Thinking of the fate of Tiandu Kingdom, Wan Dong couldn't help but let out a sigh.This catastrophe is probably inevitable no matter what, but it is a pity for the people of Tiandu Kingdom.And the soldiers of the Tiandu Kingdom still don't know what kind of sacrifices they will have to endure.

Looking to the north, Wan Dong's eyes seemed to have traveled thousands of miles, and saw the Jinge City of Tiandu Kingdom.There, Xuanfeng, the commander-in-chief of the Iron War Dynasty, was leading 80 iron cavalry to surround a small Jin Ge city with water.On the city wall, Wan Haoxiong was like a god, standing proudly, as if he could even carry that day.With stern eyes, he stared directly at the dark sea-like enemy in front of him. Behind him was a resolute soldier who had already put his life and death aside. The people of Tiandu Kingdom.An incomparably tragic feeling surged up and down in Wan Dong's chest.

"Father..." Wan Dong called out softly, big drops of tears kept splashing from his tiger eyes, slid down his cheeks, and then hit the ground, smashing into pieces.

The unceasing father-son relationship, blood is thicker than water!

Because of Mu Lian's relationship, Wan Dong once deeply resented Wan Haoxiong.But when he was crushed by Li Baiyi and his soul was reborn, his hatred for Wan Haoxiong also disappeared without a trace.

Didn't everything Wan Haoxiong did to him come from love?As a son, what right did he have to resent a father who gave him life and brought him up with painstaking efforts?

When he yelled at Wan Haoxiong, wanting to sever his father-son relationship with him; when he did not hesitate to destroy his cultivation in front of Wan Haoxiong; Begging and jumping off the cliff angrily, what kind of pain should Wan Haoxiong feel in his heart?

Wan Dong didn't dare to think about it anymore, he felt so guilty that he didn't know how to face it.

Turning his head, Wan Dong saw the box full of Zijin, his mind suddenly moved, and he slapped his right palm loudly.With a click sound, the entire wooden box burst open, and the purple gold that was full of the box was immediately swept up into the air by an invisible energy.

With a low growl, Wan Dong mobilized all the Dao Qi in his body, and the golden light radiated away like a peacock spreading its tail, instantly enveloping all the purple gold.

Such a big commotion immediately alarmed the entire Dingshan Palace, Xu Wenchuan, Ning Shan, Hu Jingqi and others rushed over.No one knew what kind of monster Wan Dong was going to do to make such a big and terrifying scene!

All the dao qi in Wan Dong's body were mobilized, not to mention, Wan Dong even used the Xuantian Enlightenment Art to crazily mobilize the energy of the surrounding world. In the blink of an eye, the whole world changed color.Countless heaven and earth essences, like a drifting heavy rain, landed in Dingshan Wangfu, and then were quickly absorbed by Wandong's Dao Qi, turned into golden light, and shot towards the pieces of purple gold floating in midair.

With deep guilt towards his father in his heart, Wan Dong has reached the point of being desperate.There is only one iron-like thought in my heart, and I will never waver!

"Old prince, my master... what is he doing, forging a sword?" Wang Yangde asked Xu Wenchuan stammeringly with a look of shock on his face.

Xu Wenchuan looked bitter, and shook his head again and again, what kind of sword was he trying to forge, the commotion was too loud.

At this time, the purple gold wrapped in Wan Dong's Dao Qi cost about five or sixty yuan. If it was for casting a sword, five or six yuan would be enough. Why use so much?Moreover, by melting five or sixty yuan of purple gold at the same time, the rate of loss of Dao Qi is absolutely astonishing.This move, in Xu Wenchuan's view, is simply crazy!

In fact, the consumption rate of Dao Qi in Wan Dong's body at this time was even more terrifying than Xu Wenchuan imagined!Even if Wan Dong had been promoted to the ninth level of true energy, he would not be able to sustain such consumption. If it weren't for the Xuantian Enlightenment Art that could absorb the essence of heaven and earth at the fastest speed, transform it into Dao Qi, and supplement Wan Dong, Wan Dong would To do so is not just madness, but suicide!

Even those swordsmiths in Daomen Great World dare not be so crazy!

Xu Wenchuan and the others could only be anxious at this moment, but no one dared to step forward to stop them, even if they did, they couldn't stop them!

About half an hour later, Wan Dong's face had almost turned snow-white, already drenched with sweat.Even with the Xuantian Enlightenment Art, the consumption speed of this kind of Dao Qi is still too much for him to bear.

But to Wan Dong's relief, the five or sixty yuan purple gold finally melted completely and gathered together under Wan Dong's idea.

The heat of purple gold after melting is unknowingly many times stronger than that of ordinary iron.Even though Wan Dong's Dao Qi cut off most of the heat conduction, Xu Wenchuan and the others couldn't bear it, and they kept retreating.

In just half an hour, the Dao Qi in Wan Dong's body has been consumed by a full [-]%.If it weren't for Wandong's will, which is comparable to steel, and with a strong belief as the support, Wandong would definitely not be able to stand it.

"Oh! What on earth is this kid going to do?" Seeing Wan Dong's complexion, which was very wrong, Xu Wenchuan just stomped his feet anxiously and chattered endlessly.

At this juncture, even if everyone has the ability to stop it, they dare not intervene rashly.If one of them fails and Wan Dong is disturbed, no one dares to think about the consequences.

"Look! My master doesn't seem to be casting a sword!" Wang Yangde exclaimed suddenly, pointing at the purple gold liquid slowly flowing in the air, his face was full of shock.

"That's right, the sword won't be so thin and long..." Hu Yue muttered.

"Could it be a stick?" Wang Yangde shouted again.

There was a strange look on everyone's faces, this purple gold was so precious, it was a bit violent for Wan Dong to use it to cast sticks.To a certain extent, a stick made of purple gold is not as good as a stick made of common iron.

As a weapon, the stick needs a certain weight.Since ancient times, most of the stick wielders have amazing arm strength. Only in this way can the power of the stick be unleashed.But Zijin is much lighter in weight than ordinary Fantie.If it is made into a sword, it will be light, sharp and invincible.But if it is cast into a stick, it is a bit congenitally deficient.At most, they are stronger than those made of ordinary ordinary iron, but their power is greatly reduced.

"It's not a stick! Look!" Xu Wenchuan's expression changed suddenly.

Everyone hurriedly looked around, only to see that the purple gold liquid, after extending to a certain length, suddenly expanded to both sides at the top.

"It's a gun! It's a gun!" Wang Yangde was the first to shout.Everyone also came back to their senses, nodded and showed admiration!

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