"Father, isn't it good? Aren't we going to protect the boss?" Wu Yang frowned and said with some concern.

Wu Jinhun snorted, and said, "Fuck you! This kid's cultivation base is probably not his opponent in the entire Yunzhong City! Anyone who wants to get his idea must first carefully weigh it! Besides, My army should be here soon, no need!"

When Wu Jinhun said this, Wu Yang and Wu Yue looked at each other and smiled, they didn't care about that much, and sat down cross-legged with Wu Jinhun and Zhou Jian.He opened every pore in his body, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth filling his body to his heart's content.

Not long after, Wang Lin rushed in with the army, and saw Suan Ni curled up like a puddle of mud, Wan Dong, Wu Jinhun and the others, all of them with solemn treasures, were impressively meditating, Wang Lin was very upset Startled, but reacted quickly.Immediately selected more than [-] elite soldiers, together with himself to protect Wan Dong and the others, drove out the rest of the large army, and guarded around, so as not to disturb the five people due to too many people.

After another half hour, the energy of heaven and earth pervading the surroundings began to gradually dissipate, which also meant that Wan Dong's breakthrough had been completed.

Wan Dong has reached the Ninth Layer of True Qi, but Suan Ni's True Qi is not very much, and the Dao Qi transformed into it is also very limited. As before, if you don't break through, let it go, once you break through, you will reach the peak of the next realm.

This also shows that with the improvement of the realm, the difficulty of breaking through the bottleneck is gradually increasing.Even if Wan Dong is practicing Xuantian Enlightenment Art, it is no exception!But even if it's just the beginning of the ninth level of true qi, it's already a big deal for Wan Dong.After all, he is still so young, he can definitely be called the only person in the ages!

The essence of heaven and earth dissipated, and the four of Wu Jinhun also stopped meditating one after another.Although the time was not very long, all four of them benefited a lot from it.Especially Wuyang and Wuyue, their realms have been raised by one stage.

Eighty percent of Wujin Soul's true energy was sucked away by Suan Ni, and now at least thirty percent had recovered, which saved him quite a while.

"It's a pity, it's a pity!" Wu Jinhun stood up, and sighed several times.It's no wonder that an opportunity like this is rare, and it can be regarded as an adventure.

On the other hand, Wu Yang and Wu Yue didn't feel pity at all, they just felt excited.They are all determined to follow Wan Dong. Opportunities like this will never be less in the future!

Seeing the joy and anticipation for the future on the faces of his two sons and daughters, Wu Jinhun felt relieved.Perhaps following Wan Dong is the greatest opportunity in their life, and perhaps in the future, they will make the Wu family go further and more brilliantly!

Wan Dong finished his work and opened his eyes. Immediately, he saw that everyone around him was looking at him with strange eyes.

"Breakthrough?" Wu Jinhun opened his mouth and asked.

Wan Dong nodded and said with a smile, "Thanks to Uncle Uber!"

"Bah! Whether you break through or not, has something to do with me? You don't need to put gold on my face, just get close!"

Wan Dong couldn't help touching his nose, and let out a wry smile.When dealing with people like Wu Jinhun, it's better to go straight to avoid being reprimanded.

The Wu family suffered a heavy loss tonight, beyond Wu Jinhun's imagination, and even the bottom line he could bear.A pair of eyes immediately became sharper than a knife, and Huo's eyes fell on Suan Ni's body.

"Come here! Catch this bastard for me!"

As soon as Wu Jinhun's words fell, Wang Lin rushed to Suan Ni like a sharp sword that had been pulled from its string.He pulled it up from the ground with one hand, Suan Ni subconsciously struggled a little, and Wang Lin immediately flung it over with a slap in the face.Poor Suan Ni was slapped by Wang Lin before she even woke up, and half of her teeth fell out.

Of the many guards who died in the Wu family today, quite a few of them were brought out by Wang Lin, how could he not hate them?

"General, what should we do with this thief? It's better to chop it into meat paste!" Wang Lin brought Suan Ni to Wu Jinhun, and said through gritted teeth.

Although Suan Ni has killed countless people, it doesn't mean that he is not afraid of death. When Wang Lin said that he would chop him into meat paste, Suan Ni's already ugly face immediately turned livid.

Wu Jinhun sneered, and said, "Don't worry! Recently, several officials in Yunzhong City have been killed one after another. It is absolutely impossible to rely on the strength of the three of them. I guess, he must have many accomplices." , hiding in Yunzhong City! I will dig them out of his mouth one by one!"

Wu Jinhun's words made Suan Ni's complexion even more ugly.Of course he was afraid of death, but in this world, death was not the most terrifying thing.In his mind, Zi Gangling is definitely more terrifying than death!

Even if Suan Ni is full of courage, she will never dare to betray Jin Xidao and Fu Chuanjing to Wu Jinhun.He couldn't help feeling sad, from the situation in front of him, death became the most attractive choice for him.

"Don't waste your energy, I won't say it!" Suan Ni opened her mouth and said without waiting for Wu Jinhun to ask.

Wu Jinhun let out a sneer and said, "Although you can be tough! I have plenty of ways to pry your mouth open!"

Wu Jinhun was born in the army, but not a servant in those yamen. For him, torture and confession are just commonplace!As Wu Jinhun said, he has plenty of ways.

Looking at Wu Jinhun's icy expression, Suan Ni knew in her heart that once she fell into Wu Jinhun's hands, he would definitely feel better.Rather than dying after being tortured for a while, it is better to kill yourself now, at least you can save a meal of unnecessary torture!

However, Suan Ni's Xiao Jiujiu couldn't hide it from Wu Jinhun, he had just made up his mind, before he had time to act, Wu Jinhun's slap came over.With a crisp cracking sound, the other half of Wujin Soul's remaining teeth did not fall out, and all of them flew out.This time it's good, the gums are bare, and Suan Ni can't even kill herself by biting her tongue.

"Hmph... Want to commit suicide? How could I give you a chance!"

"You... hello..." At this time, Suan Ni's mouth was full of turmoil, he couldn't even speak clearly, and his whole body was twitching and trembling.

"Tie him up and send him to the barracks! I want to interrogate him personally!" Wu Jinhun shouted fiercely.

Wang Lin was so eager to do so, he hurriedly responded, and immediately sent Suan Ni to the camp of the Wujin Soul army.I don't know how many followers Suan Ni has in this cloud city, the barracks stationed by heavy troops is undoubtedly the safest.

"Wait a minute!" Wang Lin hadn't taken two steps before Wan Dong stopped him.

Wang Lin paused and looked at Wan Dong in surprise.For Wan Dong, Wang Lin was both grateful and respectful, and did not dare to underestimate him.Think about it, if it weren't for Wan Dong, his little life would have been ruined by Kuang Xiong long ago.Men in the ranks always have clear grievances and resentments!

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