Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 404 A lesson to Leng Shuangrong!

Even Leng Shuangrong, who was in the realm of perfection, couldn't help being frightened when faced with Wan Dong's eyes. She looked a little embarrassed, and involuntarily cast her eyes elsewhere, not daring to look directly at Wan Dong.

"Who the hell is Ping Feipeng? Are you dumb?!" Seeing Leng Shuangrong's delay in answering, Wan Dong couldn't bear the anxiety in his heart, and shouted sharply.

At this time Xu Wenchuan also came over, and said to Leng Shuangrong, "That child Yuecui is not bad, I can't just watch her jump into the fire pit. What's going on, you'd better tell me, let's find a way together, There is no problem that cannot be solved!"

"Don't ask any more! Ping Feipeng is someone you can't afford to offend, if you provoke him, it will be of no benefit to you!" Leng Shuangrong said with her mouth tightened by her bi.

"Someone you can't afford to provoke? So you decided to push your granddaughter into the fire with your own hands?" Wan Dong narrowed his eyes, his expression full of sarcasm and contempt.

"I..." Wan Dong's expression made Leng Shuangrong unable to face it, and she lowered her head.

Wan Dong snorted coldly, and said bluntly, "If I were you, I would definitely feel ashamed of myself! You don't deserve to be Yuecui's grandmother at all!"

As soon as Wan Dong said these words, Leng Shuangrong felt as if she had been struck by lightning, her face turned pale, and almost lost the last trace of blood.

Leng Yongsi couldn't bear to look at it, and said, "Actually, my grandma was also helpless. That Ping Feipeng is not a commoner among us, but a real monk from the Daoist world. His cultivation base is too high. We mortals are simply invincible."

"People from the Daoist Great World!?" As soon as Leng Yongsi finished speaking, Wan Dong's face was also filled with shock.

This Ping Feipeng was also the first Taoist he met after his rebirth.As if all of a sudden, the distance between him and the Taoist world was shortened a lot, and at the same time, he and Mu Lian were also shortened a lot.Wan Dong was indeed surprised, but not frightened, but pleasantly surprised.It seems that the appearance of Ping Feipeng indicates that his reunion with Mu Lian is not far away.

As soon as Leng Yongsi mentioned the identity of Poping Feipeng, the surrounding immediately fell into a dead silence.The faces of Wu Qiujun, Xu Wenchuan and others became uglier than the other.I had to admit in my heart that what Leng Shuangrong said was right, Ping Feipeng was really not something they could provoke.

Leng Shuangrong had expected this situation a long time ago. Seeing the stunned and surprised crowd, her face was full of sneering, "Why didn't you talk? Just now, everyone was full of fighting spirit, so they're wilting so soon?"

Hearing Leng Shuangrong's sneering words, Wan Dong snorted coldly, glared at her fiercely, and said, "If you hadn't blindly wanted to cling to the Taoist sect and flatter you, today's disaster would not have happened! You can do it!" The evil cause, but Yuecui is asked to taste the evil fruit, thanks to you, you can still laugh!"

"You..." Unexpectedly Wan Dong would say this, Leng Shuangrong was immediately speechless.

Wan Dong didn't wrong her at all, if it wasn't for what she did back then, how could Ping Feipeng find her, and Leng Yuecui didn't have to jump into this pit of fire.There is no doubt that she was the one who killed Leng Yuecui.

"Do you think that the people in the Taoist world are good birds? Your head was caught by the door, and you dared to provoke them. You don't know that it is easy to ask the gods, but it is difficult to send them away. Hurt self and others!"

Who could have imagined that Leng Shuangrong, who was so famous in Dongxuan Continent, looked like a child who made a mistake at this time, and was so trained by Wan Dong that she couldn't even lift her head.If an outsider saw such a scene, they would be blinded by shock!

"Xu Yaoting..." Leng Yongsi looked at her grandma, feeling a little pitiful, and couldn't help but cast a pleading look at Wan Dong.

Wan Dong was also impatient, so he didn't save face for Leng Shuangrong like this. Seeing Leng Yongsi's pleading eyes, he stopped what he said next.At this time, even if Leng Shuangrong scolded Leng Shuangrong so bloodily and committed seppuku, it would have lost all meaning.

"Does Ping Feipeng live in your Leng Mansion?" Wan Dong looked at Leng Yongsi and asked.

Leng Yongsi nodded.

Wan Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "That's good! I'll meet him right away!"

"What? You... What do you want to do?" Wan Dong's words surprised Leng Yongsi, and he asked in a trembling voice.

Leng Shuangrong couldn't help raising her head at this time, and looked at Wan Dong in surprise, wondering if she had heard it wrong.

Wan Dong ignored everyone's astonishment, and said in a deep voice, "This guy surnamed Ping is so arrogant and does whatever he wants because he is from the Daoist world. He really blinded him! Isn't he brazen enough to marry Yue Cui? Beat the shit out of him and see if he dares to be a toad who wants to eat swan meat!"

"Ah!? No, no!" As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Xu Wenchuan rushed forward, shaking his head repeatedly, while firmly grasping Wan Dong's arm, for fear that he would really go to find Ping Feipeng.

Wan Dong's ability to defeat Leng Shuangrong, in Xu Wenchuan's view, was already a miracle among miracles.He never believed that Wan Dong would have the ability to defeat the living gods from the Daomen Great World.In his opinion, Wan Dong's actions were clearly a visit to his death, how could he agree?

Even Leng Shuangrong was very moved. She never thought that Wan Dong would have such courage and arrogance.You know, even she doesn't have the courage to turn against Ping Feipeng.And Wan Dong did it all for Leng Yuecui, which moved her even more.

"Calm down, don't act recklessly! You are not Ping Feipeng's opponent, if you face him, you will only die!" Leng Shuangrong couldn't help but opened her mouth and said, the previous arrogance and arrogance were completely gone in her words.

Wan Dong glanced at her sideways, and said, "Then what should I do? Could it be that I just watched Yue Cui jump into the fire pit like this?"

"Well, I..." Leng Shuangrong's brows were immediately wrinkled together, full of bitterness.

Wan Dong shook his head, stopped looking at her, and said to Xu Wenchuan, Leng Yongsi and others, "Don't worry everyone! The most powerful person in the Taoist sect is Dao Qi. Dao Qi, I have it too, maybe I will Lost to that Pingfei Peng! Besides, Yuecui is my friend, no matter what, I can't just leave him alone!"

"Yao Ting, I know what you mean, but... there are many ways to save Yuecui, and it doesn't necessarily mean that we have to fight Naping Feipeng desperately. We can have a long-term plan and think... other ways..."

Looking at Xu Wenchuan's anxious face, Wan Dong smiled and shook his head, and said, "Grandpa, I'm not a three-year-old child, why do you use such words to coax me? If there are other ways, I don't want to confront Ping Feipeng head-on." conflict."

"This..." Xu Wenchuan was so anxious that he couldn't speak, but he grabbed Wan Dong's hand, but refused to relax in the slightest.

"Old lady! Miss!" Just as everyone was burning with anxiety, a hurried call suddenly sounded, and a thin figure staggered over.

"Xiaoyu!?" Recognizing the person, Leng Yongsi's crescent eyebrows immediately clustered together, and his expression was even more nervous!

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