"Hmph... are you bluffing me? Just him, he will be the person that the national teacher values? Do you think I'm an idiot!" Luo Xiao thought that Wan Dong would restrain himself when he raised Qiu Wanli, but it was beyond his expectation What's more, Wan Dong seems to be more excited than before.With a shout of anger, even Luo Xiao couldn't help frowning, feeling a lot of pressure rushing towards his face.

Although Luo Xiao is young, he is very promising.I have also gone through a lot of battles to have today's achievements.Luo Xiao was secretly startled that a rascal and playboy could put such pressure on him.He just felt that the rumors he had heard about Xu Yaoting were probably untrue.

Wan Dong snorted heavily, ignored Luo Xiao's slight change of expression, and continued, "Not to mention Xiuwei, even his father is just a dog under Qiu Wanli's subordinates! I, Xu Yaoting, am not a fool, can you Can you scare me?"

Luo Xiao said in a deep voice, "Master Xu, it's a bit harsh for you to say that..."

"Don't tell me such nonsense nonsense! Today, I, Xu Yaoting, are going to abolish him, so what can you do?" Wan Dong waved his hand violently, interrupting Luo Xiao's words directly, with that domineering look, It made Tang Xinyi and Leng Yuecui look sideways.

This Xu Yaoting is really getting more and more promising!

Luo Xiao was pushed against the wall by Wan Dong in an instant, and after a moment of silence, he slowly said, "The National Teacher ordered me to protect the safety of Master Xiu. This is my duty. If Master Xu must be harmful to Master Xiu, I, Luo Xiao, can only do my best to stop it!"

Wan Dong sneered, curled his lips and said, "You mean, you will even deal with me, Xu Yaoting, in order to cultivate your prestige?"

Luo Xiao's voice suddenly rose, and he said loudly, "I know, Young Master Xu has a noble status. If I touch Young Master Xu, the old prince will definitely not forgive me. But no one has died in life since ancient times. Although I, Luo Xiao, am not an indomitable man , but it is definitely not a coward who is afraid of death! At that time, if the old prince does not need to come to see me, I will take the blame, whether to kill or scrape, it is up to the old prince to decide!"

Luo Xiao had such a sense of pride, and what he said was even more resolute, harder than that rock.This made Tang Xinyi both admire and helpless, admiring Luo Xiao's devotion to death and loyalty, but also helpless in Luo Xiao's secret casting of the pearl.If Princess Baidie's subordinates are all loyal and courageous heroes like Luo Xiao, who are not afraid of life and death, then why does Qiu Wanli want to snatch the dragon position?

Wan Dong narrowed his eyes, and said coldly, "In this way, you are very loyal to Master Guoshi!"

Luo Xiao said, "It was Master Guoshi who helped me avenge my blood and blood. He has shown great kindness to me, Luo Xiao. I swore to Tianming a long time ago that my life, Luo Xiao, is not mine, but the life of the Guoshi." Your Excellency!"

"It turns out that by defending Xiuwei like this, you are repaying the favor of the national teacher."

"Exactly! Please, Young Master Xu, don't embarrass me, Luo Xiao."

"Hmph..." Wan Dong snorted a few times, touched his nose, and said faintly, "The way you, Luo Xiao, repay your favor is quite special."

"Master Xu, what does this mean?" Luo Xiao was taken aback for a moment.

Wan Dong raised his voice, "Isn't it? The way others repay their kindness is to do everything possible to solve the benefactor's worries and problems, but you are good. On the contrary, isn't it special to repay your kindness by causing trouble for your benefactor?"

Luo Xiao's eyes narrowed immediately, his face was full of astonishment and bewilderment.

Wan Dong chuckled, and said lightly, "Do you think that you hurt me, go to my grandpa to apologize, or even kill yourself, to calm my grandpa's anger? What are you kidding? I, Xu Yaoting, am the only descendant of the Xu family , The blood of the entire Xu family depends on me to inherit. What are you? Can your life be compared with this young master? If you dare to hurt a hair of my hair, of course you will die, and Xiu Wei and his father are the same He's going to die. Even the national teacher Qiu Wanli, he can't eat it! Do you really think that as long as you die, the national teacher can get rid of the responsibility? You are too stupid, too naive!"

Wan Dong's tone became more and more severe as he spoke, and in the end, it directly turned into a continuous roar.And every word Wan Dong uttered has considerable weight, like an invisible hammer hitting Luo Xiao's body.When Wan Dong's last word landed, Luo Xiao couldn't help but took a step back with a pale face.

Undoubtedly, Luo Xiao was completely overwhelmed by Wan Dong's aura.If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Tang Xinyi would never have believed that Luo Xiao, who is usually so arrogant and has reached the fourth level of true energy, would be shocked by Xu Yaoting, a playboy who usually doesn't do anything serious. It can be said to be amazed.

Leng Yuecui also watched the phoenix's eyes flicker, and a good word came out from the deepest part of her chest in one breath.He sighed in his heart, Xu Yaoting, this dandy young master, is a real bull!

"Master Xu, I..." Looking at Wan Dong whose eyes were as sharp as a knife, Luo Xiao was at a loss for words.

Wan Dong sneered, and shouted, "What are you? Get the hell out of me! Today I just abolish Xiuwei. If you are so shameless and jump out to show your loyalty, I will get rid of you in one go." Kill him! See what expressions Xiu Sheng and Qiu Wanli will have!"

"Master Xu, it's true that Master Xiu was wrong today, and I... I shouldn't be disrespectful to Master Xu. But Master Xiu has already been punished now, so please let him go."

Luo Xiao actually begged Wan Dong humbly, this was another good scene that made Tang Xinyi almost bite her tongue in shock.

"Whispering!" Wan Dong didn't appreciate Luo Xiao's pleading, and he gave a resounding pause, which made Luo Xiao's complexion change in an instant.

"Xu...Master Xu, I...what the heinous thing did I do to offend you old man, even if you...let me die, you have to let me die, right?" After Luo Xiao's delay Xiuwei finally regained his strength, struggling to twitch his swollen cheeks and lips, and said vaguely.

Wan Dong snorted and walked towards Ye Mei.

Ye Mei was terrified today, and she hadn't woken up until now. Seeing Wan Dong walking towards her, she subconsciously took a step back. Her big eyes and pretty face were full of fear and alert.

Wan Dong's heart ached when he saw it. If he could have appeared earlier, Ye Mei might have suffered less. "Girl, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Wan Dong's eyes are very warm, and his tone of voice is also very soft, just like a big brother comforting his injured little sister, the kind of warmth and care flowing out of his body, and the fierce and violent appearance of Xiu Wei just now, It's like two different people.

Tang Xinyi and Leng Yuecui looked at each other, was the person in front of them still Xu Yaoting?

Perhaps feeling the concern and warmth from Wan Dong, the frightened look on Ye Mei's face eased a little, she nodded slightly at Wan Dong, and said in a low voice, "Thank you...thank you."

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