Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 36 Kowtow and admit your mistake!

"Ye Mei, are you alright?" Leng Yuecui was also very concerned about Ye Mei, she hurried up to her, took Ye Mei's hand, and asked carefully.

"Sister Yuecui!" Seeing Leng Yuecui, Ye Mei was completely off guard, all the grievances in her heart rushed out, she let out a sad cry, and threw herself into Leng Yuecui's arms, wow burst into tears.

Leng Yuecui hugged Ye Mei tightly, kept stroking her back with her hands, and comforted her, "It's okay, it's okay, no one can hurt you anymore..."

Seeing that the relationship between Leng Yuecui and Ye Mei is so deep, and Wan Dong can see that Leng Yuecui really treats Ye Mei as her younger sister, and then thinks that Leng Yuecui did it to save Ye Mei before. With such desperation, when Wan Dong looks at Leng Yuecui again, his eyes are no longer as cold as before, even with a hint of disgust.No matter what, Wan Dong has regarded Leng Yuecui as at least half of his friends.

Seeing Ye Mei's heartbroken look, the anger that had just subsided in Wan Dong's heart suddenly burned again.Suddenly turned around, pointed at Xiuwei, and shouted in a sharp and urgent voice, "Get out of here!"

Luo Xiao opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he didn't say it after all. He sighed and turned his head away.

"Master Xu, I was wrong, I was really wrong, just hold your hand high and let me go..." Xiuwei was really afraid of Wan Dong at this time, and he kept crying. help children.

"If you talk nonsense, I will pass!"

Looking at Wan Dong's stern expression, how dare Xiuwei talk too much?Struggling to move over.

Impatient with the wait, Wan Dong rushed forward, lifted Xiuwei in front of Ye Mei like a chicken, kicked Xiuwei's knee hard, With a plop, Xiuwei knelt down in front of Ye Mei.Not only Jiang Xiu was taken aback, but Ye Mei was also taken aback.

"Kowtow to admit your mistake!" Wan Dong said coldly.

At this time, Xiuwei has long forgotten about his face, and the only thought in his mind is to get rid of Wan Dong as soon as possible, so that he will be far away from him in the future, and it is best not to meet him again for the rest of his life.

It was very straightforward. As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Xiuwei immediately kowtowed three times to Ye Mei without thinking, and said loudly, "Miss Ye, it's me Xiuwei who has no eyes and no eyes. I'm an asshole. I offended you just now." I deserve death for killing you! Your lord has a lot, so please forgive me, I will never dare again!"

"This...I..." In Ye Mei's eyes, Xiuwei has always been aloof, and there is always a fear of him in his heart.Suddenly seeing Xiu Wei kneeling in front of her, he couldn't react for a while, and didn't know what to do.

It was Wan Dong who was understanding, kicked Xiu Wei somersaulted, and said sharply: "Xiu, listen to me, from now on, if you dare to show any disrespect to Miss Ye , even if you are hiding in the Hou's mansion, I will come to the door, level the Hou's mansion first, and then chop off your head! At that time, let's see if your father can save you!"

"Yes, yes, yes! From now on... from now on, Miss Ye will be my master, and she will never dare to offend, never... never dare!"

Wan Dong sneered, poked Xiuwei's forehead hard, and said, "Look at you, how dare you come out and pretend to be garlic, do you really think of yourself as a green onion? If I were you, I would be honest." Stay at home and never come out to cause trouble for your old man! Originally, according to my intention today, I was going to abolish you, but I was afraid of your miserable appearance and frightened this Miss Ye. I will give you the account first Remember, I will calculate it with you later! Now, roll as far as you can, and don't let me see you again!"

"Thank you...thank you, Young Master Xu, thank you..." It was finally possible to get out, Xiu Wei felt a long sigh of relief in his heart, and his heart almost flew out of his throat with joy.Busily thinking about Wan Dong to thank him, he bowed his body and backed away again and again.It wasn't until Wan Dong showed an impatient look on his face that Xiu Wei turned around abruptly, he let go of the pain and ran away.

Looking at the embarrassing figure of Xiu Weifei fleeing, Wan Dong was still a little depressed because he couldn't abolish him.But for Ye Mei's safety in the future, he had to do this.If the enmity is too great, although Xiuwei and his son dare not find fault with him, it is hard to guarantee that they will not trip Ye Mei.And it is impossible for Wan Dong to accompany Ye Mei all the time, her safety, Wan Dong has to consider.

Seeing that Xiuwei had run away, those subordinates of Xiuwei didn't dare to stay any longer, they hurriedly chased after him, but Luo Xiao stayed behind.

Frowning and thinking for a moment, Luo Xiao came in front of Wan Dong, and said solemnly and solemnly, "Master Xu, thank you for showing mercy to Master Xiu."

"You don't need to thank me! You should know why I did this."

Luo Xiao is a smart person, after a little thought, he understood the deep meaning of Wan Dong's actions.Glancing at Ye Mei, he was secretly happy for her. Ye Mei will climb up to Xu Yaoting's backer in the future, and no one will dare to bully her in the future.

Nodding his head, Luo Xiao said, "Although this is the case, this love for Luo is still essential. If Young Master Xu is useful in Luo's place in the future, Luo will die!"

Through today's incident, Luo Xiao could see that all the rumors about Xu Yaoting in the past were bullshit.This Young Master Xu is by no means a simple character, he is ruthless enough, but also thoughtful enough, and he can be said to be impeccable in doing things.It was the first time that Luo Xiao met such a powerful opponent, who could make him in a dilemma and had to bow his head.

In fact, in Wan Dong's heart, Luo Xiao was really a talent, and he was loyal enough.It's a pity that Luo Xiao was snatched by Qiu Wanli first, and I'm afraid they will inevitably meet each other in battle in the future.

"Okay, I got it, let's go!" Wan Dong waved his hand very generously.He didn't put Luo Xiao on an equal footing with him at all, and made it clear that he wanted to push him hard.

Luo Xiao smiled wryly, although he was helpless, he had to accept it.

Luo Xiao saluted Wan Dong again, then turned to look at Tang Xinyi. Tang Xinyi probably still had anger in her heart, so she turned her head to the side and ignored it.Luo Xiao sighed lightly, then turned and left.

A good show has come to an end so far, but the audience still refuses to leave, each and every one of them has unfinished thoughts, and when they close their eyes and think about it from time to time, they still feel a sense of excitement.If it is said that what Xu Yaoting left behind in Qingyun Martial Academy was notoriety, then today is definitely his battle to rectify his name!

Under Leng Yuecui's care and comfort, Ye Mei gradually calmed down, which made Leng Yuecui feel good.Seeing Wan Dong approaching, he giggled at him, gave him a thumbs up and said, "Boy, you looked so handsome just now!"

Wan Dong's face was no longer tense, and he nodded to Leng Yuecui with a smile.Such an amicable face made Leng Yuecui lose his mind for a while, it seemed a little out of habit, but at the same time, it also made Leng Yuecui feel bursts of joy and openness, and his mood became even better.

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