In Duan Lengyan's impression, no matter where Wu Qiujun went, he was majestic. He had never lived like this before. He was simply a child who made mistakes.Duan Lengyan, who was looking directly at her, wanted to laugh, but she didn't dare to laugh. If the master's face was swept away, would it be good for the apprentice?

After Xu Wenchuan's recuperation, Wu Qiujun's injury has healed by [-] to [-]%, but it will take a long time for the distance to fully recover.Xu Wenchuan was worried that Wu Qiujun would be unbearable after standing for a long time, so he specially ordered someone to move the soft stool.Sometimes, Xu Wenchuan's carefulness does not match his rough appearance and heroic personality.

"Next, what are your plans?" Xu Wenchuan's voice was still a little angry, which is also common sense. What Wu Qiujun did before was indeed too much. It is obviously not big to want Xu Wenchuan to forget the past immediately. Reality.

But to Wu Qiujun's ears, this is already very good.Frowning, he said, "On the way here, Leng Yan and I have discussed it. As soon as my injury heals, I will go back to the Tie Zhan Dynasty!"

"I'm afraid there will be danger? The Jin family and Leng Yan's two brothers, will they let it go?"

"Hmph! Even if they want to let it go, I won't!" Wu Qiujun groaned several times and curled his lips.

"No matter how dangerous it is, we must go back to the Iron War Dynasty." Duan Lengyan took over the words and said, "Not only do we want to seek justice for ourselves, but we also hope that we can persuade my father to eliminate the flames of war. Return peace to Dongxuan Continent!"

"What you said is true?" Xu Wenchuan's expression suddenly lifted, and he looked at Wu Qiujun with bright eyes.

Under Xu Wenchuan's gaze like a bright light, Wu Qiujun's face was a little bit guilty, and he said with shame, "Actually, I should have listened to my brother. At that time, I was like being deceived by lard. And it won't lead to today's disaster! I will learn a lot from a fall, and I can't go on wrong, let alone hurt Leng Yan because of it."

"Okay! I'm really glad you can think like this! Wait!" Xu Wenchuan slapped his thigh, stood up excitedly, and walked into the study quickly.After a while, a brocade box carefully wrapped in yellow satin was brought out and placed in front of Wu Qiujun.

"Brother, what is this?"

"Open it and have a look!" Xu Wenchuan said with a smile on his lips.

Wu Qiujun was stunned for a moment, and then carefully unwrapped the yellow satin wrapped in the brocade box. The moment he opened the lid, Wu Qiujun was stunned, as if someone had tapped his acupuncture points.

What made Wu Qiujun so excited?Duan Lengyan stretched her neck and looked over with some curiosity.

"Chengfeng Jue!?" Duan Lengyan couldn't help exclaiming as soon as the three big characters came into view. Isn't this what Wu Qiujun has been dreaming of for so many years?

Xu Wenchuan nodded with a smile, and said, "The Jin family is quite powerful. If you want to fight against them, you must first make yourself stronger."

"Brother, really want to give me "Chengfeng Jue"? don't worry?" Wu Qiujun was stunned for a while, raised his head, and asked Xu Wenchuan nasty.

Xu Wenchuan laughed a few times, and said, "In the beginning, I was really worried! Giving this "Chengfeng Jue" to you is tantamount to helping the evildoers! But now, I am relieved, and I am very relieved! Haha Ha ha……"

"Brother, aren't you afraid that I'm lying to you?"

Xu Wenchuan glared at him, and said, "Cheat? Just lie, do you think that with the "Chengfeng Jue", no one can cure you? Hehe... I advise you not to underestimate the heroes of the world!"

When Xu Wenchuan said this, Wu Qiujun's heart was greatly touched, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at Wan Dong.I'm afraid that with this "Chengfeng Jue", facing Wan Dong, he won't have any good fruit to eat.Fortunately, Wu Qiujun really reined in the precipice and changed his ways for the better, otherwise he would really be troubled.

"Senior Brother, this is Poyun Policy, here it is!" To reciprocate, Wu Qiujun hastily took out a thin book from his pocket.

Xu Wenchuan didn't pick it up, and said with a smile, "No need, I've already learned the unique skills of Poyun Ce, you should keep it for yourself!"

"What... what? You have learned the Poyun strategy? I'll just say it! Master, he's an old man, he's the most eccentric!..."

"Your size! Dare to slander Master, I think you don't think about it!" Xu Wenchuan didn't care that Wu Qiujun's beard and hair were half white now, and Wu Qiujun almost jumped off the stool when he raised his hand. up.

"The kung fu in Po Yun Ce was not taught by my master. It was Yao Ting who wrote down your moves and exercises when he fought with you, and then passed them on to me."

"This... that's okay!?" Wu Qiujun's eyes were so wide that they almost jumped out of their sockets.

Xu Wenchuan was very happy, with a smug smile on his face, and said, "Others can't do it, but my grandson can! Hahaha..."

Duan Lengyan stuck out her tongue, looked at Wan Dong and said, "It seems that I will not be able to fight with you casually in the future, lest you learn all my unique skills!"

Wan Dong glanced at her, and said casually, "Don't worry, I don't care about your unique skills! Even if you teach, I may not be willing to learn."

"Xu Yaoting, you bastard!" Duan Lengyan was ruthlessly despised like this, her eyes widened and she was about to burst into flames.

Wan Dong smiled happily, it's nice to despise beautiful women!

"Leng Yan, don't rush to get angry, I think this is a great opportunity for you. Yao Ting's current martial arts attainments are already higher than mine. If you can get more advice from him, you will surely The benefits are endless! Loyal friends are hard to find, good teachers are hard to find! Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

Wu Qiujun's words made Duan Lengyan's anger disappear immediately.With a sly smile like a fox on his face, he gave Wan Dong a nasty look. To outsiders, he looked charming, but in Wan Dong's eyes, it gave him a chill down his spine.

"Qiu Jun, from today onwards, you will stay with me. While healing your wounds, you will study martial arts at the same time, and strive to reach the peak of the Nine Layers as soon as possible. Then it will not be too late to return to the Iron War Dynasty."

Wu Qiujun nodded, and said to Xu Wenchuan, "I have to trouble you, brother."

Xu Wenchuan glared at him fiercely, and said, "Come on, don't act obedient in front of me! Ever since I was a child, have you caused me too much trouble? I owe you what I specified in my previous life!"

Xu Wenchuan scolded Wu Qiujun fiercely, but he was very concerned in his heart.He chose a secluded room by himself, and watched the servants clean it up until he was satisfied.He also personally explained to the chef and listed the menu for Wu Qiujun, which can be said to be meticulous, which moved Wu Qiujun so much!

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