In order for someone to take care of Leng Yuecui's life, Leng Yongsi brought Xiaoyu out on purpose.In other words, Xiaoyu should be with Leng Yuecui at this time, she appeared here with such an urgent expression, there is only one possibility, something happened to Leng Yuecui.

"Xiaoyu, why are you here?" Leng Yongsi didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly greeted her with a loud voice.

"Where is Yuecui?" Leng Shuangrong couldn't hold back at this time, and rushed forward eagerly, her tone was very severe.

Xiaoyu is a weak maid who doesn't understand martial arts, so how can she withstand the fierce power of Leng Shuangrong, her pretty face immediately panicked, it was snow-white without a trace of blood, and her thin figure seemed to be standing naked in front of her. It was like freezing in the cold, trembling non-stop, and he was about to collapse to the ground, let alone open his mouth to answer.

"I asked you something, did you hear me? Answer me!" Leng Shuangrong was also too eager to notice Xiaoyu's strangeness. Seeing that Xiaoyu hesitated to answer, her voice immediately raised another octave.

As a result, Xiaoyu's body trembled even more, and her appearance looked a little pitiful.

"Why are you so fierce?!" Seeing that Xiaoyu was terribly frightened by Leng Shuangrong's power, Wan Dong was furious, and rushed forward, pulling Leng Shuangrong aside, and at the same time snapped, No mercy!

"You!" Leng Shuangrong was caught off guard, and was forced to stagger by Wan Dong, terrified and angry, her old face flushed red.

"What are you? Now you know that you are in a hurry? If you didn't push Yuecui into the fire pit, what would happen today? Let me tell you, you want to sell your old age in front of me. I advise you to save it! Someone else will give it to you. Face, I, Xu Yaoting, don't like your tricks! Get the hell out of here!"

"Boy," Wan Dong's words almost made Leng Shuangrong feel angry on the spot.Pointing at Wan Dong, trembling all over, really couldn't even utter a complete sentence! "

Wan Dong gave her a hard look full of disdain, then looked away and ignored her!This Leng Shuangrong is lucky, she is Leng Yuecui's grandma, otherwise, he would have slapped her there long ago!

Seeing Leng Shuangrong trembling with anger, but being helpless against Wan Dong, Xu Wenchuan and Wu Qiujun couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.

Shouting Leng Shuangrong aside, Wan Dong lightly held Xiaoyu's shoulders, breathed a trace of Qi into her body, and slowly helped her calm down.Leng Shuangrong didn't know the seriousness, she used her power unknowingly, if she didn't guide Xiaoyu in time, she would live in the shadow of fear all her life.This was also one of the reasons why Wandong refused to show mercy to Leng Shuangrong.

Trying to slow down his expression and soften his voice, Wan Dong looked at Xiaoyu and asked softly, "Xiaoyu, don't be afraid, with me here, no one can hurt you. Tell me, what happened to Yuecui?" "

Wan Dong's gentle expression and soft voice really calmed Xiaoyu a lot, and said, "I...I can't stop Miss, Miss...she's gone home..."

"What? Yuecui, how can she go home? That old thief Ping Feipeng is waiting for her, she is self-inflicted!" Before Xiaoyu's voice fell to the ground, Leng Yongsi shouted eagerly.

Xiaoyu said with tears, "Miss said, she can't hurt the young lady and the old lady, she can't be so selfish. The young lady said, as long as the young lady and the old lady are fine, she...she is willing to marry Ping Feipeng."

"Ah!? Yuecui... did she really say that?" Xiaoyu's words were like an invisible heavy hammer hitting Leng Shuangrong's heart fiercely.Leng Shuangrong was still full of anger before, but now it was completely replaced by deep guilt and remorse.

"Leng Shuangrong, I really admire you! Why is your life so good? You have done so many foolish things, and Yue Cui is willing to sacrifice herself for you. You think she is so stupid ?”

Wan Dong turned his head sharply and stared at Leng Shuangrong. His eyes were indeed sharper than the knife, and he wished he could pierce a hole in Leng Shuangrong's body.

Leng Shuangrong's heart was already extremely sad, and it was even more unbearable to be stared at by Wan Dong's eyes. She didn't know where to put her old face.It was the first time in her life that she experienced this feeling.

Leng Yongsi looked at it, couldn't help but couldn't bear it, and said in a plea, "Yao Ting, don't talk about it. Ping Feipeng won't let Yue Cui go back this time. Let's think of a way quickly, see Let's see how to save her!"

"Hmph! Ping Fei Peng!" Wan Dong gritted his teeth and let out a cold snort, his figure paused, and immediately flew away like a hawk piercing the clouds.

"Where are you going?" Leng Yongsi hurriedly asked.Wan Dong didn't answer, and his figure disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

"Yao Ting must have gone to the Leng Mansion, so let's go too! No matter what, we must help him!" Xu Wenchuan couldn't stop Wan Dong, stomped his feet angrily, said, and hurriedly followed.

Wu Qiujun, Duan Lengyan, and Wang Yangde also jumped into the air one after another.

Leng Yongsi turned her head to look at Leng Shuangrong who was still standing still, and said, "Grandma, no matter what we do, we must not let Yuecui sacrifice herself for us!"

"Yes! Yes!" Leng Shuangrong, who was originally in a daze, immediately came back to her senses under Leng Yongsi's reminder, nodded heavily, and said, "All this is my fault, it's all mine. Wrong! What Taoism, what Heavenly Dao League? It’s all bullshit! My old lady will fight with you at worst!”

Gritting her teeth and muttering something, Leng Shuangrong jumped up, her figure was faster than the meteor, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this situation, Leng Yongsi was both happy and sad!The joy is that Leng Shuangrong has finally awakened and changed, but the sad thing is that her awakening and transformation seem to have come a bit late.But never better than late!At this moment, even if they hug each other to death, that would be happiness!

Leng Yuecui did not agree to run away from the very beginning, and it was Leng Yongsi who ignored her objection and forcibly knocked her unconscious before taking her out of Leng's house and hiding her.As soon as she woke up, Leng Yuecui resolutely returned to Leng's house regardless of Xiaoyu's begging.

Leng Yuecui knew better than anyone else that the reason why Ping Feipeng wanted to marry her was definitely not because he liked her, but because he wanted to use this method to torture her and make her suffer in order to retaliate for her disrespect for him.

From the very beginning, Leng Yuecui never regarded Ping Feipeng as a good person, let alone had the slightest respect for him.Especially that day when Riping Feipeng almost beat the servant girl Xiaocui to death because of a trivial matter, which aroused Leng Yuecui's anger even more.Not daring to confront him head-on, Leng Yuecui couldn't do without sarcasm. As time passed, Ping Feipeng harbored a grudge, so he thought of this poisonous plan!

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