Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 342 The reinforcements have arrived!

"Hey... General Wu, I haven't started yet, why are you so weak? You are also the general of the Qingyun Empire defending the capital, and you are so capable? It seems that if your Qingyun Empire doesn't fight us When the dynasty bows its head and proclaims its vassal, even God may not agree!"

"Fuck your mother's shit! If you have the guts, just let the horse come here. If grandpa doesn't wring your dog's head off, grandpa won't be Wujin Soul!"

Suan Ni's expression suddenly changed, and a murderous intent rose in his eyes, "You are so stubborn when you are about to die, I think you are really stupid to the bone! Eat me first!"

Amidst the roar, Suan Ni's figure suddenly jumped up, and her palms went straight, without any fancy.Eighty percent of Wujin's soul's true energy had been sucked away by him, and he naturally ignored the remaining twenty percent.In his eyes, Wujin Soul at this time was like a hedgehog that had taken off its hard thorns, and was no longer a threat.

"Stop looking down on people!" It is impossible for Wu Jinhun to not be clear about his own situation, but it is absolutely impossible to make him admit his weakness and wait for death!Even if it is death, blood will be splashed all over the enemy's body, this is Wu Jinhun's temper!

"I don't know how to live or die, let me solve you with one move!"

Seeing Wu Jinhun's actions, Suan Ni's eyes narrowed immediately, and the murderous aura emanating from her body was even more astonishing.The palm strength surging like a river was unstoppable, and it rolled straight towards Wujin's soul.

Wu Jinhun gently licked Tian's dry lips, a wry smile appeared on his face.It looked like he didn't want to admit it.It's not that Wu Jinhun has never been hurt in his life. How many times he has narrowly escaped death, he already has an understanding of death that transcends ordinary people.However, Wu Jinhun has never been so useless before!There was a surge of anger in his heart, he couldn't vent it, and there was an unprecedented unwillingness.

Seeing that Suan Ni's palm strength was about to submerge Wujin Soul like a tide, Wujin Soul also went all out, staring, holding his breath, and condensed the remaining [-]% ​​of his true energy into his fists above.Even if he can't hurt Suan Ni, he must not be too proud!

However, just when Suan Ni's fist was about to collide with Suan Ni's palm, a big hand suddenly poked out from the slanted stab. Before Wu Jinhun could figure out what was going on, this hand The big hand had already grasped the hem of his clothes, and then a huge force that could not tolerate his resistance swept over and directly pulled him aside abruptly, the strength of Suan Ni's palm pressed against his side, With a sweep, Wu Jinhun's [-]% punch naturally hit the empty space, and he couldn't even hit a bird.

"Who!?" Wu Jinhun thought that a strong enemy was coming again, he was startled and angry, his roar was like thunder.

It's rare that he has only [-]% of his true energy left, and he can still make such a roar. I don't know if he is used to swearing at others, it's not easy!

At this time, Suan Ni was also taken aback, she never thought that such a trouble would happen, and the expression on her face was also full of surprise.

"General Wu, how precious is your life, is it not a loss to fight with this grandson?"

Wan Dong smiled wryly and shook his head, Wu Jinhun's temper is really not ordinary violent!He has to go all out with others at every turn, as if he is a cat and has nine lives!If it weren't for Wan Dong's quick reaction and timely attack, Wu Jinhun's life would have been taken by Suan Ni [-]%.

"It''s you?" Wu Jinhun couldn't help being stunned when he saw Wan Dong when he turned his head.

At this moment, Wu Yang, Wu Yue and Uncle Zhou also rushed over.The expressions of the three of them were not as relaxed as Wan Dong.Especially Wuyang and Wuyue siblings, there are still tears in their eyes.

Naturally, they also saw the extremely dangerous scene just now.It's a pity that they don't have the cultivation base of Wan Dong, they can only watch helplessly, but they are powerless to stop them.Even though Wujin Soul is safe at this time, the three of them still have lingering fears.Uncle Zhou was old and had the weakest endurance. At this time, his face was pale and pale, without a trace of blood.

"It's you?" Seeing the three close relatives, Wu Jinhun's face immediately revealed an unconcealable excitement.

When fighting with Suan Ni, he thought that the three of them had already been killed.Seeing the three alive and kicking in front of him at this time, one can imagine the excitement.

"Father, you... how could you be so cruel and want to abandon us?" Wu Yue threw herself into Wu Jinhun's arms, crying uncontrollably.

Although Wu Yang and Uncle Zhou didn't speak, there was a look of reproach in their eyes.Fortunately, there is Wan Dong, otherwise, they would never want to see Wu Jinhun again.

Wu Jinhun ignored these things at this time, hugged Wu Yue, and said anxiously, "What did you do? Why don't you run away if you have the opportunity, what are you doing here? Zhou Jian, they are children who don't understand, don't you understand?" ?”

Zhou Jian usually respects Wu Jinhun very much, but at this time he couldn't help but glared at him fiercely, and said with a wheezing voice: "It's this time, and you still open your mouth to curse! The children's feelings for you , don't you know? I want them to escape, but they have to be willing!"

"You..." Zhou Jian's attitude was obviously beyond Wu Jinhun's expectation, and he was stunned.

"Okay Dad, the situation has changed now, it's the bad guy's turn to escape!" Wu Yang wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said vibratingly with a smile.

"The reinforcements have arrived?!" Wu Yang said so, and Wu Jinhun immediately cheered up and asked loudly.

Fighting alone, he may not be Suan Ni's opponent, but once the reinforcements arrive, it doesn't take much, just five hundred, and Wujin Soul is [-]% sure to kill Suan Ni and the others!You know, General Wu's ability to command troops is recognized throughout the country!

Wu Yang and Wu Yue sister and brother looked at each other, nodded heavily at the same time, and said in unison, "Here we are!"

"Okay!" Wu Jinhun's expression was brightened, and he shouted vigorously, "Where are the reinforcements? Let them rush in immediately and kill all the thieves!"

While roaring, Wu Jinhun glared at Suan Ni with furious eyes.I made up my mind that no one else will care about it, as soon as the army arrives, I will first chop the Suanni into meat paste!The people lying in disorder underneath were all soldiers brought out by Wu Jinhun himself, but they all died in the hands of Suan Ni.If this enmity is not avenged, Wujin Soul is no longer Wujin Soul!

Wu Jinhun's gaze made Suan Ni suddenly nervous.Although he is a master of the eighth level of true qi, he is not a god after all!Facing thousands of troops, his end can only be a dead end.

"Hehe...Father! The reinforcements are right in front of you, don't you see it?" Wu Yang pointed at Wan Dong with a smile.

Following Wu Yang's instructions, Wu Jinhun's eyes fell on Wan Dong's body. His thick eyebrows condensed into a ball, and he was stunned for a moment before he opened his mouth and asked angrily, "Boy, your so-called reinforcements, Shouldn't it be him?"

[Author's digression]: Let's put five chapters first!Before eight o'clock at the latest, there are still three chapters!

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