Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 424 The water in Daomen Great World is very deep!

"Okay, okay, I think senior Leng is in good spirits, and it won't be a problem to live another hundred and eighty years. Yuecui, you should put away your tears, and it won't be too late to shed them after 80 years!"

In order not to give Mu Lian a chance to exercise her family law, Leng Shuangrong must not die!

"Yao Ting, have a way to save my grandma, right?" After listening to Wan Dong's words, Leng Yuecui's expression immediately became agitated, and her beautiful eyes full of tears were full of heart-pounding emotions. light of hope.

The same is true for Leng Yuecui, I am afraid that in her heart at this time, Wan Dong is an omnipotent god.

Leng Shuangrong was somewhat skeptical.She knows the restrictions placed on her.If it is not for great supernatural powers, it will be difficult to undo it.But Wan Dong seems to be omnipotent, even Ping Feipeng is under his feet now, which makes Leng Shuangrong not full of hope.

"It's useless! If you don't understand the mystery, no matter how high your cultivation base is, it's impossible to lift this restriction, and it will only make her die faster!" Before Wan Dong could answer, Ping Feipeng couldn't help shouting up.For some reason, there was a hint of guilt in his voice.

Wan Dong didn't even bother to refute, he just turned his head and gave him a sneer smile, then suddenly stretched out his right palm, and a beam of golden light fell on Leng Shuangrong immediately.Leng Shuangrong's figure, who was half sitting on the ground, rose slowly into the air under the golden light.

"Senior Leng, calm down, get rid of distracting thoughts, and I will lift the restriction on you!"

Wan Dong's voice was calm and clear, as if lifting the restraint on Leng Shuangrong's body was just a small matter with little effort and no difficulty at all.That boldness and composure made Sister Leng Yuecui and everyone involuntarily full of confidence in her.

Leng Shuangrong didn't expect that while Wan Dong was so confident, he was also so decisive that he would do what he said without any hesitation.Not daring to be negligent, he hurriedly followed Wan Dong's request, calmed down his mind, entered the state of selflessness, completely gave up resistance in his body, and let Wan Dong do whatever he wanted.

The moment Wan Dong's powerful and pure Dao Qi poured into his body, Leng Shuangrong couldn't help but tremble, her heart was full of shock.If she didn't experience it personally, Leng Shuangrong would never believe that Wan Dong's power is already so strong!

When pieces of dazzling golden light enveloped Leng Shuangrong, Pingfei Peng's heart seemed to be tumbling in boiling water, feeling uneasy for a moment.

The self-confidence shown by Wan Dong is by no means rootless grass, but that he really has such a reliance.Immediately, a strong despair, like an invisible hand, dragged the flat flying tent into the abyss.

Ping Feipeng didn't want to die just like this. The past few years of comfortable life in the ordinary world made him lose the vigor he had when he first debuted, and he was more hesitant than ever before.Compared with life, everything is just a thing outside of the body, meaningless!

The reason why these incompatible energies appeared in Leng Shuangrong's body, in the final analysis, was because the mind method Leng Shuangrong cultivated was tampered with.However, this movement of hands and feet is very clever, I don't know if it is the masterpiece of some master in the Taoist world.

Not to mention whether the general mental method can simultaneously generate two completely different types of zhenqi during the process of cultivation, even if it can, it will make the practitioner go crazy in an instant and explode to death.But this mental method can make these two strands of zhenqi occupy their respective positions and live in peace, and with Leng Shuangrong's practice, they will grow at the same time and restrict each other, just like in Leng Shuangrong's body, artificially created a Achilles heel, and it can never be eliminated, even if your cultivation reaches the realm of defying the sky!

Compared with the genius who created this mental method, the so-called genius in the ordinary small world is simply too childish.It is undeniable that the water in Daomen Great World is very deep!

However, because of Xuantian's enlightenment of the divine art, Wan Dong's comprehension and keen sense of the way of heaven have reached an astonishing level.It's impossible to hide it from his eyes with a mere mentality!

What Wan Dong has to do now is not only to swallow up the zhenqi in Leng Shuangrong's body that is completely out of her control, but also to set things right and reshape the mental method that Leng Shuangrong cultivated!

Leng Shuangrong quickly understood Wandong's intentions. While being surprised, she did not dare to neglect. All her thoughts were focused on Wandong's Dao Qi. The focus of Rong's attention.Because in this seemingly chaotic route, there is a hidden way of heaven, which is enough to send her to the realm she has dreamed of.

The more Leng Shuangrong looked at it, the more surprised she became. She couldn't figure it out. Wan Dong, who was so young, had already broken the secret. How did this head... how did it grow?

The other zhenqi in Leng Shuangrong's body seemed to have some kind of spirituality. He was obviously aware of Wan Dong's intentions and was unwilling to be wiped out. The moment Wan Dong's dao qi entered Leng Shuangrong's body, it began to resisted.

But this true energy also seems to know that Wan Dong's Dao Qi is not easy to provoke, and has no intention of competing with Wan Dong's Dao Qi at all, so he turned around and rushed towards Leng Shuangrong's Yuan Mansion, which really shocked Leng Shuangrong. In a cold sweat.This surge of true energy is actually going to use her life to cover her back, it is really sinister!

Naturally, Wan Dong would not let it succeed, Dao Qi surged up, as fast as lightning, and wrapped it tightly in the blink of an eye.

This zhenqi thought he was smart, but in fact he helped Wan Dong a lot.If he stood still, Wan Dong would have to break through the acupuncture points they occupied one by one, not to mention time-consuming and laborious, and Leng Shuangrong would inevitably suffer a lot of pain.Now that they are taking the initiative to attack, they have saved Wan Dong a lot of trouble, and just killed them all!

This zhenqi looks vicious, but when compared with Wan Dong's Dao Qi, it is insignificant.There was no threatening resistance at all, and in the blink of an eye, he was swallowed up by Wan Dong's Dao Qi!

Everyone didn't know what was going on in Leng Shuangrong's body at all, but they could clearly see that Leng Shuangrong's expression was obviously much calmer and calmer than before, and she was even a little comfortable, as if she was going through some wonderful matter.Everyone's hearts settled down one after another, especially the sisters of the Leng family, who couldn't help but let out a foul breath.When he looked at Wan Dong again, his eyes were as bright as gems!

" he a human or a ghost?!"

Everyone relaxed, but Ping Feipeng's heart sank into the abyss completely. He seemed to lose all strength, and he slumped on the ground, his face was ashen.He couldn't figure it out, the trump card he relied on in the end was so easily broken by Wan Dong.

"No! You can't just die here!" When Ping Feipeng turned his head and saw Leng Yuecui looking at him with a sneer and sarcasm, Ping Feipeng suddenly let out a cry from the bottom of his heart. Immediately ferocious and ferocious...

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