Wu Qiujun's heart was aching, and Duan Lengyan's heart was also extremely uncomfortable.Especially when she saw that Wu Qiujun had suffered such serious injuries for her own sake, but still persisted in the bloody battle with the enemy, the pain deep in her heart made her suffocate even more.

"Ah!" A scream came from next to her ear, Duan Lengyan subconsciously turned her head to look, and saw a guard in his thirties with a blood hole the size of a fist blown out by Shan He's palm in his chest. Vitality was quickly cut off.

"You traitors, I will fight with you!" The hot blood suddenly rushed to the top of the head, Duan Lengyan seemed to be crazy, and she kept yelling, and the weaker figure struggled to pull up. , then rushed towards the mountain crane and the mad monkey.

At this moment, a big hand suddenly grabbed her arm tightly, making her figure that had just risen have to fall down again.Looking down, it was Pi Xiong who woke up.

Duan Lengyan was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked, "Pi Xiong, are you okay?"

Pi Xiong shook his head, tried his best to force a smile, and said in a low voice, "Your Highness, please go now!"

"Go?" Duan Lengyan was taken aback.

Pi Xiong nodded lightly, and struggled to stand up from the ground.That trembling body was telling Duan Lengyan the pain he was enduring right now.How can such a strong fighting spirit be inspired if one is not loyal?

"Let's go! Let's go! Go...to Xu's house! Now, in the entire Qingyun Empire, the only person who can...protect the princess is...only Xu Yaoting."

Duan Lengyan looked bitter, and murmured, "He might hate me so much now, how could he protect me?"

Pi Xiong let out a miserable laugh, "After all, Her Royal Highness is a woman and doesn't understand men. Go ahead, the only one you can trust now is Xu Yaoting. No matter what, be friends with him, because he can not only protect Her Royal Highness , and help Her Royal Highness take back everything she lost!"

Duan Lengyan looked very surprised, she never thought that Pi Xiong valued Wan Dong so much.

There was a faint smile on Pi Xiong's face, it looked like the afterglow of the setting sun, desolate but tragic!

"Feng Shui takes turns, this time... I'm afraid it's going to the Qingyun Empire!"

"Pi Xiong, I won't leave you all alone and run away alone! If we want to go, we will go together!"

Pi Xiong's body trembled, he turned his head to look at Duan Lengyan, his gaze was as hot as a scorching sun, and after a few breaths, Pi Xiong smiled and nodded, "With the words of Her Royal Highness, even if we die, It’s worth it too! Master Wu is right, the Iron War Dynasty can only prosper if it’s in your hands! Your Royal Highness, please don’t disappoint us all’s expectations of you! Let’s go!”

After saying that, Pi Xiong pushed Duan Lengyan hard, and Duan Lengyan staggered and fell back a few steps when he pushed straight. When Duan Lengyan came back to his senses, Pi Xiong slammed into the mountain crane in midair like a comet. past.

Pixiong's generous and tragic roar came from the air, "With me, Pixiong, I will never allow you to hurt Her Royal Highness!"

Shan He was having a good time killing, when suddenly Pi Xiong rushed towards him, an extremely cold grin flashed across his face, "You don't know how to live or die!"

Shan He turned around and punched, the edge of the fist was shining with a sharp and cold light, and it immediately slammed into Pi Xiong's palm like a rotten one.

"Pi Xiong, don't!" Seeing this scene, Duan Lengyan couldn't help but let out a hysterical cry.


Amidst Duan Lengyan's shout, Shan He's fist slammed into Pi Xiong's palm fiercely.The frightening and fierce punch burst out in an instant, and Pi Xiong's four phalanxes broke under Shan He's fist almost simultaneously, and they were bent straight back at [-] degrees.

However, Shan He's fist did not stop because of this, and continued to move forward, hitting Pi Xiong's shoulder fiercely, and then crushing Pi Xiong's entire shoulder blade.Ordinary people who are severely injured by this, even if they fainted on the spot without pain, will be punched far away, but Pi Xiong gritted his teeth, did not retreat a step, and even rushed forward in the opposite direction, using his head , Pushing straight to Shan He's chest.

"What!?" Pi Xiong's almost crazy offensive obviously greatly exceeded Shanhe's expectation, causing a trace of panic to pass over his face involuntarily.

"Hey... you flat-haired bastard, your grandpa Pi is not so easy to bully!"

Accompanied by Pixiong's sneer full of sarcasm and ridicule, his head ruthlessly pressed against Shanhe's chest. Although Shanhe was on guard, he still couldn't be completely spared. arrow.

Pixiong also exhausted his last strength, and slowly fell to the ground with a smile on his face, a triumphant smile!

"Bastard! I broke you!" Shan He was not seriously injured, but his face was completely swept away.A series of crazy roars came out of the mouth, and the whole person rushed towards Pi Xiong.

"Shan He, are you still human, Pi Xiong is dead!" Seeing this scene, Duan Lengyan hurriedly cried.But Shanhe went completely crazy, and ignored Duan Lengyan's cries at all.At this moment in his heart, it doesn't matter whether Pi Xiong is dead or alive, what he wants is to let out the bad breath in his heart.

The shadow of Shanhe's fist descended from the sky like a storm, breaking through the fierce resistance of several guards in an instant, pouring all of its brains on Pi Xiong's body, making extremely dull noises.

"Bastard! You bastard!" Duan Lengyan sat on the ground weakly, weeping uncontrollably, the sound was muffled, like a fist hitting the tip of her heart.

She couldn't understand why Shan He did this even though Pi Xiong was obviously dead!Could it be that he is really a beast, can't he be a beast?

"Why are you still laughing, why are you still laughing!? My surname is Pi, talk to me!" Shan He kept pounding Pi Xiong's body with his fists, and at the same time let out wild moans. Roar.

Duan Lengyan looked up with tears in her eyes, although Pi Xiong's body had been tossed about by Shanhe, but the smile that finally appeared on his face never disappeared, as if it was carved on his face It seems that it will never fade away.

"Pi Xiong..." Duan Lengyan murmured, her voice was already hoarse.

"Twelve Beastmasters! It's really beastly!" Just when Duan Lengyan was almost numb and was just waiting for the death scythe to swing towards him, a clear and clear voice sounded slowly in the midair, drifting towards him.

This voice is not very loud, but it can directly reach Duan Lengyan's mind, as if in the boundless darkness, it lit a bright lamp for her, making her chilled mind feel warm again and full of hope!

"Xu Yaoting, you bastard! Why did you come here!?" Duan Lengyan suddenly stood up, shouting with all her strength!

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