That's right!What Wan Dong wanted to forge with all his heart was a gun, a Zijin gun!Because Wan Haoxiong's favorite weapon, and also the best at it, is a gun!Wan Dong still remembers that time, how Wan Haoxiong led less than a hundred subordinates with a silver gun in his hand, broke through the siege of thousands of troops of the Iron War Dynasty, and walked away.

As the square-edged spear head slowly took shape under Wan Dong's thoughts, the grandeur of this purple gold spear gradually emerged.It's just that at this moment, he is still under the wrap of Wan Dong's Dao Qi, and he can't see it clearly.

But even so, he couldn't stop his sharpness at all, and in a moment, he set off layers of dreadful waves in the hearts of everyone.

How extravagant is it to use a whole box of spears forged from purple gold worth 60 yuan?In Xu Wenchuan's memory, he might not be able to find a second such pure and luxurious Zijin gun in the entire Dongxuan Continent.Not to mention, Wan Dong used Dao Qi to forge this Zijin Spear himself.Compared with those purple-gold weapons cast with ordinary fire in the world, they are more pure and of higher quality.

Xu Wenchuan is not a country bumpkin who has never seen the world, on the contrary, he has seen the world in a big way!But even he, facing such a Zijin spear, can only feel emotion!

Although only the last [-]% of Dao Qi was left, Wan Dong didn't hesitate at all, he turned into an extremely cold golden dragon, and with a burst of scoffing sound, Wan Dong completed the last casting of the Purple Golden Spear ring.

The golden light is gone, and the purple golden gun appears!

The purple handle of the gun is as thick as a goose egg, inlaid with continuous golden patterns, at first glance, it looks like golden dragons are carved on the body of the gun.Immediately, an incomparable sacred aura was added to this purple gold gun.Regardless of anything else, this appearance alone is enough to drive the entire East Xuan Continent crazy.

In comparison, those so-called magical weapons are simply children's play toys, worthless!

What is more eye-catching is not the body of the gun, but the head of the gun!The purple gold gun head, with four edges and four grooves, bursts out a faint cold light at the same time. It is completely conceivable that once such a gun head penetrates a person's body, it doesn't need to be too deep. Just a shallow wound can cause irreversible damage to the enemy. s damage!In front of such a purple gun, the already fragile life would become thinner than paper and lighter than smoke!

As soon as the Zijin gun appeared in the world, everyone was attracted by its sharpness.Pairs of eyes, staring closely, unable to move away for a long time.

After the Zijin gun was cast, Wan Dong's originally heavy and depressed mood suddenly relaxed a lot.A deep sense of fatigue swept over like a flood. Before Wan Dong could react, his eyes went dark and he fell heavily on the ground.

"Yao Ting!" Wan Dong's muffled sound when he fell to the ground immediately awakened everyone from their admiration for the Zijin Spear, and they rushed up hastily.

Xu Wenchuan took Wan Dong's pulse carefully, and the expression on his face became a little more relaxed. He said from the tense crowd, "It's nothing serious, it's just that the true energy is consumed too much, and the body is a little weak. Take good care of it. It will be fine."

When Xu Wenchuan said this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly carried Wan Dong onto the bed together.

After settling Wan Dong, Xu Wenchuan picked up the purple gold gun that Wan Dong had dropped when he was in a mess.Although it is a very light purple gold, because it is used in a large amount, it still has some weight when you buy it.But this is better, a good spear has a feeling of pressing the hand, only in this way can it fit better with the owner.

Xu Wenchuan was shocked just by looking at it before, and this start is even more incredible.It's as if this purple gold gun also has life, it is alive, and there is an extremely vigorous power in it. Once people hold it in their hands, they can't help but feel a sense of pride to fight!

It is worthy of being a sharp spear made of purple gold. This kind of spirituality is by no means comparable to that of ordinary magic weapons.Xu Wenchuan couldn't help but feel a bit of regret. If he had known that his grandson could forge such a sharp gun, he would have given up the sword and used the gun early in the morning!At that time, holding a purple gold gun in hand, crossing the battlefield, invincible, what a pride it is!

"My lord, let... let me take a look too." Hearing Xu Wenchuan say that Wan Dong is fine, everyone was relieved.Wang Yangde leaned forward with a smile, his eyes shining brightly.

Xu Wenchuan smiled, and handed over the Zijin Spear to him.Wang Yangde took it over, and kept stroking the gun body with both hands. Fortunately, this Zijin gun can't speak, otherwise he would open his mouth and scold him "rogue!"

"The body of the gun and the point of the gun are seamless and perfect, it's incredible!"

Seeing Wang Yangde's intoxicated face, Xu Wenchuan couldn't help laughing and said, "Is there an urge to abandon the sword and use the gun? I'm already old, but you still have time!"

Wang Yangde laughed a few times, and said to Xu Wenchuan, "My lord, even if I am willing to abandon the sword and use the gun, Master and his old man will not give me this purple gold gun. This purple golden gun has appointed its owner. For the time being, there is no destiny!"

Xu Wenchuan couldn't help being a little taken aback, after all, it was the master and the apprentice who really knew each other!

When Wandong cast the gun just now, he was obviously with great emotion.How could Xu Wenchuan fail to see this?It's just what kind of emotion can make Wan Dong burst out with such a great energy, even risking his life, to forge such a purple gold gun?Xu Wenchuan had no clue at all.

The Zijin gun was passed around in the hands of everyone, and everyone couldn't help admiring it after seeing it.Among them, Luo Xiao was the most moved. Among them, he was the only one who wielded the spear.As soon as the Zijin gun was in his hand, he almost jumped up excitedly.But after listening to the conversation between Wang Yangde and Xu Wenchuan, he could only suppress the excitement in his heart, not to mention the idea of ​​playing Zijin Gun.

When Wan Dong woke up, two days had passed.

This Xuantian Enlightenment Jue really deserves to be the superior method that the Daoist world would go crazy for. Even when Wan Dong is asleep, it can operate automatically. After two days, Wan Dong's cultivation base is not only completely He recovered, and even made a small breakthrough, reaching the middle level of the Ninth Level of True Qi!

Wan Dong was not at all surprised by this breakthrough.Constantly consuming and then recovering is one of the fastest ways to improve your cultivation!

As soon as he woke up, Wan Dong couldn't wait to look around. He didn't settle down until he saw Zijin Spear and stood quietly by his bedside.

Holding the Zijin Gun in his hand and rubbing it carefully, Wan Dong seemed to have seen Wan Haoxiong's smiling face and his prestige of killing all directions with the Zijin Gun, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.As soon as Wan Youqi came to Yunzhong City, he presented the purple gold gun and asked Wan Youqi to bring it to Wan Haoxiong!

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