This is the first time Wan Dong has encountered this peculiar attack method. Could it be that the zhenqi cultivated by Jin Xidao is highly poisonous?However, before Wan Dong could think about it, the Dao Qi in Wan Dong's body had already sensed the danger and started to operate automatically. In the blink of an eye, the strong feeling of dizziness disappeared, and Wan Dong also regained his sobriety.

No matter what tricks Jin Xidao's true qi contained, it was still vulnerable to Dao qi.Wan Dong's mind was set, and his confidence skyrocketed!However, Wan Dong certainly did not lose his mind, and this was definitely not Jin Xidao's all means.

The fact is indeed the case, just now Wan Dong got rid of the strong dizziness, and an unusually ferocious rain of plum blossoms has already passed in front of him.

Beauty is so beautiful!Pieces of plum blossoms are like a violent storm. The reason why the eyes are full of extremely gorgeous colors is like being in a fairy tale world.

However, behind this extreme beauty, there is a chilling murderous intent hidden.Not to mention the plum fragrance that can make people dizzy, just this piece of plum blossom rain that is piercingly chilly is enough to make people feel dizzy.Every plum blossom, every petal is condensed from the purest zhenqi, if you touch it, you will die!It is so densely packed, as if swiping the screen, and there is no chance for anyone to dodge.If you want to find a way out, you have no choice but to fight head-on!

Without any hesitation, the Dao Qi in Wan Dong's body gushed out, turning into a golden wall of Dao Qi, facing the plum blossom rain.

Seeing the power of this wall of Qi, Jin Xidao was obviously taken aback, looked at Wan Dong and said in surprise, "This is impossible! You seem to be completely unaffected by my 'Huo Xin Mei Xiang'! How is this possible? "

"Huuxin Meixiang? The name is good, but it's useless! It's a pity!" Accompanied by a clear voice, Wan Dong's arms suddenly raised upwards, and the golden aura on the wall suddenly exploded, exploding one after another in the rain of plum blossoms open.

Feeling the strong impact from Dao Qi, Jin Xidao's complexion changed suddenly, and his hands danced like rain. The rain of plum blossoms in the sky turned into a tornado in the rapid rotation, tearing away the golden light around him.

The entanglement between Wan Dong and Jin Xidao reached a fever pitch in an instant.Those warriors of the Qingyun Empire, thanks to Wan Dong's reminder, retreated far away early, otherwise they would have to suffer disaster at this time!Such a violent collision is definitely not something they can bear.

Even so, the thunder-like bangs that kept hitting their ears were unbearable for them. They covered their ears tightly with their hands, their faces full of horror and pain.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the eyes of these ordinary warriors, the collision between Jin Xidao and Wan Dong was like a fight between gods.

After about half a cup of tea, the last plum blossom slowly dissipated, and the last golden light disappeared into the smoke almost at the same time, as if it was a tie!

"I didn't expect that Xu Wenchuan could teach such a terrifying grandson like you!" Jin Xidao said coldly while looking at Wan Dong while gasping for breath.

When mentioning Xu Wenchuan, Jin Xidao's eyes obviously flashed a touch of disdain, which made Wan Dong very angry!Xu Wenchuan has already won his respect from the bottom of his heart, how can he allow others to insult him?

"You seem to look down on my grandpa?" Wan Dong's voice became much lower all of a sudden.Previously, what Wan Dong showed was more the pride and fighting spirit of fighting Jin Xidao for [-] rounds, but now, what flows out of Wan Dong's tone is a deep and cold murderous aura.

Jin Xidao didn't seem to notice the slightest change in Wan Dong's mood at all. He sneered, and the contempt on his face became even more intense, "Your grandfather was still defeated by my subordinates back then! If his subordinates hadn't tried their best to save him , he will definitely not have today, I am afraid that he would have died at my hands long ago!"

"Shut up! You can't even beat my grandpa's grandson, what right do you have to look down on my grandpa? How ridiculous!"

Wan Dong's one sentence hit Jin Xidao's sore spot, and his expression suddenly turned ferocious, "You bastard, do you think this old man can't beat you?"

Wan Dong's face turned serious, he was too lazy to argue with Jin Xidao anymore, he was full of vigor, and said coldly, "Stop talking nonsense! This time, I'm going to play the real game!"

"Okay! Whatever skills you have, just use them all and see who dies in the end!"

Jin Xidao was also irritated by Wan Dong, especially Wan Dong's confident expression as if he was sure of winning, made Jin Xidao furious!With a roar, he raised his palm and rushed towards Wan Dong again.

Not to be outdone, Wan Dong rubbed his body, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them fought into a ball.The figures of the two sides continued to accelerate, and the changes in their movements were even more dizzying. Gradually, they could not even distinguish the figures of the two, but saw two blurred figures that could not be blurred, entangled in the air endlessly, The muffled sound of clapping palms like rain, and the explosion of true qi could be heard non-stop, making the hairs all over the nervous body stand on end.

Jin Xidao has already displayed 20% of his cultivation base, without any reservations!In Jin Xidao's impression, he had not worked so hard for some years, and it was only a boy under [-] years old who made him go all out.

Wan Dong no longer confronted Jin Xidao head-on, his body was much more flexible, and the Dao Qi in his whole body was running crazily. Whenever he had a chance, he would devour Jin Xidao's true Qi and transform it!Relying on this powerful characteristic of dao qi, as long as he is not killed by Jin Xidao, even if Jin Xidao's cultivation base is raised by one level, he will die in Wan Dong's hands.

Killing Jin Xidao and then destroying the Twelve Beast Kings is a heavy blow to both the Jin family and the Tie Zhan Dynasty!Wan Dong only hoped that this would relieve Wan Haoxiong who was trapped in Jin Ge City, even if it was just a little bit.

"What... what's going on?" Jin Xidao, who was in the fierce battle, suddenly felt that he was a little bit exhausted, and his true energy was being consumed faster than he had imagined.He was so focused on killing Wan Dong before that he didn't realize it, but when he realized it now, he was taken aback.

His breathing, which was already short, became rough and heavy at this time, and the cold sweat on his forehead kept pouring out as if out of control. After a while, it gathered into a stream and gurgled down.All of these are telling Jin Xidao that he is about to reach his limit.

But why so fast?Could it be that his cultivation is really not as profound as that brat in front of him?Jin Xidao absolutely couldn't believe it, and looked up at Xu Yaoting with surprise in his eyes. Seeing this, Jin Xidao felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his body went limp, and he almost collapsed on the ground...

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