Facing Wan Dong, even if Wang Lin wasn't dumbfounded, he couldn't deal with it at all. In fact, before Wu Jinhun's roar landed, the 狻猊 in Wang Lin's hand had already reached Wan Dong's hands.

"Idiot! Trash!" Wu Jin opened his mouth and cursed angrily.

Only then did Wang Lin wake up completely, and hastily shot a cloud-piercing arrow towards the sky.The army deployed outside received the signal, and immediately rushed in like a tide, surrounding Wan Dong in groups.

"Father! What are you doing! If you mess around again, don't blame me for turning your elbows out!" Seeing that the situation became more and more tense, at the end, Wu Jinhun did not hesitate to mobilize an army to besiege Wan Dong, and Wu Yang was really caught. He was so angry that he yelled loudly.

Hearing his son's yelling, Wu Jinhun couldn't laugh or cry, what did you say?The person making trouble is obviously Xu Yaoting, okay, but why did he become him?

Ignoring Wu Yang, Wu Jinhun shouted sharply, "No way, you have to snatch him back!"

The military order is like a mountain, since Wu Jinhun has spoken, who dares not to obey?Even Wang Lin, who had received Wan Dong's life-saving grace, had no choice but to rush forward with a bit of guilt.

After all, the back hall of the Wu family is limited, and there is no room for thousands of troops.However, it is not a problem to accommodate two or 300 people.Although there were only two or three hundred people, but because Wujin Soul led troops well, all of them were well-trained, brave and good at fighting, and they charged together, they still had quite astonishing lethality!

Seeing the soldiers rushing towards Wan Dong like a tide, as if they were going to submerge Wan Dong at any moment, the corner of Wu Jinhun's mouth couldn't help showing a smile, but he wanted to see how Wan Dong would deal with this situation!

Seeing that Wu Jinhun seemed determined to fight his boss to the end, Wu Yang was annoyed, and wanted to rush forward to fight side by side with Wan Dong.Wu Yue suddenly reached out to hold him down, and said in a low voice, "Are you going to piss our father off?"

"It's my sister, you've seen it too, Dad is really shameless! It's simply ungrateful!" Wu Yang was really annoyed, she didn't mean to carry Wu Jinhun's back at all, her voice was loud, and she Shaking the tiles on the roof.

Wu Jinhun was not deaf, so he could hear clearly, his face immediately turned into a black hole, but he didn't attack Wu Yang.

Wu Yue couldn't help but slapped Wu Yang hard, and said in a low voice, "You bastard, why can't you see Dad's good intentions? He deliberately beat Yao Ting for the good of Yao Ting." !"

Wu Yang snorted, and said, "What a joke! My boss is so wise and mighty, do I need to beat him? It's just superfluous!"

Wu Yue remained silent, obviously she had the same thoughts as Wu Yang in her heart.If Wu Jinhun had had enough contact with Wandong, he probably wouldn't have done so.

Wu Yang was eager to help Wan Dong, but suddenly calmed down.With a slight smile, he said faintly, "Just wait and see, maybe who beats whom!"

As soon as Wu Yang's words fell, Wan Dong suddenly let out a roar resounding through the sky, "Uncle Wu, please forgive Yao Ting for offending me!"

Wu Jinhun narrowed his eyes, and was about to answer, when Wan Dong moved!The movement shocked the sky, the movement caused the sky to shatter, and the movement shocked Wu Jinhun and his little friends.

Originally under heavy siege, Wan Dong seemed to be struggling, but suddenly he seemed to be a different person, no, it was not so much a different person, it was better to say that he had turned into a human-shaped mad dragon, with golden lights shining all over his body. , domineering.

With one hand holding the mud-like suanni, with the other hand he kept setting off tsunami-like golden waves, constantly hitting the crowd.Wherever they went, the soldiers were like felled wheat, falling down in pieces.In the blink of an eye, within a radius of more than ten steps around Wan Dong, there was no one standing except Wan Dong.

"You bastards! What are you all doing? You've completely embarrassed me!" Wu Jin's soul has gone through countless battles, big and small, and it seems that he has never been so embarrassing in his memory.

"General, Xu...Master Xu's cultivation is too high, brothers can't get close to him at all!" Wang Lin was about to cry at this moment.I don't know what kind of kung fu Wan Dong has practiced, it is really not ordinary domineering.The vigor that was released was unprecedentedly fierce and unprecedented.With his cultivation base, he felt the pressure, let alone those ordinary soldiers.

"Who made you mess up, don't you know how to use formations?" Standing beside him, Wu Jinhun hopped his feet angrily, wishing he could grab Wang Lin and beat him hard several times.

Reminded by Wu Jinhun, Wang Lin really lifted his spirits, waved his hand gestures again and again, and all the soldiers immediately moved skillfully, and within a short while, a small-scale army formation was formed and in operation.

The 30 iron cavalry commanded by Wu Jinhun are indeed the elite troops defending Gyeonggi!If it were any other army, it would be difficult to deploy such a complete formation in such a short period of time under such chaotic conditions.

The only meaning of the existence of the army array is to obtain the attack power of one plus one greater than two through the coordination of the soldiers, so as to increase the efficiency of a single soldier to the extreme.Once the formation is completed, although there are still two or three hundred people, the power and attack power erupted by them is as different as cloud and mud!

"Flying together?" Wan Dong said with a glance.

Wu Jinhun laughed loudly and said, "You really have sharp eyesight, kid! Yes, do you have the ability to break this formation?"

The wing-to-wing double-flying formation is definitely a superior formation. It pays attention to the division of soldiers into two wings. Through the rapid running and changing of soldiers, the enemy will be at a loss, so that the enemy can be flanked and strangled calmly!

Wu Jinhun put up such a big formation to deal with Wan Dong, what he really said was 'I love you more'.

It's just that Wu Jinhun never imagined that even in his dreams, Wan Dong's research on the match was far beyond his imagination.Flying together?Wan Dong really didn't pay much attention to it!

A roar that sounded like thunder came straight from Wan Dong's throat to the top of the sky.With a sudden throw of both hands, an infinite force immediately threw Suan Ni into the sky tens of feet high.

Suan Ni is worse than ordinary people now, being thrown so high in the air, she almost peed in fright.If it falls, even if he has ten lives, he will have to pay for it!

At this time, Wu Jinhun was also taken aback by Wan Dong's actions.Could it be that Wan Dong felt that Suan Ni could not be taken away, so he simply threw her to death?

"No!" Wu Jinhun exclaimed suddenly, the shadow of Wan Dong in his eyes became ethereal in an instant, and the speed was so fast that even the streamer and lightning were not enough to describe it.

"Damn it! Boss probably wants to break the wing-to-wing formation before Suanni falls from the sky?" Wu Yang couldn't help but let out an exclamation with a dull expression.

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