Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 384 The edge of life and death!

By the time Longfeng realized something was wrong and wanted not to save him, it was already too late.There was a loud bang, and the palms of the two collided firmly in the air.Under the might of Wu Qiu's army, the palm strength issued by Longfeng was completely vulnerable to a single blow, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Master!" Duan Lengyan was naturally overjoyed to see Wu Qiujun showing great power and easily defeating Longfeng's attack. In a trance, she thought Wu Qiujun had completely recovered, and couldn't help but let out a cry full of surprise.

But soon, the shrewd Duan Lengyan discovered something was wrong.First of all, Wu Qiu's army did defeat Longfeng's offensive, but that's all.At least Longfeng's figure didn't move at all, let alone retreat and get hurt.Secondly, Wu Qiujun's eyes were wrong.Outsiders may only be able to see domineering and boldness from his eyes, but with Duan Lengyan's understanding and familiarity with Wu Qiujun, they can see the exhaustion that cannot be concealed and the strong support before the collapse.

Wu Qiujun, who was already at the end of his strength, was not hesitating to overdraw his own life!Just like a planet that is about to be destroyed, the brighter the light it erupts, the faster and more thoroughly it will be destroyed!

An indescribable sadness quickly swept through Duan Lengyan's mind, causing tears to overflow from her eyes.

"This old man has said it long ago. It's a ridiculous thing to take down Wu Qiujun just because of you little bastards! If Jin Xidao and Fu Chuanjing don't come out again, this old man will have to leave!"

Longfeng didn't speak, but his brows were instinctively frowned.It was this frown that lifted Wu Qiujun's mind. It seemed that Jin Xidao and Fu Chuanjing really didn't follow.But why?Based on Wu Qiujun's understanding of Jin Xidao, he was the most cautious in his actions. Although he said he had been tricked and was injured, Jin Xidao shouldn't be so entrusted with it. Even if he didn't come by himself, he would send Fu Chuanjing.After all, this is a big matter, once there is any mistake, allowing him or Duan Lengyan to return to the Tie Zhan dynasty and see the emperor, it will definitely cause a huge disturbance, and even the Jin family will be unable to deal with it!

Wu Qiujun could feel that something was wrong, but he had no time to think about it.The absence of Jin Xidao and Fu Chuanjing, in his opinion, is a glimmer of life for Duan Lengyan.

"Mr. Wu, the subordinates are willing to fight to the death with blood, and together with you to kill these rebellious officials and thieves one by one!" Those guards, obviously not as delicate as Duan Lengyan, were encouraged by Wu Qiujun's "shenwu" at this time, all of them The fighting spirit surged up!

Wu Qiujun gritted his teeth and said, "These six brats, the old man alone is enough! You immediately escort the princess away, and the old man will meet you later!"

"No, master! This apprentice wants to advance and retreat with you!" Duan Lengyan couldn't guess what Wu Qiujun was thinking, and shook her head immediately.

"Confused! These little bastards are ignored by teachers, but if Jin Xidao and Fu Chuanjing arrive soon, they will be in trouble!" Wu Qiujun blinked at Duan Lengyan while talking, with a hasty expression.

Wu Qiujun's hasty expression made Duan Lengyan's heart more sad. Thinking of Wu Qiujun's careful care and teaching for him for so many years, the tears were like beads with a broken thread, which could not be stopped.

This revelation of Duan Lengyan's true feelings certainly made Wu Qiujun sigh, but at the same time it also made Longfeng wake up.If Wu Qiujun is really as strong as he said, why should Duan Lengyan be so sad?

"Well, you old guy, I was almost cheated by you!" Longfeng's complexion sharpened suddenly, full of annoyance.

Wu Qiujun's heart sank, he couldn't help but let out a sigh, and shook his head at Duan Lengyan, his expression was full of bitterness.

However, on the contrary, Duan Lengyan seemed to let go, with a relaxed and tender look in her eyes.What kind of power, what kind of wealth, at this moment, all became calm.Being able to face death together with a loving father-like master makes death less cruel and terrifying.

"Crazy Monkey, Shanhe! Go and get Duan Lengyan's head!" Long Feng let out a roar, and the two beast kings, Mad Monkey and Shanhe, immediately jumped up and rushed straight at Duan Lengyan.

Wu Qiujun's hair was about to stand on end. In her heart, Duan Lengyan was not only his apprentice, but also his daughter. How could the hopes of hundreds of millions of people in the Iron War Dynasty be lost?His eyes were staring like cowbells, bloodshot and crimson.It is not an exaggeration to say that Wu Qiujun seemed to be crazy, and everything had already been thrown out of the sky!

"You two are looking for death!" Wu Qiujun's figure rose violently, with a pair of huge palms like cattail leaf fans, he poured ten thousand jun's terrifying strength, and went straight towards the mad monkey and the mountain crane.

"Hey...Wu Qiujun, your opponent is us!" Longfeng gave an evil smile, and pulled up his figure first, followed by Yanlang, Poison Mouse, and Leopard Chong. Wu Qiujun's heart was drained.

"Damn it!" Wu Qiujun gritted his steel teeth and let out a low growl.

He couldn't ignore the palm strength of the four.Long Feng had clearly calculated it. When Shan He and Mad Monkey rushed towards Duan Lengyan, they were ready. Although they were late at this time, they came first. hit him before.And once hit, Wu Qiujun's current situation must be dead without a place to bury him.

"Brothers, fight with them!" Just when Wu Qiujun was in trouble, his guards stood up one after another, and roared angrily to meet Shanhe and Madhou. Down a Great Wall of Human Flesh.

"Good job!" Wu Qiujun yelled, turned around hastily, and faced Longfeng and the others with two palms.

The four masters at the peak of the eighth layer could have faced it calmly if Wu Qiujun was at its peak, but now, it is a bit tragic.

After a burst of bang bang noises, Wu Qiujun's figure, as if being pushed by a bulldozer, retreated more than ten steps in a row, and even sprayed out more than ten blood arrows. White as paper, shocking.

"Hahaha... I knew that you, old man, are ruthless, but you are actually at the end of your battle!" Seeing this scene, Longfeng was determined and laughed loudly.

Wu Qiujun glanced at him sideways, and said sarcastically, "Yeah, that's why I find it very funny to see you trembling and walking on thin ice when you were scared just now!"

" are such a hard-boiled duck! Wait until I chop off your head and see what you have to say!" Longfeng's laughter stopped abruptly, and a deep embarrassment immediately appeared on his face. Covering up, with a roar, the three of them, Leopard Chong and Poison Rat, rushed towards Wu Qiujun again with murderous aura.

Wu Qiujun sighed secretly in his heart, perhaps this was destined to be his last battle.He is not afraid of death, but what about Duan Lengyan?Wu Qiujun couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart...

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