Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 351 Give him a lieutenant general!

Contrary to Wang Lin's expectation, Wu Jinhun's storm did not fall on him.On the contrary, after a moment of silence, suddenly, a loud and unrestrained laughter came straight from Wu Jinhun's throat, shaking the sky.

"General, what are you..." Wang Lin looked confused, completely confused.

Wu Yang snorted softly, walked over, and said in a low voice, "I still want to beat my boss, how about now, but was beaten by my boss instead? I told you a long time ago, my boss is not an ordinary person, you blindly If you force it, you will suffer. Hey! As the saying goes, don’t listen to the old man’s words..."

"What?" Wu Jinhun's laughter stopped sharply, his resolute face was instantly covered with a layer of frost, and his gaze was coldly cast to Wu Yang.

Wu Yang was taken aback, knowing that he was overwhelmed with complacency, he hurriedly said haha, rubbed his nose and said, "No, no, I was wrong, it was... I didn't listen to my son, I was at a disadvantage, hehe..."

"Stinky boy! I can't take care of your boss, can't I take care of you?" Wu Jinhun sneered, and strode towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang suddenly panicked, staggered back, and begged for mercy, "Father, what are you doing? I... I was just joking with you, nothing... nothing else..."

"'s too late to say anything now! Put your butt up obediently, maybe I can save you some face, if not, I will add another chrysanthemum to your ass today!"

"Sister! Uncle Zhou! Help, help!" Seeing that Wu Jinhun seemed to be serious, Wu Yang really panicked, and ran away in a hurry.

Wu Yue and Uncle Zhou looked at each other and smiled, neither of them had any intention of interceding for Wu Yang.This Wu Yang really needs to be taken care of, look at him just now, he only has Wan Dong as the boss in his eyes, he protects him in every possible way, and he almost has Wu Jinhun as his father in his eyes.If he doesn't clean it up, he won't have a long memory!

Although Wu Jinhun's cultivation has only recovered to [-]%, it is no problem to deal with Wu Yang. Besides, does Wu Yang dare to fight back?After a few ups and downs, Wu Yang fell into Wu Jinhun's hands, and with a crackling sound, hundreds of flowers bloomed on Wu Yang's buttocks, so brilliant.

"Father! I was wrong, it's okay if I was wrong!" Wu Yang kept begging for mercy.

Wu Jinhun paused, and said, "Is it enough to just know that I was wrong? Your father and I have been heartbroken by you, don't you need to make up for it?"

Wu Yang looked bitter, and said nah, "Father, where in the world is there any reason for me to blackmail my son?"


"Oops! Compensation, compensation, must be compensated, just say it, I...I listen!"

Only then did Wu Jinhun nodded in satisfaction, and said loudly: "Listen to me, I have my eye on that kid Xu Yaoting, I want him to be my deputy, give him a deputy!"

"What? Dad, you... are you serious?" Wu Yang was stunned when Wu Jinhun said this.

Wu Yue and Uncle Zhou also looked at each other in blank dismay, no one expected that Wu Jinhun would propose such a condition.

Wu Jinhun's lieutenant general, that is a remarkable status!I don't know how many people in the army cried and shouted, but they couldn't ask for it, but Wu Jinhun wanted to give it to Wan Dong as soon as he opened his mouth.This not only represented Wu Jinhun's appreciation for Wan Dong, but also represented a great honor.Moreover, Wan Dong was able to be promoted to such an important position at such a young age, it was tantamount to Wu Jinhun personally opening a promising future for Wan Dong!

"Father, it seems that I... I am your own son." Wu Yang cried with a mournful face, as if he was really wronged.

Wu Jinhun glared at him, and said, "You don't need to remind me of such sad things several times."

"Father, you..."

Wu Jinhun ignored Wu Yang's grievances, and said with a smile: "I didn't realize that Xu Yaoting was so capable before! Did you see how he broke the wing-to-wing formation just now? It's so beautiful that it's unbelievable." If it wasn't for his deep comprehension of formations and his own super strength, he would never be able to do it! I can fully imagine what it will be like if this kid is brought to the battlefield in the future ! Hehe... Definitely a hard-to-find hero, hero!"

Wu Jinhun was not generally satisfied with Wan Dong, and he couldn't stop his praise. He wished he could use all kinds of compliments on Wan Dong.

Wu Yang coughed, and said in embarrassment, "Father, are you thinking too much? I think my boss has a higher heart than the sky, so I might not agree."

When Wu Yang said this, the smile on Wu Jinhun's face froze immediately, he frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly grinned at Wu Yang, and said, "It's okay, you must have a way, dad believes in you!"

Wu Yang suddenly had an urge to cry, why didn't he realize before that this old man, himself, is really not an ordinary insidious person.The smiling expression looked amiable and harmless to humans and animals, but if you looked closely, you could see the threat behind the smile.Wu Yang couldn't help touching his butt, did he really want an extra chrysanthemum?

Wan Dong took Suan Ni and swept out of Wufu in one fell swoop, and was about to go straight to the Qinglong Gang when a graceful figure suddenly stood in front of him.

Wan Dong paused, looked at Duan Lengyan who had a resentful face, and frowned slightly.

"Third...Third Princess, is it you?" Seeing Duan Lengyan, Suan Ni first exclaimed, and then immediately shouted with joy, "Third Princess, save me, save me!"

With a pretty face, Duan Lengyan rushed over in a few steps, raised her jade hand, and slapped Suan Ni's face heavily, leaving him five thick and cheap fried dough sticks.

Since the Twelve Beast Kings came to Yunzhong City and lived in Tianbao Pavilion, they have never really respected Duan Lengyan.Especially Suan Ni's wretched ones, who uttered so many obscenities in private, Duan Lengyan happened to overheard them a few times, and they almost couldn't hold back their anger.

Because of Jin Xidao, Duan Lengyan could only bear with it all this time, now that she finally had a chance to take revenge, how could she let it go?

"Third Princess, you..." Duan Lengyan slapped Suan Ni completely.

Duan Lengyan stared at him fiercely with disgust, and said angrily, "You bastard, you still expect me to save you, don't dream! I wish I could slap you to death!"

Duan Lengyan's words fell into Suan Ni's ears like thunder, she was stunned for a long time before she came to her senses and said, " betrayed us?"

"That's right! You can't think of it, can you?"

" stinky bastard! Our Zi Gangling has worked so hard for your Duan family for so many years, actually betrayed us, I..."

"Shut up!" Duan Lengyan already had a fire in her heart, and then she was scolded by such a stinky bastard like Suan Ni, new hatred and old hatred rushed into her heart together, murderous intentions suddenly arose, her jade palms gathered power, and directed towards Suan Ni's sky The vital point of the spirit was slapped down fiercely!

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