The true qi possessed by a nine-level master is not ordinary, and the quality is high, very pure.Converting such true energy into dao energy can almost reach an astonishing ratio of three to one.Today is definitely a bumper harvest for Wandong!

When he transformed all the true qi from Guishou into dao qi, the eighth-level peak of true qi that had just stabilized showed signs of breaking through again.At this time, in Wan Dong's body, not only the muscles, bones and five internal organs had all turned golden, even the blood that spread throughout his body was covered in a layer of gold.If someone could see into Wan Dong's body at this time, he would be very shocked.In Wan Dong's body, it seemed that there was a golden mountain piled up, and there were brilliant and dazzling golden lights everywhere, people who were illuminated couldn't open their eyes!

Luo Xiao had been looking forward to this moment for so long that he couldn't believe it when it came suddenly.

"I didn't expect that I, Guichou, would fall into your hands one day!" Guichou looked at Luo Xiao, his eyes filled with unwillingness.But what can I do if I am unwilling?Now that his hands are completely cut off, not to mention his body is in a mess, he has lost all his cultivation, he can't move, at most he can spit at Luo Xiao.

"Why didn't you think of it? A perpetrator like you who commits crimes and commits all kinds of crimes, is there any other choice besides this fate?" Luo Xiao's eyes were icy, full of unconcealable hatred.

"Your tone is exactly the same as that of your unlucky father!"

"Bastard! What right do you have to judge my father?" Luo Xiao was so furious that he waved his hand and slapped Guichou hard on the face.

Luo Xiao almost used all his strength, mixed with the resentment he had suppressed in his heart for several years, this slap was unusually heavy!Guicho let out a painful cry, and opened his mouth to spit out five or six broken teeth.

"Haha...hahaha..." Guichou was slapped, and the whole person seemed to be crazy, and kept laughing wildly.

"What are you laughing at?" Luo Xiao roared through gritted teeth.

Guichou glanced at Luo Xiao, and said faintly, "I'm laughing at fate! Don't you think, all of this is fate? It's fate for me to be planted in Xu Yaoting's hands, and it's also fate for your Luo family to be planted in my hands." Fate! We are all dolls of fate, we can't choose by ourselves at all. Luo Xiao, am I right? No matter how much you hate in your heart, you can't deny that my ghost worry is the nemesis of your Luo family! I ghost worry In this world, I want to destroy your Luo family! Hahaha..."

"Shut up!" I didn't expect Guichou to be such an idiot when his death was imminent, he wouldn't even say a word of repentance and apology.Luo Xiao couldn't bear it anymore, and kicked Guichou's chest, kicking Guichou three feet away.

Guichou clutched his chest, took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Luo Xiao, and said, "If you want to hate, you should hate yourself! Who made you so good, and who made the national teacher fall in love with your talent? If You are not so good, maybe your parents don’t have to die. Do you know how proud your parents are of you? Hehe... But now, they must be very disappointed. Because their son has become a useless person Hahaha... Luo Xiao, I beg you, kill me quickly so that I can find your parents earlier and tell them the great news. I can't wait to see them hear it! The expression during all this, I think, must be very exciting, isn't it?"

Guichou's smile became more ferocious and terrifying, just like his name, even ghosts would worry about seeing it!

Luo Xiao shook his head, but his anger gradually calmed down, and he said slowly, "You are really hopeless!"

"Wrong! You are the hopeless people, you are too ignorant of current affairs! The Qingyun Empire is already in the pocket of the National Teacher, it is ridiculous that you still want to compete with the National Teacher, it is simply extremely stupid! And you!" Guichou suddenly looked at Wan Dong, and shouted hysterically, "You actually made an enemy of the National Teacher for a useless person, I promise, you will die without a place to die!"

It is said that when a person is about to die, his words are also good!But it is obviously not so appropriate to put these words on Guichou.Wan Dong just glanced at him, and then looked away. Wan Dong has no interest in such a guy at all.

"Guichou, you said just now... who is a useless person?" Luo Xiao suddenly narrowed his eyes, and looked at Guichou with a mocking face.

"Of course it's you! Although I can't escape death today, I've turned you into a cripple and ruined the hope of the Luo family. I'm already satisfied! Hehe..."

"I'm sorry, it looks like I'm going to disappoint you!" Luo Xiao slowly raised his palm, and in his palm, although it wasn't very strong, it was genuine Qi, which gradually gathered.

"What!? How is it possible?" Guichou seemed to have seen a ghost, and his eyes immediately widened, filled with horror and disbelief.

"Didn't you think so? My injuries have recovered, and my cultivation is slowly recovering! It won't take three to five days to recover!"

The shock and frustration on Guichou's face relieved Luo Xiao's depressed mood a lot.

Guichou was stunned for a while, then suddenly turned to look at Wan Dong, and asked in shock, "You did this? You...are you a human or a ghost?"

Guichou's exclamation naturally won't get a response from Wandong.For a devil who is about to die, only a person like Luo Xiao who harbors great resentment will talk to him, but Wan Dong would have killed him with a single blow.

"Ghost worry! My Luo family is definitely not so easy to defeat! I, Luo Xiao, will definitely take my father's pride and restore the glory of the Luo family! It's a pity that you will never see that day. Aren't you Are you in a hurry to find my parents, just in time, they must also want to settle this old score with you! Go to hell!"

As soon as Luo Xiao finished speaking, the palm struck straight at the ghostly Tianling.

"Don't kill me..." At the moment of death, Guichou was still afraid, and opened his mouth to plead.It's a pity that Luo Xiao didn't pay any attention to it, just heard a bang, and Guichou's head turned into a blood gourd under Luo Xiao's palm.

I don't know what Guichou has unfinished business, until he dies, he refuses to close his eyes.Probably because he felt wronged, but he didn't expect to die at the hands of two young people whom he looked down upon.

After killing Guichou, Luo Xiao stood there blankly, with tears streaming down his face, and did not speak for a long time.Wan Dong understood his mood at this time, so he didn't bother him, just waited quietly.

After half an hour, Luo Xiao came back to his senses and knelt down in front of Wan Dong with a plop.

Wan Dong was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Brother Luo, what are you doing?"

"Yao Ting, if it weren't for you, I would have died long ago, let alone avenging my parents! From now on, my life, Luo Xiao, will be yours. I can come in the water or go in the fire, just rely on your words." If so, I will never refuse!"

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