"Brother Luo, I have said many times, you and I are brothers, why bother to see each other like this?"

Luo Xiao shook his head stubbornly, and said in a vibrating voice, "Brothers are brothers, kindness is kindness!"

Wan Dong's heart was moved for a moment, this Luo Xiao is really a man of iron bones, love and righteousness!Wan Dong didn't say any more, and instead lifted Luo Xiao up from the ground with a solemn expression.

"Brother Luo, Guichou is dead, but you only paid a third of your bloody revenge."

Luo Xiao's sword eyebrows condensed into a ball immediately, and he said sternly, "That's right! Guichou is just the murderer, and Qiu Wanli is the culprit! But Qiu Wanli is very powerful, and he can't be killed just by killing him. The lesson of acting recklessly once, I have already understood that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years! I don't believe that Qiu Wanli will continue to prosper, and one day, sooner or later, I will wait for the opportunity to cut off his head and avenge my parents!"

Wan Dong was really worried that Luo Xiao would make the mistake of last time again in a moment of impulsiveness. Hearing what Luo Xiao said, Wan Dong's heart immediately felt at ease.

Patting him on the shoulder, Wan Dong smiled and said, "Brother Luo, remember one sentence, evil will be rewarded with evil, if you don't repay, the time has not yet come! God, keep your eyes open!"


Xu Wenchuan said that he was not worried, but in his heart it was another matter.After all, Guichou is a master of the ninth level of true qi, and it is by no means so easy to deal with.Tossing and turning on the bed, unable to fall asleep, he simply opened the door and walked out of the room, thinking about going to the back garden, admiring the moonlight while waiting for Wan Dong to come back.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Xu Wenchuan walked into the back garden, he froze.Although it was late at night, the back garden was very lively.

Not only Huyue, Ba Ling'er, Wang Yangde, Liu Ke'er and other juniors were there, but Hu Jingqi and Ning Shan were also there. They were chatting about something at this time, and they looked very lively.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Xu Wenchuan asked in surprise.

A group of people turned their heads to look at him at the same time, and asked in unison, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

"I...hahaha..." Xu Wenchuan couldn't help laughing out loud.

Everyone also smiled, such a tacit understanding is really rare.

"My lord, you can lie! I also said before that my master is more than enough to clean up the miscellaneous things like ghost worries. After a long time, you have no idea in your old heart. If you knew this, I would have gone with it at that time "Wang Yangde couldn't help but open his mouth to complain.

Xu Wenchuan was annoyed for a while. This Wang Yangde was indeed as legendary as he was, with outstanding talent but poor EQ.Now that I understand everything, why bother to speak out to embarrass an old man so much?

Glancing at him fiercely, Xu Wenchuan said, "If you follow, won't our plan come to naught? Do you think ghost worries are sticks? In fact, it's not that I don't know what to do, it's just that I'm a little bit worried. After all, Guichou is a master of the ninth level of true qi, not an ordinary person."

When Xu Wenchuan said this, Ning Shan, who was already nervous, became even more uneasy, and hurriedly said, "Father, since the ghost worry is so severe, otherwise, you should go and meet Yaoting."

Xu Wenchuan smiled bitterly, and said, "My good wife, do you think I don't want to? But the world is so big, where do you want me to meet them?"

When Xu Wenchuan said this, Ning Shan was at a loss, her face was full of anxiety.

At this moment, a sound of clothes ripping through the wind suddenly resounded, immediately attracting everyone's attention.I saw two figures, taking advantage of the night, floating in like ghosts.

Seeing this, Xu Wenchuan immediately jumped up against the case, and angrily reprimanded "Where is the thief!" Then his whole body was like a shell fired from a chamber, and flew straight towards the two figures.

Dingshan Prince's Mansion was broken into one after another, which really angered Xu Wenchuan.This pounce was very powerful, his hands were like eagle claws, he attacked the two of them separately, as if he would not let anyone go.

Wang Yangde, Huyue, Ba Ling'er, and Liu Ke'er, the four juniors, all became vigilant at this time, gathered their true energy, and protected Hu Jingqi and Ning Shan, who did not know martial arts, without saying a word , The cooperation is quite tacit!

"Grandpa, it's me!" Just as everyone was about to fight, Wan Dong's voice suddenly rang out.

Xu Wenchuan was taken aback, and quickly withdrew his claws.Thanks to Xu Wenchuan, his cultivation base has reached the point where he can send and receive freely, otherwise Wan Dong would have no problem, but Luo Xiao would be miserable, and Xu Wenchuan would have to grab five bloody holes in his body.

Everyone hurriedly looked over, and with the help of the blurred moonlight, they finally saw clearly that the two people who jumped in sneakily were Wan Dong and Luo Xiao.The hearts hanging in the throat have just fallen to the ground.

Xu Wenchuan relaxed, and couldn't help laughing and cursing, "Little bastard, if you don't leave the main entrance, what kind of wall are you climbing over?"

Wan Dong rubbed his nose, smiled and said, "Isn't it too late, I don't want to alarm everyone. But what time is it, it's almost dawn, why aren't you sleeping, what are you doing here? A meeting?"

Wan Dong glanced at it, secretly marveling, this person is really complete, is there an emergency assembly?

"What a fart meeting! Isn't everyone worried about you?" Xu Wenchuan shook his head and said.

Wan Dong and Luo Xiao looked at each other, and felt warm at the same time.Especially Luo Xiao, the feeling was even stronger.Ever since his parents were killed, Luo Xiao had never felt the feeling of being at home again, and tonight, this feeling seemed to be back again.

"What's there to worry about? You're just an old bastard!" Wan Dong muttered, but the emotion in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

"So it's settled?" Xu Wenchuan asked.

Wan Dong nodded, there is no need to go into details about the process, seeing that both Wan Dong and Luo Xiao were unscathed, everyone knew that ghost worry did not cost Wan Dong too much effort.

"Master, you are awesome! A master with nine levels of true energy, you just wiped out without losing a single hair. It's just unbelievable." Wang Yangde's face was full of admiration.

Don't blame him, even Xu Wenchuan was a little surprised.I thought to myself, my grandson is getting more and more evil! At the age of less than 20 years old, he can sweep the nine layers of masters. Whether there will be anyone behind, let alone for the time being, but there must be no ancients in front.

"Okay, okay, what's the matter, the whole palace will be disturbed, go back to sleep, we will talk about it tomorrow!" Xu Wenchuan yawned, turned and went back contentedly.

Looking at Xu Wenchuan's leisurely back, everyone couldn't help but let out a wry smile.How big is it?It seems that the person who was nervous and unable to sleep just now is the same without him.

"Yao Ting, are you hungry? Mother will cook you some supper." Wan Dong came back safe and sound, and Ning Shan was happier than anyone else.

Wan Dong put his arms around Ning Shan's shoulders, and said with a smile, "Mother, we're not hungry, you should go back to bed quickly! Staying up late is a woman's greatest natural enemy."

Ning Shan didn't insist anymore, she pressed Wan Dong's nose with a smile, and went back to her room.To Huyue and the others, Wan Dong was not so polite, he rushed back even yelling and cursing, and the night in Dingshan Prince's Mansion was quiet again...

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