Looking at Guichou's shocked expression, Wan Dong sneered and asked, "Do you still think others are idiots now?"

"Impossible! How could you improve your cultivation so much in such a short period of time? There must be a ghost!"

"Things that don't shed tears when you don't see the coffin!" Wan Dong snorted coldly, moved his feet, and immediately, like a tiger out of the cage, he rushed towards Guichou and launched an offensive on his own initiative.

The brilliant golden light, the broad and awe-inspiring palm strength, and Guichou's eyes suddenly narrowed into a line, and almost subconsciously, he gathered all the zhenqi in his body, and pushed out both palms together.

The vigor of the two collided fiercely in the air, and there was a muffled bang, bang, like a burst of dense rolling thunder.Sha Yangshi walks, and the thin tree at the mouth of the bowl is broken by the roots in the blink of an eye, and then turned into debris in the wind, swaying all over the sky, like a rainstorm of sawdust, it is amazing!

Wan Dong's figure flickered, and he took three steps back, while Guichou took two steps back.After all, it was nine levels of true qi, but Guichou's true qi was still thicker than Wan Dong's.But even so, it was enough to make Guichou stunned and her eyes popped out.

This is a real collision, there is no fancy, and there is no ghost!Guichou had to believe that Wan Dong did have the power to rival him.This made Guichou feel even more horrified, and couldn't imagine what kind of growth Wandong would grow in time.At that time, I am afraid that he can be easily killed by raising his hand.

Guichou has always believed that Qiu Yunchong is the real genius.But now, Guichou was completely shaken.Comparing Qiu Yunchong with Wan Dong, they are nothing but scum!

"You must die!" After a moment of silence, Guichou's eyes suddenly widened, filled with murderous intent.

No matter how stupid Guichou is, he can understand that once Wandong grows up completely, not only will his life be difficult, but even his enemies and his sons will be unable to cope.Such a big threat can only rest easy if it is eradicated in its infancy.

"Coincidentally, this is exactly what I want to tell you!" Wan Dong replied coldly.

Guichou's complexion became serious, and an extremely irritable roar suddenly came out from his throat. Immediately, Guichou's whole body turned into a phantom, and in the blink of an eye, he came in front of Wan Dong.

Let alone the murderous aura soaring to the sky, those palm strengths swept across the surrounding fields like a gust of wind, as if they were about to tear Wan Dong alive, making Luo Xiao, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, almost jump out of his throat come out.

Once a master of the ninth level of true qi is serious, the lethality he unleashes is not only astonishingly simple, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as earth-shattering.

Just when Luo Xiao was startled and at a loss what to do, Wan Dong was lucky, with a tall figure, not only did not retreat an inch, but charged towards Gui Shou's sharp edge.

It was another head-to-head collision, the world turned pale, and it was extremely wild.Wan Dong's figure seemed to be pushed by a bulldozer, and he backed up uncontrollably, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Boy, you are indeed very strong, but in front of me, you are still not ready!" Shocking Wan Dong back, Gui Shou roared with a grinning grin.

Wan Dong didn't say a word, just stabilized his figure, and before he could catch his breath, his whole body, like a sharp arrow off the string, shot towards Guishou once again.

"You kid's bones are quite hard!" Guichou's expression immediately showed a look of shock, raised his eyebrows, saw Wan Dong's approach, and slapped hard again.

Wan Dong's palms were shining with golden light, and his eyes were full of determination and no fear.Dao Qi surged like a wave, like a ferocious beast that was suddenly awakened, suddenly opened its bloody mouth wide, and swallowed most of Guichou's palm strength with just one mouthful.

The vigorous and domineering palm strength instantly transformed into a stream of pure Dao Qi, which merged into Wan Dong's body, directly lifting Wan Dong's expression.

As expected of a master of the ninth level of zhenqi, the zhenqi in his body is far more pure than that of ordinary warriors. For Wan Dong, it is definitely a superior tonic.

The remaining power of the palm that could be devoured by Wan Dong's Dao Qi in the future was also greatly weakened. Wan Dong just slapped it casually, and easily defeated it without retreating an inch.

"What!?" Unexpectedly, Wan Dong, who had been forced backwards by himself before, was very embarrassed, and in the blink of an eye, he was able to hit his palm head-on without changing his expression. It seemed that he was relaxed Happy, Guichou's eyes widened immediately, and he shuddered involuntarily.

Wan Dong would not stop attacking because he was surprised, his slender figure came to Guichou again in the blink of an eye at an astonishing speed.

"Smelly boy, die to me, die!" Guichou seemed to be crazy, dancing with both palms in turn, majestic and majestic true energy, as if free of money, rushed out with the palms, sweeping the world, There is a tendency to annihilate Wan Dong in one fell swoop.

At the same time, Wan Dong's cultivation level has also been raised to the extreme, one after another Dao Qi shining with golden light spewed out following Wan Dong's will, and the golden light burst out for a while, covering the world, almost even Wan Dong's figure , are all covered up, making it difficult for people to see clearly.

The sharp dao qi is like a pack of hunting wolves, attacking from all directions, devouring Guichou's true qi crazily.At this time, even Luo Xiao, who was watching the battle, could see the clues. Wherever the golden light went, the true energy of Guichou disappeared without a trace, forcibly connecting Guichou into one piece, and the wall was like an offensive, devouring Big holes appeared one after another, like a rotten fish!

"This... what kind of kung fu is this?" Guichou tried hard to stop all this, but in the end, he found that he was powerless in the face of Wan Dong's Dao Qi.

The golden light erupting from Wan Dong's body became more and more intense, but Guichou clearly felt that the true energy in his body disappeared like flowing water.Once it is exported out of the body, it can never be taken back, just like a meat bun beating a dog.

Before Guichou figured out what was going on, patches of golden light burst out suddenly, with incomparably piercing auras, like Mount Tai collapsing, rolling towards him from all directions.

In the blink of an eye, all the palm strength he released disintegrated, and then completely dissipated without a trace like a cloud of smoke swept away by a strong wind.A sharp pain spread from his chest, and with a scream, Guichou flew out backwards.

"Ah!?" Luo Xiao, who was on the side, shouted in shock from the scene.

It was so unexpected that he felt like he was in a dream.It was obvious that Guichou had the upper hand just now, why did Guichou fly out in the blink of an eye?Fantasy!Everything is full of fantasy!

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