"You...you're joking!" Wan Dong's words made Wu Qiujun's mouth open instantly, and his face was full of disbelief.

Wan Dong chuckled and said, "Why do you think Jin Xidao didn't show up here? He would take such a big matter so lightly? Of course not! The reason why he didn't come is because he couldn't come at all."

"Master, I believe what he said is true!" Wu Qiujun couldn't recover from it, but Duan Lengyan nodded with great certainty.

Wu Qiujun turned his head to look at Duan Lengyan, who was full of excitement, and then looked back at Wan Dong, shaking his head slowly, not knowing what to say.What Wan Dong did, time and time again, exceeded his expectations. It was the first time in his life that he met a young man like this. "Amazing" is not enough to describe it.

Seeing that Wu Qiujun remained silent, Wan Dong thought he still had doubts in his heart, and frowned, "Don't worry! After you are safe, I will go to Wu Qiujun and kill him and Fu Chuanjing together!"

Hearing Wan Dong's words, Wu Qiujun showed a somewhat helpless smile, shook his head, and murmured, "It's really hard to imagine that my senior brother would rape a grandson like you, let me As a junior, I can't believe it if I don't want to."

When Wu Qiujun said this, his face was visibly less aggressive, compared to when Wan Dong saw him for the first time, he looked like a different person.Wan Dong didn't know whether this change was good or bad for Wu Qiujun himself, but he really felt that Wu Qiujun in this form was more down-to-earth and less annoying.

"What are your plans next?" Wan Dong opened his mouth and asked.

A smile suddenly appeared on Wu Qiujun's face, and he raised his voice, "What else can we do? Now that we are in such a mess, we can only rely on your grandparents and grandchildren to protect us. I said, you grandparents and grandchildren will not let go of the old love Bar?"

Wan Dong glared at Wu Qiujun, curled his lips and said, "Old relationship? I think it should be an old account, right?"

Wu Qiujun rubbed his nose, laughed dryly, and said, "You kid, why are you so young, why are you holding grudges so much? You're not as good as your grandfather?"

Wan Dong couldn't help but want to give Wu Qiujun a middle finger. This old boy looks like a wolf when he is fierce, and a fox when he is not fierce, but he doesn't look like someone else's uncle at all!

Originally, Wan Dong planned to send Wu Qiujun and the others back to Tianbao Pavilion first, and then go to Jin Xidao, but Wu Qiujun disagreed. He was afraid that there would be many dreams in the night, so Wan Dong should not delay for a moment, and immediately went to Jin Xidao.

Wan Dong thought, the twelve beast kings were all killed, Jin Xidao was seriously injured, Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan would not be in any danger, so he nodded in agreement and parted ways with them.

Looking at Wan Dong who was going away like a fleeting shadow, Wu Qiujun's mouth revealed a slightly bitter smile, and he murmured, "Leng Yan, what kind of person is this kid?"

When Wu Qiujun asked, Duan Lengyan's expression turned serious immediately, her voice became even more serious, and she said slowly, "Master, I feel that the strategy of our Iron War Dynasty must be changed."

"You mean..." Wu Qiujun's expression also changed.

Duan Lengyan nodded solemnly, "No matter what, you shouldn't be your enemy!"

Wu Qiujun thought for a moment in silence, waved his hand violently, and snorted coldly, "It's too early to think about it now! What we have to consider now is your two brothers and the Jin family! Even such means have been used, It seems that the Jin family is going to tear their skins apart with us."

"It should have been like this a long time ago! The sooner this shame is torn, the sooner people will be able to see clearly the face of the Jin family! Father and my two elder brothers should also wake up!"

"But this time when we go back, there will definitely be many crises waiting for us. Leng Yan, you have to be mentally prepared."

Hearing Wu Qiujun's words, Duan Lengyan suddenly pursed her lips into a smile, looked at him and said, "With Master here, this disciple is not afraid of anything!"

Wu Qiujun couldn't help laughing, pointed at Duan Lengyan with his fingers, and said in a vibrating voice, "That's right! I have worked hard to manage Tianbao Pavilion for my teacher for so many years, and I still have some background. The Jin family is about to turn the sky upside down, and it's not that easy! Besides , I can’t stand it as a teacher, and that kid Xu Yaoting! I think this kid is stronger than your master! Hahaha..."

After burying Pi Xiong with several guards, Jin Xidao and Duan Lengyan went straight to Xu's house.Jin Xidao also knew that when he met Xu Wenchuan this time, he was afraid that he would be scolded, but when he thought about it carefully, for the bad things he did, let alone scolding, even beating, he was not wronged at all.In Jin Xidao's heart, there was not much hesitation!

When Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan went straight to Xu's house, Wan Dong came to Tianbao Pavilion.He wanted to kill Jin Xidao and Fu Chuanjing together by surprise, but before he got close to Tianbao Pavilion, he saw from a distance that Tianbao Pavilion had been heavily surrounded by the officers and soldiers.

Wu Jinhun sat on a tall horse, frowning tightly, with a dignified expression.

Wan Dong's heart tightened, and he hurriedly flew up to meet him.

"Who!?" As soon as Wan Dong appeared, he immediately alarmed a large number of officers and soldiers. Countless spears and broadswords were pointed at him immediately.

Wan Dong looked up and saw that there were many corpses of officers and soldiers around. No wonder these soldiers were so murderous.Fortunately, Wu Jinhun stopped it in time, otherwise there might be trouble.

"Yao Ting?" Wu Jinhun was slightly surprised when he saw Wan Dong appear.

Wan Dong rushed forward and asked, "Uncle Uber, what's going on?"

Before Wu Jinhun could speak, he let out a sigh and pounded his fist heavily on his palm. His expression was full of annoyance and he said, "I got the news that Jin Xidao and Fu Chuanjing were hiding in Tianbao Pavilion, so I brought people here I didn't expect these two thieves to be so high-cultivated, they killed many of my brothers, but they didn't even leave a hair on them, I was so mad!"

"Jin Xidao and Fu Chuanjing escaped?" Wan Dong's expression changed.

With the cunning of Jin Xidao and Fu Chuanjing, once they escape, it will be very difficult to catch them.

Wu Jinhun nodded unwillingly, and said bitterly: "If you make a wrong step, you will lose the whole game! These two thieves are really cheap!"

Seeing Wu Jinhun's unprecedented annoyance, Wan Dong smiled and said: "Uncle Wu, evil will be rewarded with evil. If the two of them escaped by chance, it means that the time has not come yet! Don't worry, they escaped the first day of the junior high school. After all, I can't hide from fifteen!"

Wu Jinhun turned his head to look at Wan Dong with some surprise, and scolded with a smile, "You are open-minded, you can think freely!"

Wan Dong smiled and said, "So what if you can't think about it? It's just an annoyance!"

Wu Jinhun nodded, looked at Wan Dong's eyes full of admiration, and couldn't help thinking to himself, "This kid is becoming more and more like a general!"

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