Wu Yue nodded blankly, she had no doubts about what Wu Yang said, and in fact she couldn't tolerate her doubts.Before Wu Yang's words hit the ground, Wan Dong stretched out his arms fiercely, facing the surging crowd as if they were flapping wings, and greeted them head-on.

"Stinky boy! At this situation, even Wu Jinhun couldn't help but let out an exclamation, his thick eyebrows were raised, his eyes were shining with unbelievable light, and there was a hint of excitement in it!

General Wu is bold and forthright, and what he likes the most in his life are talents and generals!Seeing Wan Dong showing such arrogance and might in front of thousands of troops, how could he not be shocked by it?It's just that Wan Dong wanted to take advantage of the short time when Suan Ni fell from the sky to break through this well-drilled wing-to-wing formation, which is a bit too arrogant.But arrogance isn't all that's wrong with a young man.Without arrogance, where does passion come from?What can young people without passion do?

Wu Jinhun smacked his lips, thinking a little bit, if this kid can be taken into the army and carefully studied, maybe he can become a general of a generation, or even become a new military god!To be honest, Wu Jinhun really liked Wan Dong more than Qiu Yunchong!

Just when Wu Jinhun was excited and his thoughts were racing, Wan Dong rushed into the formation.Like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, a wing-to-wing formation immediately began to move quickly, the left and right wings jumped at the same time, strangling Wan Dong together.The sound of footsteps, coupled with the mighty and majestic roar of the soldiers, was breathtaking, as if they were on the battlefield.

Wu Jinhun is quite satisfied that two or three hundred people can exert such power.It's a pity that the Qingyun Empire hadn't fought for many years, and even if there was, it wouldn't be the turn of Wujinhun who defended the capital, so Wujinhun never had the chance to test the combat effectiveness of the force he brought out.At this moment, dealing with Wan Dong gave him a little bit of an addiction.

"See if you surrender or not!" Wu Jinhun grinned, as if he regarded Wan Dong as his favorite prey.

However, Wu Jinhun's smile hadn't fully unfolded before it suddenly froze on his face.At the moment when the two wings of the formation were about to close together, Wan Dong's figure swayed repeatedly, and he got out along a gap, and then burst into flames, rushing straight to the eye of the formation.

"This kid..." Looking at the track Wan Dong left behind when he moved, Wu Jin was so shocked that he couldn't even speak.How did Wan Dong find out such a wonderful and exhausting route, which can avoid 90.00% of the attacks!This means that, in this way, the power of the entire formation is directly reduced by [-]%, is this still worth it?

It was Wang Lin who stood at the eye of the formation.His expression at this time is a thousand times more exciting than Wu Jinhun's. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a ghost in daylight.

As the leader of the formation, Wang Lin is protected by layers of protection. Unless the entire battle formation is completely destroyed, he is the safest.But today, Wan Dong broke all his previous cognitions. Seeing Wan Dong swaying left and right, he swayed in front of him, as if entering a land without people, Wang Lin really wanted to cry without tears.

"I'm sorry, Commander Wang!" Wan Dong smiled at Wang Lin, and suddenly stretched out his right hand, grabbing at Wang Lin's chest.

"You bastard! Are they all dead? Stop him!" Wu Jinhun was outside the formation, jumping his feet anxiously.I really regret it, if it was him instead of Wang Lin who presided over the battle in the first place, maybe this situation would not be like this.

But thinking about it again, Wu Jinhun couldn't help but a wry smile appeared on his face.He seems to think too highly of himself!Although he was stronger than Wang Lin, it seemed meaningless in front of Wan Dong.Even if he is the one standing in front of the formation at this time, he can only be caught without a fight.

Wujin Soul's angry reprimand had some effect.The dozen or so soldiers who were in charge of guarding Wang Lin woke up from the great shock, and hurriedly rushed towards Wan Dong.Once the eyes of this formation are broken, the entire formation will be over.

"Hey..." Wan Dong let out a strange laugh, and waved his palms like rain, sending out a lot of palm strength, and immediately flew out the dozen or so soldiers.These ordinary soldiers want to capture Wan Dong, of course, it's a fool's dream.

Seeing this scene, Wang Lin had no choice but to grit his teeth, straightened out the long sword in his hand, and stabbed straight at Wan Dong.Knowing that there is nothing he can do about Wan Dong, he has to stab him too. Could it be that he just waited to die like this?How embarrassing!Not to mention whether Wu Jinhun could spare him, first of all he couldn't pass this test himself.

Wang Lin's sword was very fast, and it reached Wan Dong's chest in the blink of an eye, but it could only stop there.Wang Lin's sword tip seemed to be piercing an invisible wall, and there was a crisp sound similar to the intersection of gold and spear, which stunned Wang Lin.

This master can release a kind of body protection, this Wang Lin knows.But he has never heard that someone's body protector can be as strong as Wandong.Even if the entire sword body is bent at ninety degrees, the tip of the sword is still hard to penetrate.

Just when Wang Lin was startled, a golden light flashed across Wan Dong's body. Immediately, Wang Lin felt a sudden numbness in his arms.

A deep sense of powerlessness rose in Wang Lin's heart. When confronted with such a formidable opponent as Wan Dong, any resistance would be unnecessary.

Wan Dong stretched out his hand to fish it out, and took Wang Lin into his hand.Wang Lin was captured and lost his command. The entire formation was in chaos, and soon two or three hundred soldiers became a mess, no longer a threat to Wan Dong.

Wan Dong let out a burst of heroic laughter, and threw Wang Lin towards Wu Jinhun.

Wu Jinhun subconsciously stretched out his hands to pick it up, and suddenly realized that Wan Dong was not just throwing Wang Lin back to him, but had clearly poured his dark energy into Wang Lin.As soon as Fang made a solid connection, Wu Jin's soul was pushed backwards by this invisible dark force, unable to retreat.

Fortunately, Wan Dong seemed to have deliberately saved some face for Wu Jinhun, otherwise, if Wu Jinhun sat down on the ground, his face would be completely swept away.

When Wu Jinhun stopped and looked up at Wan Dong, Wan Dong had already firmly caught the Suan Ni that fell from the sky in his hands.

"Changing Tai!" Seeing this situation, even Wu Jinhun couldn't help it, gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words.

"Uncle Wu, I have important things to do, so I won't accompany you!" Leaving behind a series of clear voices and laughter, Wan Dong took Suan Ni and walked away directly. His figure was so chic.

"General, I..." Wang Lin followed Wu Jinhun for so long, and this was the first time he was so humiliated.He didn't even have the courage to look at Wujin Soul, and lowered his head, just waiting for the storm of Wujin Soul to come.

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