Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 382 Master and Apprentice in Distress!

With these three points, Wan Dong must save Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan!

In a dilapidated temple outside Yunzhong City, Wu Qiujun sat cross-legged on the ground, his brows were furrowed, his eyes were closed, his face was ashen, and his lips were white. It seemed that he had suffered serious internal injuries, and he was struggling to suppress the injuries.

Pi Xiong and a dozen guards guard Wu Qiu's army carefully.They all looked tired, their clothes were disheveled, and there were bloodstains all over their faces. It was obvious that they had just experienced a brutal fight.

In fact, that's exactly what happened.As soon as Wu Qiujun left the pass, Jin Xidao led his men to kill him. If it wasn't for the guards of Tianbao Pavilion, fighting to the death, with Wu Qiujun's less than [-]% cultivation level, he might have become Jin Xidao's dead soul long ago.Those who escaped here with Wu Qiu's army were the lucky ones, and most of the rest were killed on the spot.The confidantes Wu Qiujun had cultivated over the years almost perished in the First World War!

And Duan Lengyan is not much better!Her cultivation level may be regarded as the best among the leaders, but she is far behind in front of the twelve beast kings.And because of her special status, she received special care from Jin Xidao, and specially sent a beast king to deal with her, which made Duan Lengyan complain endlessly.There were also many wounds on her body, although they were not fatal, they made her very embarrassed.

At this time, like ants on a hot pot, she kept pacing back and forth, and from time to time, she glanced at Wu Qiujun who was sitting cross-legged. Whether Wu Qiujun's injury can recover is directly related to her life and death!

After about another cup of tea, Jin Xidao opened his eyes.Seeing Wu Qiujun opened his eyes, Duan Lengyan didn't feel excited, but her heart was pulled violently.With Wu Qiujun's serious injury, it is absolutely impossible to heal within a short time. Wu Qiujun ended the treatment so quickly. There is only one possibility, that is, Wu Qiujun himself cannot heal his injury at all.This is definitely not good news for Duan Lengyan!

"Master, you..."

Sure enough, as expected by Duan Lengyan, before she could finish her question, Wu Qiujun shook his head with a slumped face, and said in a hoarse voice, "The medicinal power of the Holy Pill is terrible, and my cultivation level may never be recovered in my life! Jin Feibai, you are such a poisonous means! Ahem..."

As Wu Qiujun spoke, he couldn't help but feel a wave of anger welling up in his heart. Immediately afterwards, he affected his injuries and spurted out a bloody arrow.

"Master! Don't be excited, your injury is very serious, but you can't stand it." Duan Lengyan rushed up, and kept stroking Wu Qiujun's chest with his hands, comforting him.With such a serious injury, coupled with urgency, it is hard to guarantee that Wu Qiujun will not just pass by, and Duan Lengyan really doesn't know what to do.

Under Duan Lengyan's reassurance, Wu Qiujun calmed down a bit, gritted his teeth and said, "I just feel useless! Thinking of me, Wu Qiujun, I have always let others suffer and be fooled all my life. When did I suffer such a big loss? Could it be that this Is it God's retribution for me?"

"Master, don't say that! If we can escape from Tianbao Pavilion alive, it means that God is still on our side. Now this small setback is nothing! The green hills left are not afraid of lack of firewood ! There is still a long way to go between us and the Jin family!"

Looking at Duan Lengyan with a calm face and undiminished fighting spirit, Wu Qiujun became more and more determined about his choice back then.Compared with Duan Lengyan's two elder brothers, she undoubtedly has the demeanor of an emperor!If it can be crowned the Great Treasure, it will definitely be a blessing to the hundreds of millions of people in the Iron War Dynasty!

Struggling to stand up from the ground, Wu Qiujun held Duan Lengyan's hand tightly and said, "Leng Yan, no matter what, you must return to the Iron War Dynasty alive!"

Seeing that Wu Qiujun regained his fighting spirit, Duan Lengyan's expression also lifted, and said, "This disciple can return to the Iron War Dynasty alive, and it depends on your master's full support, so master, you must cheer up first! "

Duan Lengyan's words immediately made Wu Qiujun's face serious. There is no doubt that the Jin family will never let Duan Lengyan go back safely.Even if Duan Lengyan can break through the temptation and pursuit of the Twelve Beast Kings and get out of the Qingyun Empire, will he be able to return to the Iron War Dynasty?I'm afraid that at this time, the people of the Jin family and the two princes have already covered every road and every checkpoint of the Tie Zhan Dynasty, just waiting for her to surrender.

If Duan Lengyan hadn't been escorted by a peerless master, it would be absolutely impossible for Duan Lengyan to see the emperor of the Tie Zhan Dynasty again!But without seeing the emperor, Duan Lengyan wants to stand up?More than one difficult word!

After a long silence, Wu Qiujun raised his eyebrows sharply, and said in a deep voice: "Big deal... Big deal, I'll ask Xu Wenchuan. With his help, not only can I avoid Jin Xidao's pursuit, but I can also ask him to send troops to escort you back Iron War Dynasty!"

Not to mention, Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan thought of going together.However, what Duan Lengyan thought of was not Xu Wenchuan, but Xu Yaoting.Just because she had to take care of Wu Qiujun and didn't know the real situation in the city, Duan Lengyan didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

"Master, are you going to beg Xu Wenchuan? Wouldn't that be an insult to your prestige?" Duan Lengyan asked with her mouth open.Wu Qiujun has always valued face more than life.To make him look down is no easier than killing him, let alone bowing to Xu Wenchuan.

Wu Qiujun sighed helplessly, and said, "We've come this far, what are you talking about? Xu Wenchuan wants to laugh at me, so let him laugh. As long as you can be sent back safely, I have no objection." !"

"Master..." Duan Lengyan was moved for a moment, how could she not feel that Wu Qiujun did it all for her!

Wu Qiujun waved his hand suddenly, gritted his teeth and said, "It's all the Jin family's fault! Fuck, from top to bottom, every good thing! Especially that Jin Feibai, the most hateful! Playing tricks, the villain is the ultimate! Next time If he falls into my hands, I will definitely skin him alive!"

Wu Qiujun yelled again and again, and just wanted to enjoy himself with his mouth.He knew better than anyone else that even if his cultivation could be restored to the original level, he might not be able to do anything to others.Ten-fold peak, my dear, in the eyes of ordinary people, this is the supreme god!

"Master, don't worry! This disciple swears that one day, the Jin family will be wiped out so that they will never be reborn!" Duan Lengyan was also angry, bursting out with murderous aura.

Duan Lengyan felt early in the morning that Jin Xidao came to Yunzhong City this time with high ambitions.But she didn't expect, Jin Xidao, that the Jin family would have the guts to do such a cruel thing to her, the majestic third princess!She didn't even think that Jin Feibai had already started plotting against Wu Qiujun a long time ago.It's no wonder that Duan Lengyan didn't hate her for falling into the trap of the Jin family step by step and being played around like a fool!

"Hmph! You really deserve to be a pair of masters and apprentices, who are so brazen when they are about to die!" A murderous and sinister voice suddenly sounded outside, and Duan Lengyan and Wu Qiujun immediately looked at each other in shock...

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