"Stinky boy, how dare you look down on me?!" Wu Qiujun roared furiously.

Wan Dong snorted lightly, and without speaking, he simply gave Wu Qiujun a tacit consent.If Wu Qiu's army was at its peak, it might have the power to fight Wan Dong, and the number of victories would never exceed [-]%.His mountain was completely trampled by Wan Dong.

It's not that Wan Dong doesn't know how to respect the old, love the young, and show off. It's because he suffered a lot from Wu Qiujun before, and almost died at his hands several times. Good face, very difficult!

With Wan Dong's acquiescence, Wu Qiujun was even more furious, "It's the opposite, it's the opposite! You have no respect for your elders, I must teach you a lesson!"

Wu Qiujun roared again and again, but he didn't intend to make a move at all.Wu Qiujun is angry, but he is not stupid!It's really going to be a shot, and I don't know who is going to teach whom.

As expected, Duan Lengyan is Wu Qiujun's apprentice, and she really doesn't know him well. Seeing this situation, she giggled a few times, came up and grabbed Wu Qiujun's arm, and said, "Okay, Master! You are an elder, how can you be as knowledgeable as a junior? So as not to ruin your reputation? Your lord does not remember the fault of a villain, so please let the junior brother off this time."

Wu Qiujun snorted heavily, and said, "Leng Yan, it means you plead for this kid, otherwise, I will beat him full of minions!"

Hearing what the master and apprentice said to each other, Wan Dong really couldn't laugh or cry.Sighing again and again, this master and apprentice are not only cunning, but also thick-skinned!

Seeing Wan Dong's disapproving expression, Wu Qiujun said, "You are young, and you can have such a cultivation level, which is indeed unprecedented! But if you are arrogant because of this, you will be arrogant and arrogant, and you will not regard the heroes of the world in your eyes. , sooner or later, you will be smashed to pieces! Do you think that you are great for killing people like Longfeng? As everyone knows, they are just minions, not to mention Jin Feibai, the head of the Jin family, Jin Badao, the second head of the family, Just the youngest, Jin Xidao, is by no means incomparable to the likes of Longfeng."

When Wu Qiujun said these words, he didn't want to deliberately attack Wan Dong, but he really wanted to remind Wan Dong.Since ancient times, how many geniuses have there been?I dare not compare the stars in the sky, I am afraid that there are as many as an ox hair.But how many people can really achieve great things?Ten times out of ten, it is the genius who dies prematurely, and the halberd falls into the sand.If you look closely at the reasons, quite a lot of them are because of your success at a young age and your arrogance because of your talent!What Wu Qiujun said to Wan Dong was really sincere.

Wan Dong is so smart, naturally he can't fail to hear the kindness in Wu Qiujun's words, but when he sees Wu Qiujun's face, Wan Dong can't help but think of the scene when he was bullied by Wu Qiujun, and he is a little itchy at all.

"I don't know what Jin Feibai and Jin Badao are, but Jin Xidao seems to be no better than Longfeng." Wan Dong touched his nose with a disapproving expression.

This is exactly what Wu Qiujun is worried about!After going through this life and death, Wu Qiujun and Xu Wenchuan's heart settlement was opened. Although he refused to admit it, he recognized Wan Dong's identity as his nephew in his heart.After all, a promising talent like Wan Dong came out of the division. Naturally, Wu Qiujun couldn't just watch him fall, and his expression suddenly became anxious.

"Stinky boy, you are trying to piss me off! Jin Xidao's cultivation has entered the mid-level of the ninth level of true qi a long time ago, and he is better than your grandfather. If you underestimate him like this, sooner or later you will fall in In his hands!"

Wu Qiujun was really in a hurry, stomping his feet while talking, immediately affected the injury, and a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Wan Dong frowned involuntarily, this Wu Qiujun seemed to really care about him, otherwise he wouldn't be so anxious.

"Master, you are seriously injured, don't get agitated casually, keep calm!" Duan Lengyan became anxious when she saw this, she hurried forward, held Wu Qiujun's hand, and said in a rapid voice.

Wu Qiujun ignored Duan Lengyan, his eyes just fixed on Wan Dong.

Wan Dong touched his nose, let out a wry smile, stretched out his hand to Wu Qiujun, and said, "You are seriously injured, let me see."

Wu Qiujun waved his hand violently to block Wan Dong's hand, snorted coldly, and said, "I won't die for a while, I don't need you to look! You underestimate Jin Xidao, sooner or later, the end will be worse than mine Do you know that the three brothers of the Jin family are top-notch masters in the entire Tie Zhan Dynasty! If you despise them, it is tantamount to joking with your own life! If you don’t think about yourself, Don’t you think about your grandfather? He suffered all kinds of humiliation for you before, and almost lost his fame all his life. It’s hard for you to be a bit promising now, but you’re so arrogant and self-satisfied, and you don’t look down on the heroes of the world. Li, you want to...cough cough..."

Before Wu Qiujun finished speaking, he began to cough again, vomiting blood from time to time, and his expression looked very painful.

"Okay, okay, you have to teach me a lesson, please change another time, and let me see your injuries first." Wan Dong really convinced Wu Qiujun, and he hated him before, gnashing his teeth, wishing he could tear him to pieces. Duan, now he cares so much about him, even disregarding his own body and life, this person's mind is really unpredictable.

I have to admit that Wan Dong was a little moved at this time.My impression of Wu Qiujun is not as bad as before.

"Go away! I don't need you to worry about my life!" Wu Qiujun pushed Wan Dong away again, his voice full of annoyance roared.

"You stubborn..." Wan Dong couldn't bear it, and almost cursed out of his mouth.

"What's wrong with me? Even if I, Wu Qiujun, can't stand up anymore, I will still teach you a lesson! If you have the guts, just kill me with one palm. That's even better. Out of sight, out of mind!"

Wu Qiujun roared like thunder, and his excited hands danced together. The appearance was somewhat funny, and Wan Dong couldn't help laughing.Coughing, Wan Dong said, "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you. To tell you the truth, Jin Xidao's current situation is worse than yours."

"What did you say?" Wu Qiujun was taken aback for a moment.

Duan Lengyan also looked surprised, and stared blankly at Wan Dong.

Wan Dong sighed, "How do you think I know you are hiding here?"

"Could it be..." Wu Qiujun's expression suddenly lifted, and there was a strong look of shock on his face and eyes at the same time.

Wan Dong nodded and said, "To tell you the truth, I have already fought against Jin Xidao before I came here. You are right, Jin Xidao's cultivation level is really good, but it is still within the range I can handle! If Fu Chuanjing hadn't brought these six beasts back in time, he would have died by my hands now."

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