Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 346 Treating others with their own way!

"The trapped beast is still fighting, it won't make any sense!" Wan Dong kept walking, and the contempt and sarcasm in his eyes became stronger.

"Bastard! I am a majestic 狻猊, one of the twelve beast kings, how can I lose to you, a little bastard from the Qingyun Empire? Go to hell!"

Suan Ni is strong enough.Completely ignoring the several blood holes on his body, blood spurted out at the same time, his eyes were red, he only stared at Wan Dong, concentrated all the true energy in his body into the palm of his right palm, and slammed fiercely at Wan Dong while shouting loudly. Dong blasted past.

The violent zhenqi whipped up a gust of wind that swept across the world, wishing to blow Wan Dong apart.It seems that Suan Ni is almost crazy, as if he wants to die with Wan Dong, but the shrewd Wu Jinhun can see at a glance that Suan Ni is only advancing as a retreat, and his intention is to withdraw.

Worrying that Wan Dong would not understand, Wu Jinhun hurriedly said loudly, "Be careful, don't let him escape!"

Kuang Xiong, Qu Mang, and Suan Ni almost wiped out the Wu family with blood. How could Wu Jinhun spare them such a heinous crime?Kuangxiong, since Qu Mang is dead, there is no other way, all this can only fall on Suan Ni.If Suan Ni was allowed to escape, Wu Jinhun might not be able to sleep peacefully again in his life.

"Damn it!" Unexpectedly, Wu Jinhun could see through his thoughts at a glance, Suan Ni couldn't help but cursed bitterly.

Seeing Wan Dong approaching with his left palm and the circle behind his right palm, cutting off his escape route, Suan Ni gritted his teeth and could only helplessly give up the idea of ​​running away.

The palms of the two collided firmly in the air. In the blink of an eye, the whole world seemed to lose its usual light. Rolled up and waved around, it really destroyed a good Wufu.

It's just that at this moment, no one cared about these things, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Wan Dong and Suan Ni.


With a muffled sound, Suan Ni opened his mouth and sprayed out a blood arrow, and his figure also staggered and swayed.Wan Dong, on the other hand, was calm and composed, with no change on his face.Obviously, Wan Dong's cultivation was higher than Suan Ni's.

"Worthy of being my boss! He's so handsome!" Wu Yang shouted excitedly after the victory had been decided.

Wu Jinhun also nodded again and again, full of admiration in his heart.The image of the rich young master of the Xu family was completely reversed in his heart!

"I heard that every time you fight with someone, you have to suck out the opponent's true energy before putting him to death, is that true?" Wan Dong looked at Suan Ni and asked coldly.

"" Only then did Suan Ni realize that his right palm seemed to be sucked together with Wan Dong's left palm, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get it back.A heart suddenly became terrified to the point where it could not be added, and his expression was even more terrified.

"Today, I'm going to use my own way to treat this person's body, so that you can also taste what it's like to be sucked dry by others!"

"What!?" As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Suan Ni and Wu Jinhun uttered an exclamation at the same time.

Suan Ni is naturally out of fear, while Wu Jinhun is out of shock. Unexpectedly, Wan Dong also has the terrifying ability to suck the true energy of others!

Before the two people's exclamation fell to the ground, Wan Dong's dao qi had been activated suddenly, and Suan Ni immediately discovered that the true qi in her body seemed to have lost control, and left without looking back. into Wan Dong's body.

The speed at which Wan Dong devours true energy is many times faster than Suan Ni's evil skill.Suan Ni's genuine energy accumulated over the past few decades has already disappeared half of it in just one short breath.

"You... what are you doing? Let me go, let me go!" Suan Ni was completely terrified, and while roaring hysterically, she hurriedly waved her other hand to strike Wan Dong, wanting to To force Wan Dong to stop devouring, so as to be able to withdraw.

But Suan Ni really overestimated his own strength, his other palm, just halfway through the swing, was punched by Wan Dong, and the bones were broken in the air. Hanging on the side.Wan Dong will never show mercy to the people of the Iron War Dynasty, let alone Suan Ni, who has countless blood debts on his opponent.

The arm bone of Suan Ni was directly blasted, and before Suan Ni woke up from the severe pain, all the zhenqi in his body had been counted into Wan Dong's body.By the way, Wan Dong also shattered Suan Ni's Yuan Mansion and meridians, completely extinguishing his hope of making a comeback, so he let him go.

As soon as Wan Dong let go, Suan Ni immediately collapsed on the ground like a puddle of mud. Wan Dong didn't pay attention to it, because after he transformed all of Suan Ni's true energy into Dao Qi, a breakthrough opportunity finally came. flashed before his eyes.

The opportunity for a breakthrough is fleeting, and once you miss it, you may have to wait for a long time.Especially the higher the realm is raised, the rarer this opportunity for breakthrough will be!It doesn't matter where Wan Dong is or who is around, as soon as a breakthrough opportunity appears, Wan Dong's mind immediately follows.The Dao Qi in the body also spun rapidly...

Suan Ni has become a useless person at this time, there is no threat at all, even Wu Yang can poke him to death with one finger.Wu Jinhun was about to ask Wan Dong how he planned to deal with Suan Ni, when he suddenly found that something was wrong with Wan Dong.

I couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and asked blankly, "Is this kid trying to break through?"

Zhou Jian nodded with a smile and said, "Ten chances are yes!"

"Damn! No way! This kid is already a strong metamorphosis, and he's going to break through again, is there any chance?" Wu Jinhun has never been jealous of anyone in his life, but he is really jealous of Wan Dong. Yes, and it's not ordinary jealousy!

Although he was swearing and seemed very dissatisfied, his feet did not hesitate at all, and he immediately stood on Wan Dong's right side, together with Zhou Jian, Wu Yang, and Wu Yue, guarding the four directions respectively, carefully Protect the law for him.

As for Suan Ni, Wu Yang had already kicked her into a corner, and she only had to wait for Wan Dong to complete the breakthrough before seeing how to deal with it.

As Wandong's breakthrough continued, a large cloud of energy gradually gathered in the night sky above Wu's house, enough to cover a radius of several miles.It is not an exaggeration to say that even Wu Jinhun has never seen such a cloud of essence energy before, so he was a little dumbfounded at this moment.

The essence of heaven and earth permeating the entire Wufu is also surprisingly rich because of this cloud of essence, so much so that there are some signs of liquefaction.After only taking a small breath, everyone found that the true energy in their bodies suddenly rose a lot, and they were even more refreshed.

"Wu Yang, Wu Yue, Lao Zhou, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you can't miss it! Before this kid has made a breakthrough, everyone should follow him to gain some glory and improve your own cultivation!" Wu Jin There was a bit of shock in Hun's voice, and he said repeatedly with a bit of excitement.

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