"Is it a human or a ghost? Hmph!" Murderous intent gushed out from Wan Dong's body, and his eyes kept shining like cold electricity.He stepped forward with one step, his right hand condensed into a sharp claw, and went straight to the throat of the war lion. At this time, even a blind man could see that Wan Dong was about to kill him.

The war lion was seriously injured and could not move at this time.Watching Wan Dong rushing towards him, he felt the murderous aura emanating from Wan Dong's body. It is no exaggeration to say that War Lion felt as if he had fallen into the ice cave naked, The whole body, from the inside to the outside, is constantly braving the cold.

Zhan Shi opened his mouth subconsciously, wanting to call for help, but exhausted all his strength, but couldn't even call out a single note, which shows how great the coercion Wan Dong brought to him at this time!

"You bastard! If you dare to show your power in my Tianbao Pavilion, get out of here!"

Just when the war lion was in despair, a muffled shout rang out.Before everyone could react, there was a terrifying palm force rushing towards them like a nine-day downfall that frightened even ghosts and gods.Wherever he went, there were winds and clouds, just being irresistible was not enough to describe the terrifying and sharpness of this force!

A group of warriors from the Qingyun Empire, whose joyful mood just now was frozen in ice, an invisible oppressive pressure that made them breathless, fell heavily on them, and all of their faces showed Words can't describe the color of horror.

Undoubtedly, this is a stronger person than the one standing in the battle lion!

"Third Lord, save me!" Seeing Jin Xidao who was rushing towards him, the war lion finally regained some vitality and shouted, but his voice was unusually hoarse, it sounded like a devil crying in the middle of the night, which made people have a feeling Kind of creepy feeling.

good!The person who came was none other than Jin Xidao.

Jin Xidao was meditating in the back hall, and when he heard the noise coming from the front, he was disturbed. He wanted to let Fu Chuanjing come out to have a look, but suddenly thought that Fu Chuanjing and several beast kings were all sent out by him. The entire Tianbao Pavilion, Only himself was left.In desperation, he had to go out in person.

But what he never expected was that just after he came to the vestibule, he saw that the war lion was about to become a dead soul under someone else's claws.In addition to being surprised, layers of fury rolled up in his heart, and then he shot angrily, and he used a full [-]% of his strength when he shot.

Jin Xidao not only wanted to kill Wan Dong, but also smashed him into scum!

It's no wonder that Jin Xidao was so angry, it's really that this trip to the Qingyun Empire was not smooth.

The Twelve Beastmasters, who were invincible and invincible before, lost five of them in just a few days after they came to the Qingyun Empire.Such a huge loss was not only something that Jin Xidao had never thought of before, but also something he couldn't bear.

Is it easy to train a master like the Twelve Beastmasters?The Jin family has devoted too much resources and efforts to this end.Every one released is a master in his own right. For the Jin family, this is an extremely precious intangible asset and the foundation!

Five of the twelve beast kings died quietly in this way. The Jin family's anger had accumulated to the extreme, but there was nowhere to vent it.Fortunately, Wan Dong ran to the Tianbao Pavilion to kill the War Lion, who was also one of the twelve beast kings. In Jin Xidao's view, this was simply a slap in the face of the **** Luo, an unparalleled shame!

Jin Xidao's cultivation has reached the peak of the ninth level of true qi. As the top three masters of the Jin family, he is also an absolute strongman in the entire iron war dynasty.One can imagine the power of his full-strength attack under his fury at this moment.In front of the surging palm strength, Wan Dong was like a small boat heaving in the turbulent waves, facing capsize at any time.

Just when everyone's hearts were about to jump out of their throats, a faint smile appeared on Wan Dong's face, and his figure suddenly jumped into the air.Seeing this scene, Jin Xidao's face became more gloomy and cold, his arms stretched out and then retracted, with palm strength all over the sky, they merged and then separated, turned into three, and slammed towards Wan Dong in the shape of a character.

As expected of a powerhouse at the peak of the Ninth Layer of True Qi, he could send and receive freely without any blockage, and the smoothness was frightening.

This sudden change seemed to have sealed off all of Wan Dong's chances of survival.In the eyes of everyone, Wan Dong was as if he had jumped into a death cage, and his life was cut short!

However, just when Jin Xidao's true energy was about to erupt and blast Wan Dong into debris, the figure of Wan Dong who fell into the cage burst open suddenly, but no drop of blood fell.

"It's fake!?" Jin Xidao couldn't help exclaiming, even he could hear the tremor in his voice.

Sure enough, after that figure disappeared, Wan Dong's real body was revealed immediately, Jin Xidao froze for a moment, Wan Dong unexpectedly arrived at the side of Zhan Shi.

Jin Xidao couldn't believe it at all, that he was deceived in this way.The astonishment in the eyes reached a level that cannot be described in words.

"Hmph... No one can save the person I want to kill!" Wan Dong's voice was calm and cold, giving off a very strong sense of danger.

Jin Xidao's pupils shrank suddenly, and before he could say anything, Wan Dong's palm landed on Zhan Shi's body.It was as easy as smashing an egg with a stone. The war lion almost fell to the ground, even though it was dead, its eyes were still open.Apparently he put so much hope in Jin Xidao that he was unwilling to die.

Wan Dong inconceivably deceived Jin Xidao's attack, and inconceivably took the life of the war lion. Although all this happened in front of everyone's eyes, none of them dared to believe it was true!

A strong man at the peak of the Nine Layers of True Qi, he is only one step away from reaching perfection, the highest peak a warrior can reach!But such a strong man was played by Wan Dong so easily and happily.Could it be that Master Xu Yaoting Xu whom they have always worshiped is actually a god?A group of Qingyun Empire warriors were all silent, and no one cheered, but the worship in their hearts had already reached the extreme in this silent silence!

"You..." Jin Xidao looked at Wan Dong, so outraged that he couldn't even speak.

He almost used all his strength to save the war lion, but he couldn't save it, and the opponent he was facing at this time was still a stinky kid.If this is passed back to the Tie Zhan Dynasty, where would Jin Xidao have the face to gain a foothold?

What annoyed Jin Xidao even more was that another one of the twelve beast kings fell, and the number of deaths reached an unimaginable six, exactly half!Jin Xidao really wanted to give himself a slap in the face, to test and test, whether this was actually a nightmare from the beginning to the end!

But of course this is not a dream!There was no need for Jin Xidao to slap himself, because Wan Dong's burning, bright eyes were enough to tell him clearly that all of this was an ironclad fact!

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