Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 324 The thief who broke into Dingshan Prince's mansion privately!

Boom boom boom!

A hasty knock on the door interrupted Duan Lengyan's thoughts, Duan Lengyan raised her crescent eyebrows in displeasure, and was about to ask Pi Xiong to open the door, when the door was pushed open from the outside very rudely, with a bang There was a loud noise, but fortunately the quality of the door was good, otherwise it would have to be broken open.

Jin Xidao and Fu Chuanjing strode in as if there was no one else around.Jin Xidao didn't seem to see Duan Lengyan, his eyes just searched the room, and after he was sure that there were only Duan Lengyan and Pi Xiong in the room, he fixed his eyes on Duan Lengyan.

"Where's that bastard Xu Yaoting?"

Jin Xidao and Fu Chuanjing heard the commotion in front of them, so they came out to see what was going on, and they heard that it was Xu Yaoting who came, Jin Xidao exploded on the spot, and came looking for him like the wind.But when he pushed open the door, he was still a step late, and Xu Yaoting was gone.

Seeing Jin Xidao who was a bit out of breath, Duan Lengyan sneered and said, "Just left!"

As soon as Duan Lengyan's words fell, Fu Chuanjing suddenly jumped up and fled out of the window. After a while, he returned and said to Jin Xi, shaking his head dejectedly, obviously he didn't find Xu Yaoting's shadow.

Xu Yaoting was so close, but he insisted on not meeting him, how could Jin Xidao not be angry?In the blink of an eye, an old face turned into a liver-colored face, with anger still gathering, and a pair of eyes, full of sparks, "Why didn't you keep him!"

"Why do you want to keep him? Does Mr. Jin want to invite him to dinner?"

"You!" Jin Xidao roared in rage, and suddenly raised his palms high.

Pi Xiong was shocked, and hurriedly shouted, "Jin Sanye, what do you want to do!"

"It's unreasonable!" Jin Xidao raised his palm high and slammed it on a chair, but it didn't land on Duan Lengyan after all.But even so, Duan Lengyan still broke out in a cold sweat.

She really didn't expect that Jin Xidao would be so perverse and want to beat her, is that okay?

But soon, Duan Lengyan calmed down, stared at Jin Xidao, and said, "Jin Sanye, you asked me to keep Xu Yaoting, could it be that you want to do something here? You are so confused! There are so many pairs of eyes watching Xu Yaoting walk in." , if something happens to him here, have you considered what the consequences will be? After all, this is the Qingyun Empire, not the Iron War Dynasty! Moreover, I will never allow it, because of your Jin family's personal grievances, we will be Tianbao Pavilion is also included!"

" said that there is a personal grievance between me and Xu Yaoting?" Jin Xidao asked angrily with his eyes wide open.

Duan Lengyan sneered, and said flatly, "Whether it's a personal grudge or not, you know it in your heart!"

"Don't you want to cover up that bastard?"

"I'm not related to him, why should I protect him?"

"That's good! The old man put his words here, no matter what, the old man will smash that bastard to pieces!"

Duan Lengyan snorted lightly, and said: "Then I'll put my words here, what you want to do to Xu Yaoting has nothing to do with this palace. But, you'd better not get involved in Tianbao Pavilion!"


Leaving Tianbao Pavilion, Wan Dong didn't go anywhere, and went back to Dingshan Palace directly.Wan Dong himself couldn't figure out why he believed in Duan Lengyan so much. The feeling between people is really an elusive thing, completely idealistic!

Back at Dingshan Prince's Mansion, just as he was about to enter, Wan Dong suddenly realized that something was wrong.Originally, there were only six guards guarding the gate of Dingshan Prince's Mansion, but now there were twelve guards suddenly, and each of them looked dignified and vigilant, making the atmosphere a little tense.

Walking into Dingshan Prince's Mansion, Wan Dong felt that the atmosphere was not right.There were no one guarding the place before, and guards were added at this time.The people who came and went had worries on their faces, and their steps were fast.

"What's going on?" Wan Dong became suspicious, and was about to ask Xu Wenchuan, when a faint cry came from the back hall.

Wan Dong's mind tightened even more, and with a flick of his body, he swept into the back hall like a ghost.

When he came to the back hall, Wan Dong immediately found that Xu Wenchuan, Ning Shan, Hu Jingqi, Hu Yue, Ba Ling'er, Wang Yangde, Liu Ke'er, Luo Xiao and others were all there, safe and sound. Wan Dong immediately relaxed for a long time. tone.

Walking forward quickly, Wan Dong immediately saw a young servant lying on the ground, lifeless.Surrounded by a few young men and women, crying sadly, it seems that they are all companions who have a good relationship with this young servant on weekdays.

"Xiao Linzi?" Wan Dong couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although this boy is not responsible for taking care of Wan Dong, he is lively and diligent, and he is happy all day long. It seems that there are endless happy events. Wan Dong also knows him.He took Huyue with him in the morning, and when Wang Yangde went out, Xiao Linzi was still alive and kicking, why did he die so quickly?

"Yaoting, you're back!" Xu Wenchuan raised his head to see Xu Yaoting, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Ever since Huyue and Wang Yangde broke up with Wan Dong, their hearts were hanging in the air, and they never came down.At this time, seeing Wan Dong returning safely, he landed on the ground.

"Grandpa, why did Xiao Linzi die?" Wan Dong nodded at everyone, looked at Xu Wenchuan, and asked.

When Wan Dong asked, Xu Wenchuan's face immediately had an unconcealable anger, and he said through gritted teeth, "I don't know where the thieves come from, but they dare to kill people in my Dingshan Prince's Mansion, it's really unreasonable!"

"Being able to shatter Xiao Linzi's heart with a single palm, I'm afraid he's not some kind of thief, he should be a great master!" Wang Yangde shook his head and said.

"Someone broke into Prince Dingshan's Mansion?" Wan Dong was taken aback.

"That's right! When I found out that I was chasing him out, that person was gone. I have already ordered someone to conduct a thorough investigation, and I will definitely find out this thief!" Xu Wenchuan was obviously a bit worried about not being able to catch up with the other party.

Wan Dong didn't make a sound, he bent down and held Xiao Linzi's veins, and his true energy wandered around in his body, Wan Dong suddenly showed a cold smile on his face.

"Yao Ting, did you find anything?" Xu Wenchuan opened his mouth and asked.

Xu Yaoting stood up and said with a murderous look, "It was Guichou who did it!"

"Ghost worry!? That person next to Qiu Yunchong is neither human nor ghost?" Xu Wenchuan stared sharply and asked sharply.

Wan Dong nodded, and Luo Xiao said with a surprised face, "Then, this ghost worry is directed at me..."

"No matter who he's targeting, he's already on Lord Yan's seduction list! I'm going to the enemy's house right now to see if they dare to hand him over!" Xu Wenchuan was extremely angry.It's no wonder that no one has dared to come here to kill people since the Dingshan Palace was completed.

Wan Dong was very calm, shook his head, and said to Xu Wenchuan: "Grandpa, even if you go to the door now, the enemy father and son will not admit it, let alone hand over ghost worries to us!

On the contrary, it will startle the snake and make Guichou feel vigilant.If we try to take his life, it will only be more difficult! "

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