At this moment, Wan Dong sneered, and announced his identity, "Listen well, I will not change my name and surname if I am going, my surname is Xu and my name is Yaoting!"

As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Suan Ni's eyes sharpened immediately, and she exclaimed, "You are Xu Yaoting?"

Wan Dong obviously had expected Suan Ni's reaction, so he smiled coldly and said, "Exactly! How is it? Are you surprised?"

The wages of avarice is death!Not to mention a killer like Suan Ni, who is inherently greedy by nature and believes in wealth and wealth, even if he already has a warning sign in his heart, he is absolutely unwilling to leave empty-handed like this at this time.

"Hey... what you said is not bad at all! You probably don't know, your head is very valuable!" Suan Ni rubbed the edge of her fist, her eyes were shining green.The so-called lust for profit is talking about the current Suan Ni!

"No matter how valuable it is, you have to be able to get it. But I think you don't have the ability."

"You say that because you don't know what your grandpa Suan Ni is capable of!"

"Really? Take my palm and try!"

Wan Dong raised his eyebrows, and suddenly swung his right palm out, as if facing a vast lake, casting a large sheet of light. The golden rays of light intertwined in the air, sweeping towards Suan Ni like a catastrophe, which was quite spectacular. .

Seeing this, Wu Jinhun was even more certain that Wan Dong's cultivation would never be inferior to Suan Ni's!This made Wu Jinhun calm down a little bit, and suddenly became surging again, clenched his fists unconsciously, and gained a lot of confidence in Wandong!

Seeing Wan Dong's aggressive attack, Suan Ni's expression also changed suddenly. Obviously, the pressure Wan Dong brought to him was far beyond his imagination.

Gritting her steel teeth and cursing a few times in her heart, Suan Ni hastily summoned all her energies, her hands and ten fingers jumped, forming mysterious and strange handprints one after another, and typing out, in an instant, a An invisible suction, from nothing to existence, from weak to strong, slowly spread out.

The golden light lingering in the air was obviously attracted by this suction, and it changed its trajectory in the air, turning into strands, rushing into Suan Ni's body.

"Not good!" Seeing this scene, Wu Jinhun's heart suddenly twitched. He suffered a big loss like this just now, so he was naturally impressed. I don't want Wan Donglin to follow in his footsteps!

Seventy-eight out of ten of Wan Dong's palm force were sucked into Suan Ni's body, and the remaining [-]-[-]% did not pose any threat to Suan Ni, and were directly defeated by his palm.In this way, the wave of offensive launched by Wan Dong was easily resolved by Suan Ni, without even hurting a single hair of him.

Suan Ni couldn't help getting excited, and her confidence skyrocketed!As long as his inherent tactics still work, he has the confidence to consume Wan Dong to death, and the final victory will be in his pocket after all!

"Boy, you should run away while there is still a chance! Otherwise, hehe..." Suan Ni said to Wan Dong with a sneer and provocation all over her face.

"Just because you want to let the young master run away? You think too highly of yourself!" Wan Dong raised his eyebrows, and there seemed to be a hint of anger on his face.

The smile on Suan Ni's face is even brighter, young people are young people, inexperienced, too impulsive!If you let him escape, the more he will stay and fight you to death.Suan Ni has lived up to now, and she has a perfect grasp of young people's minds!

"Boy, don't fall into his ways!" Wu Jinhun reminded worriedly.

Wan Dong didn't seem to hear it, he moved his feet and rushed towards Suan Ni again.This time, Wan Dong's attack was even more fierce. When he waved his palms, in the blink of an eye, there were dozens of palms vigorously aroused, rushing towards Suan Ni from all directions.

Although Suan Ni had the chance to win, seeing Wan Dong's ferocious attack, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.Hastily exerted all his strength, and raised his body skills to the extreme. The whole person was really like a ghost, floating here and there. Wan Dong sacrificed the Dao Qi outside his body, and then took it back!

This wave of offensive lasted for about a cup of tea before the dust settled.Suan Ni's breathing was slightly panting, but she was not tired, but surprised.

The strength of Wan Dong's cultivation was far beyond his expectation. It was stronger than Wu Jinhun, and he was even not inferior to the Ninth Layer master who was sucked dry by him.Facing such a powerful enemy, even if Suan Ni has a trump card, he still has to put up 12 points of energy and dare not neglect in the slightest.

But seeing Wan Dong, who was gasping for breath and much more exhausted than herself, Suan Ni's mood suddenly cheered up.In the fierce battle just now, he at least absorbed nearly [-]% of Wan Dong's Dao Qi. From Suan Ni's point of view, the outcome was basically decided.

"Father, Boss..." Seeing that something was wrong with Wan Dong, Wu Yang finally began to feel nervous.

Wu Jinhun's brows were already furrowed and couldn't be tighter, and there was even a bit of anger between his brows, and he said through gritted teeth, "This brat, relying on his high cultivation, is reckless and doesn't pay attention to strategy at all. It's so stupid that it's heartbreaking to be completely in the other party's way!"

Wu Jinhun's anger seemed to be not small, and he cursed at Wan Dong as soon as he caught it.It seems that he has completely forgotten that when he fought with Suan Ni just now, he seemed to be like this. Why doesn't he feel that he is stupid?

"Father, what kind of martial arts did that guy use, why is he so wicked?" Wu Yang was even more anxious and annoyed.

Wu Jinhun shook his head, Zi Gangling's reputation as the Twelve Beastmasters was very resounding, so Wujin Soul naturally survived.Among them, there is no one who is good at it, and everyone has their own unique skills.

"It seems that if we all go up together, we might still have a chance of winning!"

Wu Yang couldn't wait a long time ago. Hearing what Wu Jinhun said, he was gearing up even more, wishing he could rush over now.

"A jumping clown, how can he use more to win? I am enough!" When Wu Yang was about to move, Wan Dong suddenly waved his hand and said loudly.

Wu Jinhun shook his head after hearing this, and couldn't help scolding, "Stinky boy, what time is this, are you still trying to be brave here?"

Wan Dong smiled and didn't say anything, but the expression on his face was full of confidence, which made Wu Jinhun's heart move!

"Huh! Death is imminent, and you are still so stubborn! You attacked me just now, and now it's my turn!" Suan Ni's face darkened, he was really afraid that Wu Jinhun and others would come up and make trouble for him.Although it will not pose any threat to him, it will definitely cause him a lot of trouble.If Wan Dong took this opportunity to slip away, he would suffer a great loss.In Suan Ni's eyes, the combined lives of Wu Jinhun and his family are not worth as much as Wan Dong alone!

In order to avoid having more nights and dreams, and not to give Wu Jinhun and the others a chance to cause trouble, Suan Ni snorted coldly, decided not to delay, and immediately launched an offensive...

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