Wu Yang seemed to have expected that Wu Jinhun would have such an expression, and couldn't help laughing, "That's right! He's my boss!"

"Nonsense! What time is this, are you still messing with me here?" Wu Jinhun got angry when he heard this.It's no wonder, first to give people hope, and then smash the hope with one's own hands, this is simply more vicious than murder!

Fortunately, Wu Yang is Wu Jinhun's own son, and he has performed well recently, which made Wu Jinhun very satisfied. If he was someone else, he would have been overwhelmed by him.

"Hahaha..." Hearing the conversation between the father and son, Suan Ni was not nervous anymore, instead of being nervous, she was very happy and laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at?" Wan Dong's expression froze, his voice showing a bit of coldness.

"What are you laughing at? Of course I'm laughing at you, the so-called reinforcements! Isn't it funny that a stinky brat, who hasn't fully grown his hair yet, ran in front of me to make himself big? Wujinhun, you Tell yourself, is your reinforcements funny?"

Wu Jinhun gritted his teeth and was about to speak, but Wu Yang stepped forward and said coldly, "Laugh, at least you can still laugh, and your two accomplices are much more pitiful. I can't laugh anymore for the rest of my life."

As soon as Wu Yang said this, Suan Ni's expression suddenly changed drastically, and he shouted sharply, "What's wrong with them?"

Wu Yang said with a sneer, "It's okay, I just took a step first and went to the underworld to call you a stop."

"They...are they dead?" Suan Ni couldn't help but let out an exclamation, almost biting her tongue.

Wu Jinhun's face was also full of shock, and he couldn't believe it at all.The cultivation base of Mad Bear and Qu Mang is not much different from that of Suan Ni.Wu Jinhun knew very well in his heart that there was absolutely no master in Wufu who could restrain the two of them.It was also because of this that Wu Jinhun thought that Wu Yang and the others had died.

"Impossible! With you bastards, how could you kill the mad bear and the song python?" Suan Ni couldn't accept it at all, her voice was extremely sharp.

In Wu Yang's eyes, he glanced at him pitifully, and said quietly, "If you don't believe me, why don't you prick up your ears and listen carefully? The battle outside is already over!"

"What?" Suan Ni exclaimed, and hastily listened attentively, but it was really quiet outside, not even a human voice could be heard, let alone a fight.

Suan Ni's body couldn't help shaking for a while, her face was full of shock and confusion.If Kuang Xiong and Qu Mang were still alive, they would definitely not be silent.But with their cultivation base, who can kill them?

Not to mention Suan Ni, Wu Jinhun was also stunned at this time, and looked at Wu Yue eagerly.In his mind, Wu Yue is still more reliable than Wu Yang, a stinky brat.Wu Yue nodded at him with a smile on her face, and then pouted at Wan Dong.

Immediately, Wu Jinhun's heart was shaken like a stormy sea, and the gaze he was looking at Wan Dong was full of disbelief.

Is the Xu family kid going against the sky?

"Xuan Ni, let me ask you, Qinglong helped Xiao Zuo, but you killed him?" Wan Dong narrowed his eyes, and his voice was bone-chilling.

Suan Ni raised her head suddenly, stared at Wan Dong without answering and asked instead: "Did you kill the mad bear and Qu Mang?"

Before they acted, Suan Ni and the others had found out the details of the Wu family, and in order to be safe, they sent three of the twelve beast kings at the same time.Unexpectedly, such an accident happened, and it must be Wan Dong who jumped out suddenly that caused all of this, although this seemed a little unbelievable to Suan Ni.

"You better answer my question first!"

"Boy, do you know who you're talking to?"

"Know! A dying man!"

"Damn! I'll take off one of your arms first to see how honest you are!"

Suan Ni was furious, her feet thumped heavily, and she slammed into Wan Dong like a cannonball.When they came up, they carried out such a fierce attack, which was completely inconsistent with Suan Ni's usual style of behavior. It can be seen that Suan Ni was already extremely angry at this time.

Suan Ni's hands curled into hooks, and when he came up, he locked Wan Dong's right arm, and the shot was not indifferent.Seeing this situation, Wu Jinhun subconsciously stepped forward. In his subconscious mind, he was afraid that he still couldn't believe that the young master of the Xu family would have the power to rival Suan Ni. At this dangerous juncture, he naturally wanted to Help.

Wu Yue didn't have an ordinary understanding of her father's temper. As soon as Wu Jinhun took a step, she stood in front of Wu Jinhun and smiled at him and shook her head.

Wu Jinhun couldn't help frowning, and when he was about to open his mouth to say something, suddenly, a huge and extremely powerful breath burst out, making him shiver involuntarily.Looking back in surprise, Wu Jinhun's eyeballs almost jumped out.

At this time, Wan Dong was shrouded in golden light, like a god who descended into the world, able to brighten the eyes of blind people.With such power, he is no less powerful than those masters with nine levels of true energy!Compared with it, Suan Ni seems a bit out of date.

"This... this..." Wu Jinhun's expression suddenly became extremely excited, not only staring at Wan Dong, but also opening his mouth wide.

Seeing Wu Jinhun's expression, Wu Yang was really proud, and couldn't help poking Wujinhun with his elbow, and said with a smile, "Father, how is it, my boss will help you?"

Wu Jinhun looked back at Wu Yang, his eyes were full of shock, and he couldn't answer for a long time.This is more than awesome?Simply super awesome!

Wu Jinhun was just taken aback, and Suan Ni was not only surprised, but frightened.Originally, he had vowed to take off Wan Dong's arm as if he was threatening, but now he was halfway through the rush, and suddenly saw the terrifying power erupting from Wan Dong's body, and almost passed out without being frightened.He stopped the attack almost instinctively, and then retreated back in embarrassment.

After retreating far enough away, Suan Ni managed to stop her figure, looking at Wan Dong's eyes, it was like looking at an evil spirit appearing in broad daylight!

"You... who the hell are you?" Suan Ni's voice kept trembling slightly, and there were even drops of cold sweat oozing from her forehead.Now, even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe that Wan Dong was just a brat, and he had already decided in his heart that the young man in front of him might be an old man disguised.

"Is it necessary for a dying person to know so much? Or, do you want to sue me in the Underworld?" Wan Dong's cold eyes made Suan Ni feel bad, and he couldn't help it There is an urge to run away.

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