Fu Chuanjing was full of surprise. For the first time in his life, he felt so strongly that the Qingyun Empire, which he had always looked down upon, was so deep!

When Fu Chuanjing asked, Jin Xidao's face was immediately filled with bitterness and sighs. He shook his head and murmured, "I'm afraid you would never have imagined that the person who hurt me was Xu Wenchuan's grandson. I promised to kill him." The corpse of Xu Yaoting in ten thousand pieces!"

As soon as Jin Xidao's words fell, Fu Chuanjing's expression changed wildly, and he couldn't help shouting out in shock, "Xu Yaoting!? Third Master, are you joking?"

Jin Xidao shook his head, the expression on his face was so bitter that he could wring out two catties of bile, "A joke? I hope it's just a joke. But it's a fact... an ironclad fact!"

Fu Chuanjing couldn't help taking a deep breath, dazed for a long time, and then said in awe, "But...but this is too scary. I heard that Xu Yaoting is only 20 years old this year, and he is already so powerful. If he takes time... ..."

Fu Chuanjing's heart suddenly rose with horror, and he didn't dare to think about it any further.

"Xu Yaoting will definitely become the biggest enemy of our Tie Zhan Dynasty! Even if I can't kill him, he must die!" Jin Xidao's face suddenly became serious, gloomy and cold, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Fu Chuanjing, and said in a deep voice, " After we return to the Tie Zhan Dynasty, I will have a long-term discussion with the uncle and the second master! With all the strength of my Jin family, I don’t believe that Xu Yaoting can’t be killed. Put his affairs aside for now. How is your mission accomplished? gone?"

Fu Chuanjing hurriedly bowed, and said: "To live up to the expectations of the third master, we have found their hiding place. However, just in case, we did not alarm them. Come back and ask the third master to make a decision!"

Fu Chuanjing's words made Jin Xidao feel a lingering fear.Fortunately, Fu Chuanjing did not act without authorization, otherwise he would definitely delay time, and even if he delayed for a second, his life would be ruined in Wan Dong's hands.Think about it, it's really dangerous, life and death are only in one thought!

Nodding his head, Jin Xidao sneered, and said, "Wu Qiujun, that idiot, actually took the Holy Pill, and tried to borrow the Holy Pill and step into the realm of consummation. It's simply whimsical and stupid!"

Fu Chuanjing also laughed, and said, "Third Master, Wu Qiujun is not stupid at all! The reason why he believed in the miraculous effect of the Holy Pill is all due to the uncle's ability! Thinking of Wu Qiujun's respect for the venerable, I think it's funny that he doesn't have any doubts, he probably never dreamed that the so-called venerable is pretended by the uncle."

Jin Xidao's expression became more and more complacent, and he said with pride: "Of course! My elder brother's current cultivation base has been promoted to the peak of the tenth level that no one can surpass! As long as you show half of your ability, it will be enough for that bastard Wu Qiujun to bow down!" Kowtowing. It's not surprising that Wu Qiujun regards him as a great power from the Daoist world. If it wasn't because Wu Qiujun's forces are intertwined and causing unnecessary troubles, my elder brother would be able to put him to death. Why bother?"

"That's that! Now that the uncle's plan has been a great success, the death of Wu Qiujun will not be involved in the head of the uncle and the Jin family anyway. Everyone will only think that he died of madness. In this way, If we want to take over Tianbao Pavilion, there won't be too much resistance."

"No! If Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan don't die for a day, the plan cannot be considered a success!"

"Third Master! I'm going to get the heads of Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan for you!" Fu Chuanjing has been by Jin Xidao's side since he came to Yunzhong City. It's a great achievement! "

Jin Xidao shook his head, and said, "Wu Qiujun has been seriously injured, and his skill is less than [-]%, so there is no need for you to go out! Longfeng, you take Leopard Chong, Mad Monkey, Mountain Crane, Yanlang, and Poison Rat to kill Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan." I will take back his head to the third master, there must be no mistake!"

As soon as Jin Xidao finished speaking, a middle-aged man with a hooked nose and deep eye sockets stood up, licked Tian's lips, and a bloodthirsty gleam flashed in his eyes. He bowed slightly, and said, "I obey!"

Although Fu Chuanjing was somewhat reluctant, since Jin Xidao had already made up his mind, he could only admit it.He said, "Longfeng is the head of the twelve beast kings. With him alone, only [-]% of Wu Qiujun's cultivation is left, and he has nothing to do. Third master, do you need to send five of them?"

Jin Xidao frowned and said, "This is a big matter, and there is no room for sloppiness. If I am not injured now and need you to protect the law, I will send you too!"

Fu Chuanjing nodded and stopped talking. Longfeng took the other five beast kings and left one after another.

Jin Xi daohuan swept for a week. After repeated battles, the Tianbao Pavilion had been destroyed in a disgraceful manner. He couldn't help but feel a little pity.

Fu Chuanjing was able to figure out Jin Xidao's thoughts, and said, "Sir, don't worry, as long as you have gold, Tianbao Pavilion will become as luxurious as before in a short time!"

"Gold?" Fu Chuanjing's words did not comfort Jin Xidao, on the contrary, it hit Jin Xidao's heart hard like a punch, and he couldn't help but spit out a bloody arrow on the spot.

Fu Chuanjing was shocked when he saw this, he hurriedly supported Jin Xidao, and asked, "Master, what are you..."

Jin Xidao clenched his mouth full of steel teeth, and kept making creaking noises, his face and eyes were full of unspeakable anger, "The 5000 million taels of gold tickets found from Tianbao Pavilion are all... All of them were given by that Xu..."

Jin Xidao really couldn't say the word 'snatched away' at the end, it's too embarrassing!

When Fu Chuanjing heard this, his expression couldn't help but change accordingly. Who can be unmoved by 5000 million taels of gold?Jin Xidao's somersault this time was a bit ruthless!

Just when Jin Xidao and Fu Chuanjing were depressed, Wan Dong sneered, his figure was like a ghost, flashed out from the corner, turned into a shock, and chased after Longfeng and the other six.

Tianbao Pavilion has undergone such a sudden change, if Wan Dong doesn't understand, how can he retreat with peace of mind?After making a show of deceiving Fu Chuanjing and the others, Wan Dong immediately turned back and hid in the dark, listening to everything clearly.

No wonder I didn't see Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan, I dare to say that the master and apprentice were tricked!It's really hard to imagine that such a shrewd master and apprentice could be tricked like this. It's really the best among the best!

It stands to reason that Wan Dong should stand by and let Longfeng and the others kill Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan, which can be regarded as removing a major threat to Qingyun Empire, but after much deliberation, Wan Dong decided to save the lives of the master and apprentice!

First, because I couldn't bear it!Especially when Duan Lengyan's smile flashed in his mind.

Second, Wan Dong can't let the Jin family's scheme succeed so easily and happily!Wan Dong's feelings for Duan Lengyan are a bit complicated, but his feelings for the Jin family are much simpler.Only hate!

Thirdly, after Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan were rescued, they would definitely not let Jin Xidao go. This is a death feud that cannot be solved.The desperate fight between the two major forces will bring some internal friction to the Iron War Dynasty, which is also very good!

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