Wan Dong smiled wryly, and said, "You're welcome, as long as you are satisfied. I just hope that the blade of this sword will not be stained with the blood of soldiers from other countries! If it can become a sword of peace, I'd be happier then."

"Sword of Peace?" Duan Lengyan was stunned for a moment, then shook her head with a bitter expression.As far as the current situation is concerned, it may be impossible to maintain peace.

After a while, Duan Lengyan looked into Wan Dong's eyes and said solemnly, "I dare not promise you too much, but I can guarantee that I will never let this sword be stained with innocent blood."

"Okay! I believe you!" The sword was already in Duan Lengyan's hands, and Wan Dong had no choice but to believe.But looking at Duan Lengyan's serious expression, Wan Dong was very confident that if Duan Lengyan said it, he would definitely be able to do it.

Putting the sword away, Duan Lengyan gave Wan Dong a slight smile and said, "Tell me, you came to Tianbao Pavilion today, you are not purely to cause trouble, are you?"

Wan Dong touched his nose, coughed a few times, and said, "Actually, I came today to find someone."

"Looking for someone?" Duan Lengyan's eyebrows twitched slightly, her heart was beating wildly, she thought to herself, could it be that she is looking for me?

Just when Duan Lengyan's thoughts were flying and her mind was in a mess, Wan Dong nodded and said, "That's right! I'm looking for a guy named Suan Ni, who is from your Tie Zhan Dynasty, and he is a master. I think Miss Duan should know this person." Bar?"

"Xuan Ni?" Duan Lengyan's heart immediately cooled down, and she was a little disappointed.But in front of Wan Dong, Duan Lengyan naturally refused to show it, her expression was slightly startled, and she asked, "What do you want him for?"

"So, you really know this person?" As soon as Wan Dong's eyes lit up, he knew that he must be looking for Duan Lengyan.

Seeing Wan Dong's expression, as if he was eager to find Suan Ni, Duan Lengyan felt even more curious.He nodded and said, "That's right! I know, and I can tell you where he is, but you have to tell me first, what are you looking for him for?"

"I want this bastard's life!" Duan Lengyan asked, and Wan Dong immediately erupted with a terrifying murderous aura like a volcanic eruption, which made her shiver involuntarily.

"He... He offended you?"

"It's more than offending! Miss Duan, I know that Suan Ni is a member of the Tie Zhan Dynasty, and must have inextricable connections with you, but I still sincerely hope that you don't cover him, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, how about killing me too?" Wan Dong stopped abruptly as he spoke, Duan Lengyan's mouth immediately swayed with a sly smile, and a pair of big eyes stared at Wan Dong, Full of heat.

Wan Dong frowned, and said in a deep voice, "I just want to say that Suan Ni must die, and no one can protect him!"

Duan Lengyan laughed a few times, and said, "Understood! Fortunately, I don't know Suan Ni well, otherwise I would be miserable, hehe..."

Wan Dong's expression brightened, and he hurriedly said, "That is to say, are you willing to tell me where Suan Ni is?"

Duan Lengyan's face became serious, she paused her head heavily, and said: "Of course! But you have to be careful, Suan Ni's cultivation base is very high, it is not so easy to deal with. Moreover, Suan Ni is from the Jin family, if you kill him Now, we must consider the crazy revenge from the Jin family!"

Wan Dong let out a sneer, "Could it be that if I don't kill Suan Ni, the Jin family won't take revenge on me? Hmph... The relationship between me and the Jin family is already immortal, so I'm not afraid to add Suan Ni to it!"

Duan Lengyan had forgotten that the Jin family was here for Wan Dong.

"Perhaps... maybe together with him, we can get rid of Jin Xidao, Fu Chuanjing, and the Twelve Beast Kings!" Duan Lengyan's heart suddenly moved. Pack it up and flood it quickly.

If this is the case, Zi Gang Ling will be destroyed, and the remaining small shrimps will be completely insignificant!Moreover, the death of Jin Xidao will also severely damage the Jin family and greatly weaken the strength of the Jin family. Perhaps the political structure of the Tie Zhan Dynasty will undergo earth-shaking changes immediately.

Just can it be done?Jin Xidao, Fu Chuanjing, and the Twelve Beast Kings are all first-class masters. Together, it is no problem to win a medium-sized city.Duan Lengyan has a big appetite, but it requires not only a good appetite, but also a good mouth!

He looked up at Wan Dong, and saw Wan Dong's expression was awe-inspiring and his bearing was vigorous, like a majestic majestic peak reaching into the sky, making people look up to him.The doubts in Duan Lengyan's heart disappeared in an instant, she bit her red lips hard, and made up her mind, "Fight! No matter what!"

"Okay! To express my gratitude, I will help you find Suan Ni."

Unexpectedly, Duan Lengyan agreed so readily, Wan Dong was a little surprised.

Seeing Wan Dong's surprised expression, Duan Lengyan gave a wry smile, and said, "You don't need to guess, I can tell you that our Iron War Dynasty is not monolithic. The Jin family and I are basically in conflict..."

"Third Miss!" Hearing that Duan Lengyan had told Wan Dong such a confidential matter, Pi Xiong felt it was inappropriate, so he whispered from the side.

Duan Lengyan waved her hand at her, looked into Wan Dong's eyes, and said, "There is no need to hide these things, as long as you spend a little time, you can make it clear."

That's the way it is said, but you have to find it and check it.Tie Zhan Dynasty has established such a huge intelligence agency in Qingyun Empire, basically everything that happened in Qingyun Empire, Tie Zhan Dynasty is clear, but Qingyun Empire knows almost nothing about Tie Zhan Dynasty.Everyone is focusing on capturing the dragon position, who wants to go to the Iron War Dynasty to collect information?

Since Duan Lengyan even revealed this secret matter, it shows that she really wants to help, and Wan Dong is grateful.

"If you want to use my hand to cut off the power of the Jin family, I'm happy to help!"

Duan Lengyan couldn't help being slightly embarrassed by Wan Dong's words, she thought to herself, could this guy be a roundworm in my stomach, why does he seem to know what I'm thinking?It's... terrible!

Wan Dong laughed loudly, and said, "Miss Duan, I know you have a lot to do every day, so don't bother me, and leave!"


Before Duan Lengyan could finish speaking, Wan Dong's figure had already drifted away, leaving only Duan Lengyan's unrestrained back, disturbing her heart.

"Third Miss, I know what you mean, but would it be too risky to do so? Jin Xidao and those people are not easy to mess with!" Pi Xiong was a little worried, walked over, and said to Duan Lengyan.

Duan Lengyan raised her eyebrows, let out a chuckle, and said quietly, "Jin Xidao is not easy to provoke, but is Xu Yaoting easy to provoke?"

Pi Xiong was stunned by Duan Lengyan's question, and after contacting Wan Dong several times, he has already discovered that Wan Dong is not easy to provoke, but extremely afraid, and must not be provoked!There are endless ways to turn the impossible into reality, Pi Xiong has experienced it twice, it is really enough!Never want to have a next time!

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