Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 394 1 Missteps become ancient hatred!

Facing the morning light, Duan Lengyan walked out of the room lightly.Since coming to Qingyun Empire, this was the most solid night she slept.It's as if everything has been put down, and it's easier than ever.

Dingshan Prince's Mansion occupies a large area. After Ning Shan's careful design and layout, the scenery is pleasant, and even the air seems to be extra fresh and sweet than outside.

Appreciating the picturesque scenery around her, Duan Lengyan was in a trance.She never imagined that one day, she would be able to live in Dingshan Prince's Mansion.This chance and encounter in life is really ingenious and unpredictable!

Huo hoo!

Duan Lengyan was wandering, when a sharp sound of a sharp sword piercing the wind suddenly woke her up, and she subconsciously moved towards the direction of the sound.

The sharp sword sliced ​​through the sky, rolling up thousands of snow-white sword glows. At first glance, it looked like goose-feathered snow, which made one's heart chill.In the sword light, a slender and well-proportioned figure ran back and forth, like a dance, beautiful and elegant!

The sword moves are as simple as possible, but the sword moves are even more fierce!Every move and every move seems to be in harmony with the way of heaven, giving people a wonderful feeling of inner universe and infinite profound meaning!With just one glance, Duan Lengyan was deeply attracted.

Duan Lengyan is a martial arts genius with extremely high aptitude and strong comprehension!There is also a lot of research on the sword.She can naturally see that the swordsmanship performed by the person in front of her is definitely the best of the best, and has almost reached the highest level of returning to the basics and simplifying the complex.

At first Duan Lengyan thought that the sword dancer would be Wan Dong, but after a closer look, although the sword dancer was equally handsome, but older than Wan Dong, he was similar to her.

"Could it be that the Qingyun Empire has produced another great genius?" Duan Lengyan couldn't help but lose her mind for a while.

"Such a brilliant swordsmanship! Although this kid is young, he has reached a high level of comprehension and insight into what he saw. It's really rare!" Duan Lengyan was in a daze when Wu Qiujun's voice sounded from behind her.

Duan Lengyan turned her head and asked, "Master, your injury is still not healed, you should rest more."

Wu Qiujun shook his head, his eyes did not move away from the sword dancer, "It's really not easy for this young man, who is only in his twenties, to have such attainments in the way of swordsmanship, and I don't know who it is." Apprentice who came out."

"This is Prince Dingshan's Mansion, needless to say, he must be the apprentice of the uncle!"

Wu Qiujun glanced at him, and said, "When did you hear that your uncle has accepted an apprentice?"


"Who dares to peek at me practicing sword practice? How courageous!" Wang Yangde was comprehending the meaning of the sword carefully, but he didn't expect Duan Lengyan and Wu Qiujun to be chattering on the side. The tip of Hanmang's sword immediately pointed towards Duan Lengyan and Wu Qiujun.

The sword intent is vertical and horizontal, and the sword energy is swaying!At Wang Yangde's situation, he no longer wants to hurt people with his sword!

"It's amazing!" It's one thing to watch from the sidelines, but another thing to face it in person.When Wang Yangde's sword pointed, Duan Lengyan froze all over, and couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.She suddenly realized that Wang Yangde's swordsmanship was even more advanced than she had imagined.

Wang Yangde's cultivation level has also leaped into the sixth level of true energy, which is on par with Duan Lengyan. In addition, this superb swordsmanship can put so much pressure on Duan Lengyan that he is at a loss, which is not enough. strange.

"Huh? Are you injured?" Wang Yangde's sword force was halfway there when he suddenly let out a cry of surprise. The sword force that was originally like the waves of the Yangtze River was suddenly retracted, like the ebbing sea water, quickly rewinding and retracting.

Coming like a landslide, returning like a tidal wave!Duan Lengyan and Wu Qiujun couldn't help being amazed by sending and receiving freely!

Luo Xiao forced Wang Yangde to be the head coach, so he had to put on a show, stayed in the barracks during the day, and only came back at night, so he didn't know that Duan Lengyan and Wu Qiujun, a pair of master and apprentice, came to the palace.

At first, Duan Lengyan felt a little upset when she heard Wang Yangde angrily scolded herself for watching him practice sword.But as soon as Wang Yangde noticed that Wu Qiujun was wounded, he immediately withdrew his sword and did not take advantage of anyone's danger at all. Duan Lengyan's anger was immediately reduced a lot with his upright and aboveboard gentleman's demeanor.

"Hahaha... young man, you have good eyesight, and you can see that I am injured." After Wu Qiujun's transformation, his whole temperament seemed to have undergone a significant change. His laughter was bright and unrestrained, and his expression was relaxed and kind, which was a little less Shady and prey, a little more kind, more like a master.

Although Wang Yangde doesn't know Wu Qiujun's identity, it can be seen that he can move freely in Dingshan Prince's Mansion, he must be a guest of this mansion, and he is a modest old man, so Wang Yangde dare not be arrogant and rude, he hastily bowed his body slightly, Said: "Junior Wang Yangde, just now was abrupt, please don't blame me, senior!"

"Oh, you are the number one genius of the Qingyun Empire, Wang Yangde, the number one on the Qingyun list?" Duan Lengyan's eyes lit up as soon as Wang Yangde reported to his family.

Wang Yangde nodded and asked, "Miss, have you heard of me?"

Duan Lengyan showed a sudden smile, no wonder Wang Yangde's swordsmanship is so high, can the number one genius of the Qingyun Empire be lower?

"Brother Wang's reputation as a genius is not only famous in the Qingyun Empire, but also in the entire Dongxuan Continent. I don't think it will be difficult if I don't hear about it!"

Duan Lengyan looks sweet, and the words she speaks are pleasant, making Wang Yangde a little embarrassed, scratching his head repeatedly and saying, "What number one genius? Compared with my master, I am simply the number one idiot!"

"Your master? Oh, by the way, I dare to ask Brother Wang, who is your master?" Duan Lengyan looked curious.

Wang Yangde waved his hands and said, "What is superior to others? My master is not human at all, he is a tai, a super tai..."

"Hmph... Slander Master behind his back, be careful!" Wan Dong snorted coldly and came slowly.

"No...wouldn't be so unlucky?" Wang Yangde's complexion changed drastically immediately, his facial features crowded together, and he squeezed out the word '囧' abruptly!

Seeing Wan Dong walking forward with a cold face, Wang Yangde let out a dry laugh in a hurry, bent over, and greeted him flatteringly, "Master, how dare I slander you! My respect for you is like the Yellow River The water, rushing endlessly..."

"Go away!" Wan Dong didn't bother to listen to Wang Yangde's involuntary flattery, and kicked him three feet away.

He raised his legs and came to Wu Qiujun, looked at him a few times, and said, "The recovery is not bad. If you take care of it carefully, it should be back to normal."

Wu Qiujun nodded at Wan Dong, it was difficult for him to treat Wan Dong as a junior.

"Brother Wang, is he... your apprentice?" Duan Lengyan was wondering who Wang Yangde's master would be, but never expected that it would be Wan Dong, staring wide-eyed.

Wan Dong glanced back at Wang Yangde, and murmured in a low voice full of helplessness and annoyance, "One mistake will cause eternal hatred!"

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