Bang bang bang!

Deng Deng Deng!

Wan Dong slapped three palms in a row, and Ping Feipeng also took three steps back in a row.When Wan Dong withdrew his palm, Ping Feipeng's face was already three points whiter than that of Bai Xue, and the blood gushing out from the corner of his mouth made it even more dazzling.

Not to mention Ping Feipeng's internal injuries at this time, the pain from his two arms alone was enough to suffocate him.The power erupting from Wan Dong was so strong and ferocious that Ping Feipeng once thought his two arms had been smashed, no matter how he urged his thoughts, he couldn't even lift an inch.

This is the power Wan Dong possesses now, enough to make Ping Feipeng tremble!

Looking at the pale and frightened Ping Feipeng, Wan Dong had a sneer on his face.Ping Feipeng is certainly hateful, but to a certain extent, he is also the one who made Wan Dong perfect.If it weren't for Ping Feipeng's Dao Qi, Wan Dong's cultivation base would not have reached Dzogchen so quickly, comprehending the "whale swallowing" stunt, and what Wan Dong cared more about was the rapid improvement this time, allowing him to really touch it. The world where monks live!It's as if he has been walking on a winding and rugged path, and suddenly, a broad road appears in front of him, and it suddenly becomes clear!

Based on this, Wandong decided to give Ping Feipeng a good time!

"You...what are you going to do?" Seeing Wan Dong's expression, the murderous intent became more and more intense every moment, Ping Feipeng's heart was about to jump out of his throat, and he asked tremblingly.

"What do you think?" Wan Dong smiled coldly and took a step forward.

This light step made Ping Feipeng stagger and almost fell to the ground.At the same time, the trembling voice became even more sharp now, "No! You can't kill me, you can't!"

"Give me a reason!"

"You... If you kill me, my young master will not let you go, and neither will the Tiandao League!"

"Wow! When your young master comes, I will 'eat' your young master too!"

"Are you going to eat our young master? You are too crazy!"

"Hahaha... the young master was born so crazy, what can you do to me?"

Wan Dong's wild laughter was like a basin of ice water, pouring cold water into Ping Feipeng's heart!

"Leng...Friend Daoist Leng, I have made thousands of mistakes, all of which are my surname Ping's fault! For the sake of my young master, can plead for me! Great kindness, I am Ping Feipeng. Unforgettable tooth!"

Seeing that Wan Dong refused to accept it, he was determined to take his own life, Ping Feipeng had no choice but to lower his face and beg Leng Shuangrong.Face is a small matter, but life is a big matter!At the critical moment, the Ping Fei Peng can be clearly distinguished.

But the more he was like this, the more sure Wan Dong was, whether Ping Feipeng was in the Daoist Great World or in the so-called Heavenly Dao League, he was just a little guy.But whoever has some identity and status, how can he act like this?

Although there are several passages connecting the Taoist world and the ordinary world, these passages are either extremely secret, or very dangerous, and it is not easy to get through.If not, with the supernatural powers of Taoist monks, this ordinary small world has already become their back garden.Wan Dong didn't believe that Tiandaomen would not hesitate to use manpower and material resources to invade the small world in order to avenge Ping Feipeng.

When Leng Shuangrong heard this, her face immediately became extremely cold. If it wasn't for her being seriously injured and unable to move, she would have rushed forward and slapped Ping Feipeng several times.

I've seen thick-skinned people, but I've never seen one as thick as him.One second he was still pressing every step of the way, wanting to put him to death, and the next second he turned around and begged him to save his life.Do you, Ping Feipeng, regard him as a great Bodhisattva who saves suffering, or do you regard him as an idiot?No wonder Leng Shuangrong got angry because of this.

"Yao Ting, keeping a piece of trash like this can only cause harm to the world, don't talk so much nonsense, just kill it!"

"Leng Shuangrong, you..." Hearing Leng Shuangrong's words, Ping Fei's blushing eyes almost jumped out.If it wasn't for Wan Dong's sharp knife-like gaze, who swept over at the right time, maybe he would say something ugly next.

"No, grandma!"

Wan Dong was about to make a move when Leng Yuecui suddenly yelled loudly and said anxiously, "Grandma, if you kill Ping Feipeng, who will lift the restraint on you?"

Before Leng Yuecui's words fell to the ground, Ping Feipeng seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, his eyes lit up immediately, and his whole person became alive again.

"Leng Shuangrong, what your granddaughter said is right. If I die, you won't be able to live either! If you don't have the restraint on your body, once it flares up, the pain will be beyond words, and your life will be in danger!"

When Ping Feipeng said this, Leng Shuangrong's face turned green from anger, and she said through gritted teeth: "At the beginning, our Leng family sincerely cooperated with your Tiandao League, but you are so lucky that you even used secret means to persecute my ancestors. Sun, what a beast!"

Ping Feipeng sneered, and said, "Our Heavenly Daomen is willing to cooperate with your Leng family, which is already a great blessing to your Leng family! With such a small means to guarantee your loyalty, what do you have to complain about? "Speaking, Ping Feipeng turned his eyes to Wan Dong again, and said with a smile, "I think your potential is much greater than that of the Leng family. If you are willing, our young master will definitely reuse you! How about it, think about it?"

What Ping Feipeng said made Wan Dong a little bit dumbfounded, this guy is really bold, at this juncture, he dared to solicit him so brazenly.All the monks in the Taoist world are like him, right?

With a cold snort, Wan Dong slapped him directly.The power of the palm slashed across the air, swift as lightning, and at this moment, the Ping Fei Peng had no room to dodge.With a crisp cracking sound, they were firmly hit by each other.

The broken teeth flew together with the blood, and the old face was the same color as the tomato!The straight flying pendant turned around three times on the spot.

"You... do you want to watch Leng Shuangrong die?" Ping Feipeng thought he had caught a trump card, but he didn't expect that this trump card was useless, and he didn't care at all.

"What's so terrible about death? Besides, I don't feel wronged if I can drag you, a living fairy, before I die!" Leng Shuangrong yelled sharply, heartbroken.Compared to being blackmailed and blackmailed by Ping Feipeng, it is better to die happily!

"Grandma, I can't. If you die, what will my sister and I do?" Leng Shuangrong already regarded death as home, but Leng Yuecui and Leng Yongsi were reluctant to part with each other, crying.

Leng Shuangrong looked at the two sisters, and said softly, "I used to be very worried, thinking that if I was gone, you would suffer. But it is different now, with Yaoting taking care of you, I believe that even if I die, Both of you sisters can live well too!"

After finishing speaking, Leng Shuangrong's gaze fell on Wan Dong's body, causing Wan Dong to shiver several times, and was about to break out in cold sweat.What Leng Shuangrong meant was to entrust this pair of sisters to him.If this happened to someone else, they might faint from excitement, but to Wan Dong, it was sad but not happy.You know, his family, Mu Lian, is also very tempered!

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