Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 407 Dao Qi is also divided into good and bad!

"Yuecui, I'm late!" Seeing Leng Yuecui's haggard look, Wan Dong felt a little heartache, and said softly.

This sentence fell into Leng Yuecui's ears, but it was really worth a thousand words.The tears that were originally surging were even more surging at this time.

"Ha! Could it be that you are this girl's little lover? Things seem to be getting more and more interesting."

"Ping Feipeng, it doesn't matter to him, don't embarrass him!" Ping Feipeng's words were like a basin of ice water, which directly poured Leng Yuecui into a chill.After shivering several times, Leng Yuecui subconsciously opened her arms, blocking Wan Dong behind her.

"It's not that I want to embarrass him, but that he is looking for death! How can the woman I like be allowed to flirt with others?"

"Old fellow, do you think that since you came from the great Daoist world, you can show off your power and do whatever you want in our small world? If so, then you are totally wrong!" Wan Dong gently moved Leng Yuecui Pulling from his front to his back, Chongping Feipeng said coldly.

"I didn't expect you to be knowledgeable enough to know the great world of Taoism. Since you know it, you should understand that in the eyes of us Taoists, you mortals are nothing more than ants."

"I don't think so!" Wan Dong sneered, with high fighting spirit shining in his eyes.

Daomen Great World is Wandong's final destination, and that is his main battlefield!If even a Ping Fei Peng who doesn't know the so-called Ping Fei Peng is afraid, he should not go to the Dao Dao Dao World at all, and he should not save the woman he loves, lest he will be ashamed!

Although Wan Dong's knowledge of the Dao Sect Great World is limited, and he doesn't know how good Ping Feipeng is in the Dao Sect Great World, there is one thing that Wan Dong knows very well, that is, the power that Ping Fei Peng blooms from his body, compared with Li Baiyi is like the light of fireflies facing the bright moon, there is no comparison at all.

The battle in the Taoist world might as well start with Ping Fei Peng!

Wan Dong's eyes narrowed suddenly, and the fighting spirit burning in them was even higher like a volcanic eruption!

"Boy, do you want to challenge me?" Ping Feipeng was surprised by the vigorous fighting spirit and fighting spirit emanating from Wan Dong.

He was used to it, mortals bowed to him, and just hearing his name made them tremble with fright.It was the first time he met someone like Wan Dong who not only had no fear of him, but also showed a strong fighting spirit.

"Challenge? You are wrong, today I will kill you!"

"Hahaha..." Ping Feipeng looked up to the sky and laughed wildly as if he had heard a big joke.

"Yao Ting..." Leng Yuecui was extremely nervous, Ping Feipeng was a stronger existence than Leng Shuangrong, and Leng Yuecui had no confidence at all when Wan Dong faced him, no wonder she was so nervous.

Leng Yuecui held Wan Dong's hand tightly, and after only a moment, Wan Dong felt that her palms were already wet with sweat, which showed how nervous she was at this moment.

Wan Dong frowned lightly, exerted a little strength in his hands, and then cast a consoling look at Leng Yuecui, and said in a low voice, "You step aside first! As I said, I will take you out Lengfu, no matter who stops me, it's useless!"


Leng Yuecui was worried, and what to say, Wan Dong flicked her wrist lightly, and a soft force immediately wrapped her whole body, and slowly sent her more than ten feet away.

"Forget it! Since you are thinking about it yourself, I will help you!"

As soon as Wan Dong settled down in Leng Yuecui, Ping Feipeng became impatient.A murderous cold smile rippled from the corner of his mouth, and with a random swing of his right hand, a silver-gray energy shot towards Wan Dong in the shape of a crescent moon.

After all, it is a monk who comes from the great world of Taoism, and the power of a casual palm is far beyond what those mortal warriors can match.Especially the Dao Qi sweeping through the air, the power and influence are so strong that even Leng Shuangrong, who is in the perfect state, would feel inferior.

It's just that Ping Feipeng wanted to kill Wan Dong with this random palm, but it was out of his imagination.

Just as the silver-gray Dao Qi reached the middle, when Wan Dong was still a few feet away, a dazzling golden light rose up, like a meteor, crashing towards him at an extremely fast speed.

Ping Feipeng underestimated the enemy too much, he didn't realize it was wrong until the golden light collided with the silver-gray Dao Qi.The silver-gray light lasted for less than a few seconds before collapsing and being crushed by the golden light.

"Dao Qi!?" The silver-gray light dissipated, and Ping Feipeng let out a wild cry immediately, the shock on his face was indescribable.

Seeing the shock and disbelief on Ping Feipeng's face, Wan Dong sneered, and took a step forward suddenly, his eyes were bisected, his eyes were shining brightly, and his face was full of sarcasm, "Do you think that in the ordinary small world, only You are the only one who possesses Dao Qi? A frog at the bottom of a well is so ridiculous!"

Although Ping Feipeng underestimated the enemy and was careless, this palm did not represent his true cultivation at all, but it still made Wan Dong's confidence soar!Especially when his golden light ruthlessly crushed the silver-gray vigor, Wan Dong felt even more clearly that although Ping Feipeng possessed Dao Qi, the level of Dao Qi he possessed seemed to be far inferior to his own.From Wan Dong's point of view, Ping Feipeng's Dao Qi is just a bit stronger than Zhen Qi, and it is far from Wan Dong's Dao Qi!

This made Wan Dong's mind suddenly active.True Qi will become more and more pure and powerful as the martial artist's realm continues to improve, and thus be divided into three, six, and nine grades.It seems that Dao Qi is also the same.

Although Ping Feipeng has cultivated Dao Qi, the level and power of his Dao Qi are not brilliant.In other words, Ping Feipeng is probably a low-ranking person in the Daoist world.Just like those low-level warriors in the mundane world.

Wan Dong's conjecture was not bad, Ping Feipeng was indeed just a handyman in Daomen Great World, but he still ignored one point.The reason why the dao qi he cultivated is far superior to that of Ping Feipeng, in fact, [-]% of the reason is because of Xuantian's enlightenment of the gods!

You must know that Xuantian Enlightenment Art is a superior cultivation method that makes the entire Daoist world go crazy for it.How can the dao qi he cultivated be comparable to ordinary dao qi?Wan Dong didn't know this at this time, but when he arrived in the Daoist Great World, he would immediately find out what an advantage the Xuantian Enlightenment Art brought him!

"Dao Qi?" Ping Feipeng's exclamation made Leng Yuecui also stunned.Staring at Wan Dong with bewildered eyes, it was hard to come back to his senses for a long time.

This is too amazing for Leng Yuecui!Didn't it mean that only gods and men in the Taoist world can cultivate Dao Qi? Why can Wan Dong also control Dao Qi?

Surprised, Leng Yuecui suddenly had an extremely strong hope in her heart, maybe... maybe her beloved person really has the ability to come to save her, save her sister, and even her grandma. family!

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