To be honest, Leng Shuangrong's cultivation should be higher than the current Wandong.If Wan Dong hadn't seized the weak spot in her body and wanted to defeat her, the chance would not be more than [-]%.Leng Shuangrong under the fury, the power of this palm is definitely not ordinary fierce.Even Ping Feipeng couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

However, it only surprised Ping Feipeng slightly, and it was impossible to hurt him.Ping Feipeng raised his brows slightly, and turned his hand towards Leng Yuecui's cheek, a silver-gray Dao Qi shot out from his palm immediately, and greeted him, at the same time his figure quickly retreated, relaxed Out of the range of Leng Shuangrong's attack, she was unscathed.

"Leng Shuangrong, are you crazy, dare to attack me!?" Ping Feipeng turned his head and saw Leng Shuangrong, and an unconcealable anger rose on his face, and he sternly reprimanded.

Leng Shuangrong raised her cultivation level to the extreme, and ran all the way, unexpectedly ahead of Xu Wenchuan and the others.As soon as she arrived, Leng Shuangrong saw Ping Feipeng's claws stretching towards Leng Yuecui, but Leng Yuecui's face was covered with tears.

Heartache mixed with anger, Leng Shuangrong didn't care so much, she swung her palm and slashed over, after all, she was so affectionate!

"Grandma, why is it you?" Seeing that the person who rescued her was Leng Shuangrong, Leng Yuecui was also surprised.In her impression, Leng Shuangrong had always been extremely tolerant towards Ping Feipeng, not daring to offend her, and it was beyond imagination to force him back with a direct wave of her palm like this.

Looking at Leng Yuecui whose face was covered with mottled tears, Leng Shuangrong was so distressed that she was about to suffocate.And when she thought that all of this was almost caused by her alone, Leng Shuangrong couldn't hold herself back anymore, and a deep sense of guilt appeared on her face for the first time.

"Tweety, it's all about grandma's fault, it's grandma who hurt you!"

Leng Shuangrong's words were like an unusually strong electric current that instantly swept through Duan Lengyan's entire body and mind, making her shiver several times.With an expression of disbelief on his face, the tears kept gushing like a torrent that broke the embankment.

"Yao Ting!?" Just as Leng Shuangrong's grandfather and grandson were looking at each other and crying, Xu Wenchuan's loud cry woke them up.

Looking back, Xu Wenchuan stumbled towards Wan Dong.

Wu Qiujun, Duan Lengyan and Wang Yangde who rushed over afterward were all stunned one after another, none of them could accept the scene in front of them.

When Xu Wenchuan came to Wan Dong, he saw that Wan Dong's eyes were closed tightly, his face was pale, his breathing was almost stopped, and he was so heartbroken that he almost fell to the ground.He was about to reach out to hug Wan Dong, but just as his hand touched Wan Dong's body, he was knocked away by an unusually powerful breath.

"What... what's going on here?" Xu Wenchuan's face was blank, but his grief was relieved a lot. This at least shows that Wan Dong is still alive.I just don't know what happened to him.

Not only Xu Wenchuan's blank face, but even Ping Feipeng's brows were clustered, and his face was shocked.This situation is obviously not normal!

He didn't even reach the elementary level of the yellow species, but he has cultivated Dao Qi, and the level of Dao Qi is still so high.In Ping Feipeng's view, this kind of thing is already out of the ordinary.Now it was discovered that Wan Dong, who was supposed to be dead, was still alive, which made him even more vigilant.At the same time, there was an extremely strong ominous feeling that quickly spread in his heart, making him very uneasy!

"This kid is really evil!" Ping Feipeng snorted coldly, and walked towards Wan Dong.

Leng Shuangrong's eyes flickered, and with a sway of her figure, she blocked Ping Feipeng's way.

Ping Feipeng's eyes turned cold, and he said coldly, "Leng Shuangrong, what do you want to do?"

Leng Shuangrong thought about it, and at the same time gave it all up, staring at Ping Feipeng bitterly, and said, "What are you doing? I can't let you do whatever you want anymore!"

"Presumptuous! Leng Shuangrong, do you know who you are talking to? Don't you want to betray the Heavenly Dao League?" Ping Feipeng yelled loudly, showing off his airs!

"You are just a young man in the Tiandao League, can you represent the Tiandao League? Besides, even if you represent the Tiandao League, so what? I have served you for decades, old lady, and I have served you enough! How can you imagine As before, using me, Leng Shuangrong, and my Leng family as a dog, is just a dream!"

"Grandma, you're right! Our Leng family stands above heaven and earth, why should we look at other people's faces?" Leng Yongsi was the last to arrive, just in time to hear Leng Shuangrong's bold words, and immediately shouted excitedly.

"Leng Yongsi! Are you worthy of our young master's favor for you by saying such things?"

"Shut up! What kind of favor, don't think I don't know! Your young master is just using me as a cauldron, a tool for cultivation! How can he have tens of millions of women like me?"

Leng Yongsi would never have dared to say these words in the past, but now, with no more scruples, she roared out in one breath.

Ping Feipeng was stunned for a moment, and then a ferocious smile appeared on his face, and he said coldly, "You understand better than anyone else in your heart."

"So, it's not that our Leng family betrayed the Heavenly Dao League, but your Tiandao League is not benevolent!" Leng Shuangrong stepped forward and hugged Sister Leng Yuecui tightly in her arms.

The moment she hugged the two precious granddaughters, Leng Shuangrong couldn't help feeling scared for a while.Just a little bit, she buried the most cherished thing in her life with her own hands.As long as the three of them can be together, everything is floating clouds!

Leng Shuangrong's expression became more and more determined, even a little excited!

"Wow! Leng Shuangrong, do you know that I have another mission besides monitoring you when I stay here?"

Leng Shuangrong stared at him coldly, curled her lips and said, "Even if you don't tell me, old lady, I can guess! It's nothing more than getting rid of us once we are found to be unfaithful!"

"You are smart! Since you have already guessed it, then I don't need to talk nonsense anymore. Are you three going to die obediently, or are you going to fight in vain?"

"What bullshit Daomen Great World? What bullshit Heavenly Dao League? This is the Qingyun Empire, you can't let yourself go wild!" Wan Dong's life and death are unknown, Ping Feipeng kept making noises there, Xu Wenchuan couldn't bear it, and yelled at Ping Feipeng.

"Hmph! It's another lifeless thing!" Ping Feipeng glanced at Xu Wenchuan coldly, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"I don't know how to live or die? I think you are the one who doesn't know whether to live or die!" Xu Wenchuan's violent temper could no longer be suppressed, and he broke out suddenly, and his whole body slammed into Ping Feipeng fiercely like a wild horse that had run away.

"Pingfei Peng's cultivation base is very high, don't be careless!" Seeing Xu Wenchuan talking and rushing up, Leng Shuangrong was startled and hurriedly shouted.

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