Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 383 The tiger falls to Pingyang!

With the same voice, the guard in charge of protecting the Dharma immediately became alert, and immediately sprang up a few figures, and rushed straight to the outside of the ruined temple to investigate the enemy's situation!The rest of them, under Pi Xiong's leadership, quickly shrunk back to Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan's side as their personal guards.


As soon as Pi Xiong and the others stood still, several screams came from outside the temple.The few figures that fled away before flew back one after another, all of them spurting blood wildly, obviously seriously injured.

"Third Princess, hurry... hurry!" a guard struggled and shouted at Duan Lengyan, with blood gushing from his mouth.

"Where else do you want to go? Now you have only one place to go, and that is the gate of hell!" Before Duan Lengyan could respond, the already dilapidated courtyard wall of the ruined temple was split into several big gaps with palm force from the outside at the same time .Amidst the smoke and dust, Longfeng walked in swaggeringly with five other Beastmasters.

Seeing Long Feng and the other six people, needless to say Duan Lengyan, Wu Qiujun also changed color.Not to mention that he is seriously injured now, and his cultivation base is only [-]% left. Even in his prime, if he faced six beast kings at the same time, his winning rate would not exceed [-]%.The pressure increased sharply!

The six beast kings are led by Longfeng!And Longfeng was only half a step away from the ninth level of true energy. At this time, looking at the crumbling Wu Qiujun, his eyes were full of contempt.As for Duan Lengyan, Pi Xiong and his like, they couldn't catch his eyes at all.

Slaying Wu Qiu's army will definitely add a lot of color to Longfeng's record.In addition to contempt, Longfeng's eyes revealed a hint of excitement and anticipation!

"Wu Qiujun is mine, you can handle the rest!" Longfeng said without hesitation.

The other five Beastmasters immediately geared up and searched for their favorite targets among the crowd. The murderous aura in the ruined temple surged like a volcanic eruption.

"Bastard! Do you know what kind of crime it is to assassinate the princess? Are you still the subjects of the Iron War Dynasty? Are you not afraid that something will happen in the future and your family will be implicated?"

Pi Xiong scolded angrily, but Longfeng only laughed. "The winner is king and the loser is Kou! Pi Xiong, don't you even understand this most simple truth? How sad!"

"You rebellious minister and traitor, you will die!" Pi Xiong jumped like a thunder, roared, his whole body was like a lion pounced on a rabbit, and he slammed towards Longfeng fiercely.

"Things that don't know how to live or die!" Longfeng raised his eyebrows, and his body stood still. Only when Pi Xiong was about three feet away from him did he raise his right hand, a silky genuine energy immediately diffused. Scattered, instantly entangled Pi Xiong's hands and feet.

Pi Xiong's body, which was extremely fierce at the beginning, suddenly seemed to be trapped in a quagmire. No matter how he struggled, he couldn't get rid of the silky true energy of the dragon wind. Slowly, his body seemed to be completely entangled. Stop, can't move.

"Let me go!" Pixiong roared with grief and indignation.

Several guards who had a good relationship with Pi Xiong rushed out almost at the same time, sweeping with sharp swords in their hands, trying to cut off Longfeng's silk-like true energy, but someone moved faster than them.A slightly thin figure rushed out diagonally, raised his hands together, and a piece of emerald green mist flew away immediately.Those guards, before they had time to react, were covered by the emerald green mist, fell to the ground almost at the same time.

"What a poisonous method!" Looking at the emerald-like guards with green complexions, Duan Lengyan couldn't help but feel a palpitation in her heart.

"Hey... I advise you to be more honest, so as not to make fun of yourself!" The thin figure killed several guards, turned around, and sneered at Duan Lengyan and the others.

The Poison Rat of the Twelve Beast Kings is famous all over the world for being good at using poison!This name is naturally a bad name, a dirty name!But obviously, Poisonous Rat, one of the twelve beast kings, didn't care about it at all, and even enjoyed it a bit.

"Go back!" Longfeng snorted coldly, and struck out with his right palm, poor Pi Xiong was completely powerless to resist, and flew out in response, his chest was immediately sunken, and blood spurted out from his mouth!

"Pi Xiong!" Duan Lengyan exclaimed, and rushed to meet him.

At the beginning, Duan Lengyan was not interested in Pi Xiong, and always regarded him as a servant.But Pi Xiong is so loyal and still refuses to abandon her, Duan Lengyan is naturally moved.

Wu Qiujun's affection for Pi Xiong is much deeper than that of Duan Lengyan. If it weren't for Pi Xiong's careful management, Tianbao Pavilion would not be so well managed in Qingyun Empire!In Wu Qiujun's heart, Pi Xiong is probably not just his right-hand man.

Seeing that Pi Xiong was seriously injured, regardless of his own injury, he asked anxiously, "How is he injured?"

When Duan Lengyan came to Pi Xiong, Pi Xiong had passed out.Duan Lengyan checked it carefully, her face was sad, obviously the injury was serious.

"I'm going to die anyway, so why care about this?" Seeing the anxious expressions of Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan, Longfeng sneered and sneered.

"Little thief! You are not qualified to talk to me. Jin Xi said he was there, let him come out to see me!" Wu Qiujun paused heavily, his eyes suddenly became sharper, he stared straight at Longfeng, and roared like thunder.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse!Although Wu Qiujun was seriously injured, his power as a ninth-level powerhouse is still there!At this time, he put up his airs to show his power, Longfeng really couldn't help it, his expression was not as relaxed as before.

"You old bastard, you want to scare me!?" After a while, Longfeng's expression suddenly turned ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and let out a roar.He was chosen to succeed Fu Chuanjing, so he couldn't lose face.

"Blow you? Come and try!"

"It's unreasonable! Take your life!" Longfeng was forced to the corner of the wall, so he had to roar angrily, and rushed towards Wu Qiujun bravely.

Although Longfeng's roar was loud, Wu Qiujun could see through his guilty conscience at a glance.The palm strength he issued was too much to be true, and it was clear that he was just trying to test his injuries and combat strength.

How smart is Wu Qiujun?Naturally, Longfeng's small plan cannot be allowed to succeed!Although the injury was not serious, he still forcibly gathered [-]% of the true energy in his body, all at once.It stands to reason that with Longfeng's cultivation base, if he attacked with all his strength, Wu Qiujun would be killed in all likelihood, but his falsehood at this time gave Wu Qiujun a chance.

"Little brat doesn't know how to live or die. How dare you show your power in front of this old man? Get the hell out of here!" Wu Qiujun slammed his right foot on the ground, and his right palm was like a wild dragon going out to sea. In that group of fearless, domineering and proud that look down on the world, the power of this palm can be said to be surging and soul-stirring!Compared with Longfeng's three-point strength and seven-point weakness, he is much more powerful and domineering.If it is only about momentum, Longfeng is absolutely defeated!

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