"So, you are going to send troops to destroy the Xu family? Good! You are really worthy of being my son of Qiu Wanli, and you are really arrogant! Why don't you go to the palace after you destroy the Xu family and take Bai Zhenshan and his daughter together?" Kill it, and then the Qingyun Empire will be yours, how about it?"

Qiu Yunchong looked embarrassed, and murmured, "I'm not saying that the Xu family is going to be destroyed, but I'm just teaching them a lesson so that they don't fight against our Qiu family again..."

"Nonsense!" Qiu Wan's face turned serious, and he let out a sudden roar, which scared Qiu Yunchong into shivering several times.

"Father, I..." Qiu Yunchong felt a little wronged.Ever since he came back from Fenghuo City, he fell into Wan Dong's hands several times, making him, the new generation of military god of the Qingyun Empire, almost disgraced.But it was good for Qiu Wanli, not only did he not stand up for him, but instead suppressed him several times, which was completely different from Xu Wenchuan's love for the calf, and sometimes Qiu Yunchong couldn't help but wonder, is this still his own father?

Qiu Yunchong grew up with outstanding talent and hard work, which made Qiu Wanli quite satisfied.Seeing his aggrieved expression at this time, his voice slowed down, and he said, "Yun Chong, you must know that a little intolerance will lead to great conspiracy! When you and my father and son win the country, a small Xu family will be wiped out with a wave of hands, why rush for a while?" happy?"

"So, Dad, you can't spare the Xu family either?" Qiu Yunchong's eyes lit up sharply.

Qiu Wanli snorted heavily, and said, "Of course! I originally thought of Xu Wenchuan's great achievements, and I didn't want to embarrass him, so I just wanted to win him over, but now he is determined to go to the royal family, which makes me very disappointed! He can't be used by me. He is my mortal enemy, and I will not let him go!"

"Father, you said it earlier, I really thought you..."

Qiu Wanli glared at him, and said, "Thought I was afraid of him, Xu Wenchuan? Thanks to you, you figured it out! Your father and I have lived a lifetime, from an obscure street husband, to today's national teacher who is under one person and above ten thousand. , What kind of storms and waves have never been seen before, who will scare me?"

"Yes, yes, yes! It's all about the son's fault, father, don't blame me."

Qiu Wanli snorted, and said, "Originally, I wanted to wait for Bai Zhenshan to swallow this breath before starting to act. But I didn't expect that the girl's wings of Baidie were getting fuller day by day, and Xu Wenchuan, Tiger Jing Qi approached these people and gradually formed a group. I was worried that it would be difficult to deal with them after a long time. Yunchong, I want you to leave today, return to Fenghuo City, and send us to Fenghuo City. The 50 troops that have been painstakingly cultivated are broken up into pieces, and quietly assembled towards Yunzhong City, trying not to attract the attention of interested people along the way, what I want is surprise!"

"Father, what do you mean, we're going to do it now?" Qiu Yunchong asked anxiously with an overjoyed expression.

Qiu Wanli nodded, and said, "In today's situation, it is better to be late than early. If you act early, you will be able to catch them by surprise. You must complete all these arrangements within [-] days. After [-] days, I will be in the cloud At the head of the city, I see the army you have assembled!"

Qiu Yunchong grinned, and immediately shouted, "Don't worry, Dad, the child will definitely fulfill his mission!"

Qiu Wanli hummed, and Huo Di turned to Xuanyou again, and said in a deep voice, "The most powerful of the three forces defending the capital is controlled by Wu Jinhun. Wujin Soul is upright and loyal to the royal family. Time will definitely become our biggest obstacle! If we want to defeat it in one fell swoop, it must be up to you, Guo Yi, to cooperate with Yun Chong."

Xuan You's expression turned serious, and he said in a vibrating voice, "The last general is naturally fine! But what about Guo Yi?"

Qiu Wanli frowned, and said, "Among the three armies defending Gyeonggi, Guo Yi has the smallest number, only 10. But these 10 people can also determine the balance of victory at a critical moment. To Wujin Soul, it will cause us great trouble!"

"Yeah, but this person doesn't eat soft and hard, just like Wu Jinhun, smelly and hard!" Xuanyou said with a look of disgust.

"Hahaha... You are wrong. Guo Yi is different from Wujinhun. Wujinhun is loyal to the royal family, but Guo Yi is loyal to the empire. He knows in his heart that handing over the empire to a little girl is far from handing it over to the imperial family. I came safely. A large part of the reason why he has been rejecting us is because of Bai Zhenshan. Don't forget that Bai Zhenshan is his righteous brother! Bai Zhenshan is not dead, how could he dare to rebel! At that time, we just have to lie to him that Bai Zhenshan dies , he will let go of his scruples and help me ascend the throne!"

"In this way, the master of the country is already confident?" Xuanyou said excitedly, looking at the smile that showed a sure chance of victory on the corner of Qiu Wanli's mouth.

"It can be said like this! However, if you have time, you might as well walk around with Guo Yi more, needless to say anything else, just to win over the relationship. When the time comes when you cooperate, you will have a better understanding."

"The last will obey!"

Qiu Wanli looked solemn, looked up at the sky, and said in a loud voice, "Twenty days later, I will personally lead all the civil and military officials to go to the hall to confess! See what Bai Die, Xu Wenchuan and his ilk can do to change their fate against the sky!"


Wan Dong and the others were completely unaware that Qiu Wanli had already quietly let go of his ambition, and was gradually realizing his ambition.

Qu Sanping sent so much purple gold at once, which surprised Wan Dong.After sending Wujin Soul away, he immediately got into his room and began to study.

This purple gold is definitely the top sword casting material in the ordinary small world. Not only is it attractive in appearance, but its texture is really extraordinary.

Wan Dong held a piece of purple gold in his hand, and the heavy but spiritual touch made him feel excited.The golden brilliance, like a spring silkworm spinning silk, slowly wrapped the whole piece of purple gold in strands.

If it were ordinary iron, it would melt in Wandong's Dao Qi after a few breaths, but this purple gold is extremely hard and strong, although it is not as good as blood steel, it is not much worse.

You must know that the reason why blood steel is so hard and indestructible is the result of countless years of tempering by the essence of heaven and earth, and it is completely incomparable with Zijin.

After half a cup of tea, the purple gold in Wan Dong's hand began to melt slowly, turning into a pool of thick purple liquid, with golden patterns flowing slowly in it, seemingly chaotic, but actually infinitely mysterious , more luxurious and beautiful!

It was thanks to Wan Dong's cultivation level being raised to the ninth level of true qi, otherwise, he might not be able to do anything about Zijin.But once Zijin is melted, the rest is easy.

After all, it is purple gold, and the impurities contained in it are surprisingly small.In the past, Wan Dong had to use five or six ordinary swords to reforge them into a high-end magical weapon.But now, only five or six pieces of purple gold the size of a fist can be cast into a handle.Calculated in this way, the five boxes of purple gold that Qu Sanping gave are enough to make dozens of purple gold swords!

In this way, after all the people who should be given away have been given away, Wan Dong will still have a lot left!Just waiting for Wan Youqi to come, I will give it to her, let her take it back to Tiandu Kingdom, and kill a few more thieves from the Iron War Dynasty.In this battle to defend their hometown, Wandong people can't be present, so let's contribute a little bit more.

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