"Who the hell are you?" Jin Xidao asked almost in a growl.

Wan Dong smiled coldly, and did not rush to answer, but said, "If my guess is correct, you should be the third master of the Jin family, Jin Xidao, right?"

"You know the old man?" Jin Xidao was taken aback, and when he looked at Wan Dong again, he felt as if he was looking at a fog.

Jin Xidao, like most people in the Tie Zhan Dynasty, has always looked down on other ethnic groups except his own.But after coming to Yunzhong City, Jin Xidao's inherent views began to waver.And seeing Wan Dong today, Jin Xidao completely lost his arrogance as a member of the Tie Zhan dynasty.

"Hmph! You and your Zigang are notorious for committing crimes and killing countless people. Is it strange that I know you?"


Ignoring Jin Xidao's anger, Wan Dong's expression suddenly became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "You shouldn't know me. When you come to Yunzhong City this time, the person you want to kill the most is me?"

Seeing that Jin Xidao didn't react for a moment and was still in a daze, Wan Dong sneered and said loudly: "This young master is Xu Yaoting you have been looking for so hard!"

"Ah! You are Xu Yaoting!?" As soon as Wan Dong's words fell to the ground, Jin Xidao's expression suddenly changed.An uncontrollable anger swept straight from the bottom of his heart, occupying his entire face, and his facial features became ferocious at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wan Dong had expected it a long time ago, so he sneered and said sarcastically, "How about it, are you excited to see this young master?"

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you come in! Brat, take your life!" Jin Xidao let out a stern roar, regardless of the many, gathered all his true energy, and slashed at Wan Dong with a single palm. come over.

Jin Xidao erupted completely, and the power he displayed was like the sky falling apart.Wan Dong immediately became excited. Ever since his cultivation base skyrocketed, he hadn't met an opponent who could really make him use his full strength. Now that he had finally met Jin Xidao, how could Wan Dong let him go?

Without any fanfare, Wan Dong's feet hit the ground heavily, his Dao Qi circulated to the palms of his palms, and facing Jin Xidao's palms, he directly bumped into them head-on.Head-to-head, hearty and hearty, is Wandong's favorite way!


Two extremely strong vigor collided fiercely in the air.The splashing turbulent flow was like a storm with shocking destructive power. In the blink of an eye, the entire front hall of Tianbao Pavilion changed its appearance. It was so messy that it was simply unsightly.

The warriors of the Qingyun Empire, who were watching from the sidelines, had already realized that something was wrong, but their movements were still a little slow. Many of them were directly overturned to the ground, and even a few were directly blown away, blood spurting wildly , life and death unknown!

Deng Deng stare!

Wan Dong stepped back three steps in a row, his arms were sore and numb, and his chest was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe.I hurriedly circulated my Dao Qi for a week, and then I felt better.Looking up at Jin Xidao hastily, a smile appeared on Wan Dong's face.

Jin Xidao seemed to feel worse than him. Although he took three steps back, his steps were much faster than Wan Dong's. Moreover, Jin Xidao's complexion was clearly blue, and his teeth were clenched tightly. It was obviously a force. Hold on, don't let the reverse blood rush out.In other words, Jin Xidao was injured in the first round. Although it was not serious, the winner was decided.

Although Wan Dong is slightly better, it doesn't mean that Wan Dong can kill Jin Xidao [-]%.In fact, his chances of killing Jin Xidao will never exceed [-]%.At this level, who doesn't have some life-saving skills?

But in the face of a strong person at the peak of the ninth level of true qi, there is a [-]% chance of winning, which is already quite remarkable.Don't forget that Wan Dong has just been promoted to the middle level of the ninth level, while Jin Xidao has been immersed in the peak of the ninth level for many years, and now he may have stepped into the consummation of the tenth level of true energy.If it weren't for the power of Dao Qi, Wan Dong might even be instantly killed by Jin Xidao.

The more you reach the peak of martial arts, every time you go up even half a weight, there will be a qualitative change!

A smile appeared on Wan Dong's face, but Jin Xidao was so shocked that his hair stood on end.

In this head-to-head collision, he actually lost!Jin Xidao never dreamed of this.Even if he thought of it, he would never dare to believe it, especially when he saw Wan Dong's still a little immature face, he felt a strong sense of unreality, torturing him to go crazy!

The martial spirit of the Iron War Dynasty is stronger than that of the Qingyun Empire.And the number of geniuses in the Iron War Dynasty is also more than that in Qingyun Empire.It is also because of this that the people of the Tie Zhan Dynasty are so arrogant, and they have the confidence to attack the Qingyun Empire, and even the entire Dongxuan Continent.

But the appearance of Wan Dong shattered the arrogance and superiority in Jin Xidao's heart in an instant.It even made him feel like he was being sent to hell.

In front of Wan Dong, those geniuses of the so-called Iron War Dynasty are probably not even fools, right?A master of the ninth level of true qi who is less than 20 years old can scare a lot of people to death even if he just speaks out!

Why was such a peerless genius born in a country other than the Iron War Dynasty?Jin Xidao really couldn't figure it out.

"Mr. Jin, didn't you hold your breath and want to avenge your two grandsons? Come on, I'm right here, you don't have to be polite!" Wan Dong hooked his fingers at Jin Xidao, his whole body seemed to be burning. Fire-like pride and fighting spirit.

An unprecedented warning sign suddenly hit Jin Xidao's whole body.If one day, the young man in front of him stepped on the land of the Iron War Dynasty, what kind of waves would it cause?Jin Xidao shuddered involuntarily, and didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"No, I must kill him, I must!" Jin Xidao let out a cry in his heart, and murderous aura burst out from his whole body.

Wan Dong sneered, this is what he wanted, otherwise it wouldn't be fun!

He turned his head and greeted the group of Qingyun Empire warriors, "Stay away!"

Then he paused with both palms, and his whole body was covered by golden light, which was extremely dazzling!

"We can't let him grow any longer, otherwise no one in the Iron War Dynasty can do anything to him!" Jin Xidao had nothing in his eyes, and there was only one thought in his mind, which kept flickering.The true qi in his body seemed to be boiling, and following his thoughts, the wind speed continued to circulate.Slowly, clusters of energy like plum blossoms appeared out of thin air in front of Jin Xidao, gathering more and more until densely packed, forming a rain of plum blossoms.

As more and more plum blossoms jumped out, it seemed that there was a fragrance like the fragrance of plum blossoms diffused, through Wan Dong's nostrils, and went straight into Wan Dong's mind.Caught off guard, Wan Dong's head seemed to be hit hard with a heavy hammer, and there was an extremely strong sense of dizziness, which made Wan Dong instantly crumbling...

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