Suan Ni's offensive was really not ordinary, at least he used more than [-]% of his true energy, and he had a posture of determining the world with one move.

The hearts of Wu Jinhun and the others immediately reached their throats, especially Wu Yang, who was so nervous that he didn't even blink his eyes.Wan Dong's cultivation has been fully absorbed by Suan Ni by [-]%, and at this time he is at best equivalent to a sixth-level warrior. Facing an almost full-strength attack from an eighth-level master, one can imagine the situation.

Wu Jinhun wanted to make a move immediately, but Wan Dong's confident face suddenly appeared in front of him, and he couldn't help hesitating.At this moment, Wan Dong glanced at him leisurely, as if he was worried that Wu Jinhun would intervene, so he purposely used this look to stop him.

Wu Jinhun couldn't help being angry and funny, when is this, Wan Dong is still worried about these things?Wu Jinhun just wished he could grab Wan Dong and swear at him fiercely, that would be fun!

"Boy! Your head, sir, is about to be determined!" Suan Ni's figure was in the air, condescending, like a goshawk fighting a rabbit, very fierce and intimidating.

Suan Ni usually takes a shot against the enemy, and it is always a fatal move.This is of course because the evil kung fu practiced by Suan Ni can absorb a large amount of the opponent's true energy, making the opponent exhausted in the end and unable to resist at all. Ni's moves are fierce and vicious, deadly moves!

At this time, Suan Ni rushed towards Wan Dong who was condescending, her ten fingers curled like hooks, her nails seemed to have grown out of thin air, they were sharp and piercing, and even emitted a silvery cold light like metal from time to time, which was even more impressive. His heart trembled, as if Suan Ni's grasp could really grab Wan Dong's head from his neck!

If someone else was facing such a fierce attack from Suan Ni, he might have been alerted long ago, but Wan Dong was fine, his body remained motionless, and he had no posture of dodging or resisting at all.The whole thing is just a pile of wires, a posture of waiting to die.

Wujin Soul is going crazy right now!He scolded in his heart, Xu Yaoting's grandson didn't come to save him at all, to rescue him, but to torture him, to make him worry on purpose!How can there be someone like him who jumps into a trap even though he knows it is a trap, and even refuses to dodge when faced with the enemy's fatal attack.You are going to die, please stay far away, do you have to deliberately run over and die in front of Lao Tzu?Deliberately disgusting me, right?

Cursing or scolding, Wu Jinhun still couldn't help but watch Wan Dong die in front of his eyes.However, just when he couldn't bear it anymore and was about to make a move, something unexpected happened to him.

Invincible, Suan Ni, who came through the air, suddenly jerked his body, and then seemed to be shot by random guns, several blood sprays burst out of his body, and several transparent blood holes appeared out of thin air.

All this happened so suddenly, Suan Ni never expected it.Immediately, he let out a scream, and his body fell heavily to the ground with a thud.

"What's going on?" Even the well-informed Wu Jinhun couldn't help but let out an exclamation at this time, with a dazed expression on his face, that was wonderful.

Wu Yang, Wu Yue and Uncle Zhou even looked at each other in blank dismay, as if Monk Zhanger couldn't figure it out.

"What the hell is this kid doing?" Wu Jin cast his eyes fiercely on Wan Dong, his face full of suspicion.

Just now Wan Dong didn't move, he saw it.But he is also very clear that Suan Ni's experience must be Wan Dong's handwriting.Why?This can be seen from Wan Dong's calm and composed expression, even with a slight smile on his face.

After Suan Ni fell to the ground, streaks of golden light immediately burst out from the several blood holes on his body, slowly gathered together, and then rushed back to Wan Dong's palm together.disappeared into his body.

And with the influx of golden light, the exhaustion on Wan Dong's face was quickly swept away, and his whole body became radiant again!

Although Wu Jinhun couldn't figure out the situation, he could vaguely guess something.It must have been the true qi that belonged to Wan Dong that was sucked into Suan Ni's body before, and suddenly made trouble, which made Suan Ni so miserable.

But why Wan Dong was still able to manipulate the zhenqi sucked away by Suan Ni, and then severely injured Suan Ni, even if Wu Jinhun was thinking about it, he couldn't figure out why.I just feel that Suan Ni is evil, but Wan Dong is a hundred times more evil than him!

"Why...why?" Suan Ni struggled several times before finally standing up from the ground, looking at the blood holes on her body, her face was full of shock and confusion.

A sneer suddenly appeared on Wan Dong's face, why?Because Suan Ni has eyes but no pearls!He didn't know that what Wan Dong cultivated was not true qi, but Dao qi that was n heavier than true qi!He thought that by inhaling Wan Dong's Dao Qi into his body, he would be able to cut off Wan Dong's connection with Dao Qi.

When Suan Ni inhaled Wan Dong's Dao Qi into his body almost crazily, he had no idea that he was digging his own grave!When the dao qi in his body accumulated to a certain amount, Wan Dong immediately detonated it with a single thought, and those useless acupoints on Suan Ni immediately turned into blood holes.Although these acupuncture points are irrelevant and won't kill Suan Ni for a while, they are enough to seriously injure Suan Ni!

"Father, what... what's going on here?" Wu Yang was like a curious baby, asking Wu Jinhun non-stop, making Wu Jinhun very tired of coping.

"How does I know? Isn't he your boss? If you want to know, just ask him yourself, don't bother me! But... after you ask clearly, don't forget to tell me."

"..." Wu Yang was speechless for a while.His father was no longer the omnipotent and omniscient father in his mind.

"This... this is all your... from the beginning to the end, a conspiracy you designed?" Suan Ni clutched the bleeding wound that kept oozing out, and the steel teeth in her mouth were about to be crushed!Thinking about his life, it was the first time he suffered such a big loss.

Not to mention him, even Wu Jinhun couldn't help feeling terrified.Isn't this Wan Dong's conspiracy?Fortunately, he had reminded Wan Dong several times at the beginning, but thinking about it now, he couldn't help but blush.

"So what?" Wan Dong didn't pay attention to Suan Ni from the beginning, and even more so now.With a cold sneer on his face, he walked slowly towards Suan Ni.

Wan Dong's footsteps were slow and light, but it seemed as if he was stepping on the apex of Suan Ni's heart, making his heart throbbing with pain following Wan Dong's footsteps!

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful, I was wrong, no wonder you fell!"

"Something like you that regards life as worthless, it will be planted sooner or later! It's time to pay the price for the sins of your life!"

"You want to kill me? I'm afraid it won't be that easy!" At the last moment, Suan Ni seemed to be willing to go all out, and he still had the strength to fight!

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