"It should have been like this a long time ago! Just solve you together, so as to save trouble!"

As soon as Longfeng, Yanlang, and Baochong moved, Wan Dong also flew into the air, his figure was chic and elegant, but his words were full of domineering!To deal with three strong men at the peak of the eighth level, and one of them was Longfeng, who had almost stepped into the ninth level, even Wu Qiujun dared not say such a thing.

Staring blankly at Wan Dong, who was heading towards the three of Longfeng as if heading forward, Wu Qiujun's expression was a bit dull, and he was stunned for a moment before muttering "This... is this kid crazy? "

Duan Lengyan's pretty face was covered with a smile as bright as a summer flower, and she said crisply, "Master, this is not madness, but self-confidence, domineering, and... a true hero!"

Duan Lengyan's status is noble and lofty, coupled with the fact that she is always so good, it is inevitable for her to form a proud personality with her eyes above her head.Except for the heroes of her predecessors, among her peers, she has never admired anyone.But at this moment, looking at Wan Dong dancing in the sky like a wild dragon, she not only admired him, but also felt a trace of awe.

Bang bang bang!

There were three muffled bangs in a row, and in the blink of an eye, Wan Dong met Long Feng, Yan Hao and Bao Chong respectively.Wu Qiujun's eyes suddenly narrowed into a slit, and there was an unbelievable light shining in them.

With one against three, Wan Dong did not give up an inch, and did not lose at all!On the contrary, it was Long Feng, Yan Hao and Bao Chong, each with a bit of a bit of distress, each took three steps back, and the three faces were uglier than the other. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as mournful!

"How could this be?" Wu Qiujun couldn't help but let out an exclamation in a daze.

Duan Lengyan at the side couldn't help cheering and jumping up.At first, she felt that as long as Wan Dong could repel the three of Long Feng, that would be the best result.But now seeing Wan Dong knocking Long Feng and the three of them back at the same time with one palm, she immediately realized that she was still too conservative.If this trend continues, not to mention repelling, even killing, it is not impossible!

"Master, look, I'm right! We don't need to run away at all!"

Wu Qiujun shook his head in a daze, then turned to look at Duan Lengyan, and asked anxiously, "What is the level of that kid's cultivation now?"

Duan Lengyan's crescent eyebrows suddenly tightened, she looked at Wu Qiujun in surprise and asked, "Master, can't you tell what he is doing?"

Wu Qiujun's expression immediately became bitter, and said, "If I could see it, would I still ask you? This kid's cultivation has surpassed mine now..."

"Ah!? No... Impossible?" Duan Lengyan exclaimed immediately. Although she was full of confidence in Wan Dong, she couldn't accept the fact that Wan Dong's cultivation had already surpassed that of Wu Qiujun.

You know, when Duan Lengyan first met Wan Dong, he was still a rookie who was not even as good as her. How long did it take to surpass Wu Qiujun? Isn't that ridiculous?

"This kid...is he really a monster?" Wu Qiujun muttered with a wry smile.

"Let's go!" Long Feng was decisive, seeing that Wan Dong had gone far beyond what they could handle, and he didn't want to fight at all, so he let out a loud shout, pulled away and retreated.

"Since you're here, stay with me!"

Seeing Long Feng, Yan Hao and Bao Chong want to leave, Wan Dong naturally refused!With a cold shout, his body rose to three feet, and his body burst into golden light. The Dao Qi in his body, like a universe undergoing a big bang, expanded and spread outward at an astonishing speed. Within, they were all shrouded in pieces of golden light.

The three Longfeng and the others didn't escape very far at all, they were covered by the golden light, and immediately felt as if they were stuck in a quagmire, and their fleeing figures immediately stagnated.

"This... what kind of trick is this?" It could be seen that Longfeng and the other three were really scared. While struggling hard, their throats kept trembling and screaming.

"Is this... still a human being?" Wu Qiujun shook his head, feeling helpless in his heart.

All his life, his rivalry with Xu Wenchuan had never stopped, but now, it would be difficult for him not to stop.Xu Wenchuan has such a grandson, how can he have the face to continue to fight with others?

Helplessness is helplessness, but Wu Qiujun felt as if a big burden had been unloaded in his heart, and suddenly felt a kind of unprecedented ease!

In the face of Wan Dong's nine-level middle-level dao qi, let alone three eighth-level peaks, even if it is a high-level peak, so what?You have to obediently smash your halberd into the sand, and tie your hands together!Looking at the three struggling Longfeng, Wan Dong's eyes were filled with contempt!

"You don't stay in the good iron war dynasty, you insist on running to our Qingyun Empire to die. If this is the case, is there any reason for me not to fulfill you?"

"Xu Yaoting, you...you're going to let us go soon? If you dare to kill us, you will definitely bring unprecedented disaster to the Qingyun Empire!" Longfeng completely lost his composure and roared madly.

"Okay! I'll wait and see, young master!" After saying that, Wan Dong's palms suddenly lifted up to the sky, and a piece of golden light burst out immediately, as if a dense minefield had been detonated, and there were rumbling explosions one after another.

The violent vigor and terrifying coercion spread out at the same time. The poor Longfeng and the three didn't even have a chance to resist, so they were instantly strangled by countless golden lights. Stay, miserable!

Returning the three of them to dust, Wan Dong's body shook, and the golden light was absorbed, and he looked at the poisonous mouse beside him.

The poisonous rat probably never dreamed that one day, he would be harmed by his own poisonous gas. He didn't practice in advance, so that he couldn't find the antidote quickly enough. In the end, he was not spared. At this time, he had already turned into a green man. Shengxi was cut off earlier than Longfeng and the three of them!

Of the twelve beast kings, none of them fell, and all of them fell into Wan Dong's hands.If Jin Xidao got this 'good news' at this time, he would have to spurt three liters of blood to show 'congratulations'.

"Everything... is it over like this?" The dust fell to the ground, and the world returned to calm, but Wu Qiujun still couldn't recover, and the focus of his eyes had already gone to nowhere.

"Beautiful job!" Duan Lengyan rushed in front of Wan Dong excitedly, and almost got into Wan Dong's arms, but fortunately, the girl's reserve made her wake up temporarily, and stopped the car abruptly.

"It would be even more beautiful if I killed you too!" Wan Dong said with a straight face.

"You dare!" As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Wu Qiujun roared like thunder.A pair of eyes were as big as a cowbell, as if he wanted to fight Wan Dong desperately.

Wan Dong frowned, glanced at him, curled his lips and said, "Why, with your half-dead appearance, can you still stop me?"

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