't avoid you!"

"But..." Duan Lengyan wanted to say something, but she swallowed it back, and shook her head helplessly.

Of course she saw it, but she just watched it for fun, how could she understand the mystery of it?certainly!If she hadn't expected that she wouldn't understand, she wouldn't have used this supernatural power in front of her.

"You really want to give me this sword?" Duan Lengyan looked at Wan Dong in disbelief and asked.

"This is yours."

"What I mean is that the quality of this sword is several notches higher than my original one, and its value has also increased several times. You gave it to me, aren't you afraid of losing money?"

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Don't be afraid! No matter how good the quality of this sword is, it is no longer the one your father gave you. If it is a loss, it is your loss."

Unexpectedly, Wan Dong would say this, Duan Lengyan couldn't help being taken aback, at the same time, a warm current flooded from the bottom of her heart and spread all over her body.Even Pi Xiong on the side widened his eyes in surprise, as if he knew this person for the first time.

"Actually, I...I really don't want to be your enemy." After a long silence, Duan Lengyan suddenly raised her head and opened her mouth to Wan Dong.

Wan Dong said with a smile: "Actually, we shouldn't be enemies. My grandfather and your master are brothers. We should belong to the same sect."

"So, you are my junior brother?" A bright smile appeared on Duan Lengyan's face.

Wan Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "No, you should be my junior sister! Don't forget, my grandfather is your master's senior brother!"

"Cut! In that case, my master is of the same generation as your grandfather, and you are a generation lower than me!"

"Halo! How can you say that?"

"What about it? About age? You are younger than me, of course I am your senior sister! Dear junior brother, senior sister is here, why don't you hurry up and salute?"


"Heck...why don't you talk? If you don't talk, it's a tacit consent! Junior brother is so good!"


Looking at Duan Lengyan who was chirping like a magpie, Pi Xiong was stunned again. Compared with Duan Lengyan who was in pain and out of control, Duan Lengyan at this time is even rarer!

Don't look at Wan Dong and Duan Lengyan smiling, seeming to be very happy, but they both know deep down that this is just an illusion.The camp of the two will not change for a day, and the hostile relationship between the two will not end for a day.It is indeed a bit cruel, but this is reality.

Slowly, Duan Lengyan calmed down.Looking at the sharper sword edge in his hand although it was a few inches shorter, he murmured, "This sword still has the taste of my father. I can feel that this is the same sword as before, but with a sharper edge. Sheng! Master Xu, thank you!"

Hearing that Duan Lengyan changed her address back to Young Master Xu, Wan Dong couldn't help sighing in his heart, feeling a little helpless...

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