Guichou followed closely behind the carriage, showing great patience and not in a hurry to make a move.In the city, there was too much movement, even if Xu Wenchuan was not disturbed, he would still be discovered by the night patrolling soldiers.If Luo Xiao were to escape in the chaos, he would cry without tears.

After leaving Yunzhong City, Guichou felt relieved and stopped hiding his figure. With a whistling sound, he flew up and his speed more than doubled in an instant.The carriage that was galloping silently seemed to have noticed him, and the speed also increased accordingly. Two horses, eight iron hooves, trampled quickly, and amidst the sound of "dede", they went straight into the depths of the night.

"Cub surnamed Luo, your time of death has come, you can't escape!" Guichou roared wildly, splitting out his palms one after another, several powerful palms, like cannonballs, chasing the carriage closely, non-stop The explosion exploded, shaking the carriage to the west, and it was so embarrassing.

"Hahaha..." At this time, Guichou seemed to have regarded himself as a cat playing with mice, and kept making a series of shocking laughter, as if he had found endless fun from it.

Finally, the wheels of the carriage sank into a deep hole created by Guishou. The front hoofs of the two horses raised simultaneously, and they kept roaring Hiss, but the carriage did not move. Reluctantly stopped.

Ghost Sorrow flew over, and slapped out his right palm like a cattail leaf fan, and with a bang, the hood of the carriage turned into fragments all over the sky and flew away, revealing Luo Xiao with a sneer on his face.

Seeing that Luo Xiao was indeed sitting in the carriage, the smile on Guichou's face grew wider. After a few days of hard work, it was finally not in vain.

"Guichou, you are really chasing after him!" Looking at Guichou, Luo Xiao said coldly.

Guichou was slightly disappointed that Luo Xiao, who was already in a desperate situation, did not show even the slightest bit of fear, which made Guichou's pride immediately discounted.

Pretending to be calm!Guichou let out a cold snort in his heart, and said with a grin on his face, "Of course! If I didn't send you to reunite with your poor parents earlier, I would feel very guilty in my heart!"

After finishing speaking, Guichou turned to look at the coachman who was standing there with his head down, as if he had been stunned by fright, sneered, and said, "You are really unlucky, I am afraid that you will die with the bastard surnamed Luo today! "

"Hehe..." Guichou originally thought that when he said this, the coachman would have to pee his pants in fright, and then kneel down and beg him for mercy, but the fact was far beyond his expectation, the coachman actually laughed at this moment. out.

Guichou couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, thinking to himself, could this driver be a fool?If you're not a fool, how can you still laugh when you're dying?

"Hey, you idiot, what are you laughing at?" Guichou frowned and scolded.

The coachman raised his head suddenly, and stared at Guichou like lightning with his piercing eyes, which surprised Guichou, took a step back subconsciously, and shouted in a voice full of surprise, "Yes." You! Xu Yaoting!?"

Wan Dong suddenly let out a wild laugh, "Who did you call an idiot just now?"

Guichou's complexion changed several times, and he roared, "This is a trap!?"

After roaring, Guichou hurriedly searched the surroundings, all the hair on his body stood up nervously, as if there were countless masters rushing out from the darkness in all directions.

Looking at his horrified expression, Wan Dong sneered and said, "Don't be nervous, there are only three of us here! There's no need to set up an ambush to deal with you bastard!"

It wasn't that Guichou believed in Wan Dong, but after a careful inspection, he found that there were indeed no other masters ambushing around, and his heart, which had been gripping so hard just now, slowly relaxed.

"Xu Yaoting, are you too crazy? Don't you think that you can keep me alone?"

The corner of Wan Dong's mouth twitched, and he said lightly, "If you can, just try it."

"Bastard!" Wan Dong's contemptuous expression immediately ignited a fury in Guichou's heart.It was the first time for Guichou to be so scorned by a stinky kid.

However, ghost worries did not flare up immediately, and Qiu Wanli's warning to him still lingered in his ears.

"Mr. Xu, the surname Luo is a useless person now. Why do you take risks for him? We can actually be friends."

Wan Dong sneered and said, "Maybe I could consider what you said before you came to my Dingshan Palace to kill people, but now, it's too late! You must die!"

Guichou was a little embarrassed, touched his chin and said, "Mr. Xu, that...that was just an accident."

"Perhaps! But your death will not be an accident, but a certainty!" Wan Dong roared angrily, bursting out with murderous aura, and suddenly locked onto Guichou.

Guichou frowned, and looked around, but there was no one around. Suddenly, he gritted his teeth and said, "Since you are so ignorant, then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless! Anyway, if we General Qiu wants your head, we can't help it." It’s not a day or two! I’ll kill you first, and then I’ll tear Luo’s body into pieces!”

Before the voice fell, Guichou's figure rose into the sky like a bat in the dark night, and rushed towards Wan Dong with a series of palpitating sounds of clothes breaking through the wind.This guy's brain is not very bright, but he has some real skills under his hands.This palm only condensed [-]% of his internal energy, but it was already a gale force, terrifying in momentum!

If Wan Dong faced such an attack before his cultivation base skyrocketed, he would have no choice but to give way.But now, Wan Dong's figure is as majestic as a mountain, standing still, and the Dao Qi in his body is flying like the wind invisibly.

"Hehe... Do you want to hang your hands and wait? Good! For old man Xu's sake, I will give you a good time!"

"Hold your hands and wait to die? You dog's eyes look down on people!"

When Guishou's figure was one foot in front of Wan Dong, Wan Dong said something faintly, and with a slight shake of his shoulders, the golden light that could brighten Guishou's dog's eyes burst out instantly.Just like a peacock spreading its tail, a large golden world was created behind Wan Dong in an instant.

"What!?" Such a spectacle, such power, immediately caught Guichou by surprise, and the eyeballs of those staring eyes were about to fall out at any time.

The present Wandong, and the Wandong a few days ago, in Guichou's view, are simply two people, completely incomparable.

Bang bang bang!

A series of muffled bangs came, Guichou's palm force was broken by streaks of golden light before reaching Wandong's body, Guichou realized that something was wrong, stepped on the void with both feet, and flipped backwards hastily .

"" Guichou stared blankly at Wan Dong, unable to even speak.

When he fought Wan Dong last time, Guichou just felt that Wan Dong was more difficult to deal with, but now, from Wan Dong's body, he felt a threat of death, and it was not usually strong enough to make him frightened trembling!

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