"Are you also from the Taoist Great World?" After a long time, Ping Feipeng came back to his senses and asked in a deep voice.

"If you have Dao Qi, you must come from the Dao Sect Great World? Hmph! Self-righteous idiot!"

"You...you dare to scold me?" Ping Feipeng asked angrily, gnashing his teeth.

"Don't talk about scolding you, so what if I kill you?" Wan Dong's expression was cold, his steps were tight, and his sharpness was even more obvious.

"Ignorant and arrogant little bastard! Do you think that with Dao Qi, I can't do anything to you? Die!"

Ping Feipeng was not an open-minded person in the first place, and he was furious immediately after being so opposed by Wan Dong.It doesn't matter whether Wan Dong is from the Taoist world or not, whether he has a backer or not, he can provoke him or not, but with a loud roar, he uses both fists and palms, and rushes towards Wan Dong with a murderous aura.

Ping Feipeng, who got serious, was not so easy to deal with.The silver-gray dao qi, like silver dragons, entangled and galloped around his body, so powerful that the warriors in the mortal world can only look forward to it and sigh.

Ping Feipeng's Dao Qi is indeed not as good as Wan Dong's in terms of level, but he is superior in its simplicity.In the blink of an eye, Wan Dong felt as if he was surrounded by thousands of troops, and the pressure came to him from all directions like a tide, as if he could be squeezed into a meatloaf at any time.

Wan Dong hastily mobilized all the Dao Qi in his body, and kept waving his palms to strike out, offering up streaks of golden brilliance, resisting the silver energy constantly entering in front of him.This is undoubtedly an extremely passive style of play. Not only does it consume a lot of mental energy, but the speed of Dao Qi is also astonishingly fast!

This kind of pressure was at least twice that of when Wan Dong was facing Leng Shuangrong. After a while, Wan Dong's whole body was almost soaked in sweat.

On the other hand, Ping Feipeng became braver and more relaxed as he fought.

"Hahaha... That's right, you really didn't come from the great world of Daoism. You have Dao Qi in your body, but you have no rules, and you haven't even reached the elementary level of the yellow race. I'm really curious, your pure Daoist body Qi, how did you get it?"

Suppressing Wan Dong firmly in the vortex of Dao Qi, Ping Feipeng was sure of winning, and raised his voice with a sneer.

"Yellow species?" Wan Dong couldn't understand Ping Feipeng's words at all, but thinking about it, it should be a kind of power level division in the great world of Taoism.

At this moment, Wan Dong had no time to pay attention to what Ping Feipeng said. His current situation was so dangerous that even if he was only slightly distracted, he would be in danger of dying immediately on the spot.

"Little baby, grandpa will send you on your way!"

Having figured out Wan Dong's bottom, Ping Feipeng was no longer nervous. With a yell, the wind of his palm suddenly lifted upwards, and a billowing silver-gray vigor, like a dragon out of the sea, shook its claws and swung its tail, sweeping towards Wan Dong's chest. Come.

Before he knew it, all of Wan Dong's escape routes had been blocked by Ping Feipeng. If he didn't want to stand still, he had no choice but to take the route head-on.

At the moment of life and death, Wan Dong has never backed down, and this time is no exception.As soon as he gritted his steel teeth, Dao Qi in his body gushed out, and in a blink of an eye, his whole body was enveloped in a golden brilliance. Although he looked a little small and weak under the overwhelming silver-gray light around him, he revealed an unspeakable Stubbornness and persistence!

"Why, are you still unwilling to give up? Kid, today I will let you know that people will never be able to compete with the sky, and this lord...is the sky!"

Amidst Ping Fei's thunderous roar, the domineering silver-gray vigor, mighty and mighty, struck the sky and struck the earth.


A painful bang that shook people's eardrums came suddenly, and in Leng Yuecui's horrified eyes, Wan Dong was like a kite with a broken string, and was sent flying horizontally by that silver-gray energy. go out.

Pieces of misty blood rain left in the air, the red is alluring and eye-catching!

Leng Yuecui only felt that her whole body seemed to have fallen into an ice cave all of a sudden, and her whole body, from the inside to the outside, was emitting cold air everywhere.She couldn't believe her eyes at all, unable to accept the facts in front of her, Leng Yuecui didn't even dare to step forward to see Wan Dong's situation.

"As an enemy of this seat, there is only one end, and that is death!" With a palm, Wan Dong was sent flying, and Ping Feipeng's face was full of arrogance and ferocity.

"You...you killed him?" Seeing that Wan Dong hadn't stood up for a long time, Leng Yuecui's heart suddenly flustered, and her tender body kept trembling.

"When he spoke rudely to this seat, he should have thought of such an ending!"

"You... how could you kill him? How could you!?" Leng Yuecui reacted suddenly after being stunned for a while, and then she seemed to go crazy, and kept roaring hysterically, while seeming like Frantically, he rushed towards Ping Feipeng.

Even if you can't kill Ping Feipeng, it's good to bite him hard!

"Hey... are you in a hurry to enter the bridal chamber with me? Good! This king will help you!"

Wan Dong couldn't help Ping Feipeng, let alone Leng Yuecui.Before Leng Yuecui got close to Ping Feipeng, she saw Ping Feipeng make a slight move with his right hand, and Leng Yuecui immediately froze on the spot, unable to move.

"Don't worry, little beauty! This woman is more gentle and cute!" Looking at Leng Yuecui who was struggling non-stop, Ping Feipeng had a lewd smile on his face, and walked towards her step by step.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!" Leng Yuecui, unable to move, could only vent her hatred in her heart through a hysterical roar.

"Even if you want to kill me, you'll have to wait until after I marry you! Maybe, after the wedding, you won't be willing to kill me! Hahaha..."

"Shameless! Obscene! Stay away from me!" Leng Yuecui spat fiercely at Ping Feipeng.The disgust and resentment in his eyes have almost reached the point where it cannot be added.

"Hmph! Give me shameless things!"

Ping Feipeng's expression turned angry, he raised his hand and slapped Leng Yuecui's cheek heavily.Poor Leng Yuecui couldn't dodge at all, she got hit hard, and spit out a stream of blood from her mouth.

"Let you become the woman of this seat, that is the grace of this seat to you! I didn't expect that you are so ignorant of current affairs! Don't worry, don't you love that kid? When this seat gets tired of playing with you, you will Send you to reunite with him with my own hands."

Leng Yuecui was filled with despair and helplessness.Could it be that this Ping Fei Peng is really the sky and the earth, and it is invincible to human beings?God, if this is the case, then why did Ping Fei Peng be sent into this world?It is said that the world is not benevolent, and treats everything as a straw dog!Is this true?

Leng Yuecui kept shouting in her heart, but who could hear her voice?

Ping Feipeng's hand slowly stretched towards Leng Yuecui's cheek, Duan Lengyan's heart seemed to have fallen into an abyss, sinking continuously...

"Get your claws off!" At this juncture, Leng Shuangrong yelled loudly and came through the air.Before the person landed, a mighty surge of true energy slashed towards Ping Feipeng's hand fiercely!

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