As soon as Wu Qiujun mentioned leaving, several people fell silent immediately, and the atmosphere became dignified.Especially for Duan Lengyan, a pair of almond eyes could not help but be filled with a layer of wet mist.

During this trip to the Qingyun Empire, although Duan Lengyan suffered a lot from Wan Dong's hands several times, even the Tianbao Pavilion was not saved when it arrived, and it was almost turned into ruins by the battle between Wan Dong and Jin Xidao.But Duan Lengyan couldn't deny that she liked this place and fell in love with it. How much she wished to stay here for the rest of her life and never leave again.

But no!Duan Lengyan has a mission that she must fulfill, to save the Tie Zhan royal family from fire and water, and restore peace to the world!To give up all of this for her own feelings, Duan Lengyan couldn't do it, her conscience refused.

After being silent for a while, Xu Wenchuan sighed, and said, "Actually, if you hadn't been able to retreat, Qiu Jun and Leng Yan couldn't rest assured, they would have already set foot on their way back. The iron war dynasty seems to be in its heyday, but hidden The crisis is no less inferior to the Qingyun Empire. The earlier they go back, the earlier they can start and prepare earlier."

Wu Qiujun nodded, and said, "Yes! This time the Jin family's defeat in Yunzhong City will definitely not stop, it will only make them crazier and usurp power faster. Taking advantage of it without knowing it, I am worried that if the delay is too long, they will be fooled and will do something unfavorable to His Majesty the Emperor."

What Wu Qiujun said was by no means alarmist, Wan Dong took it seriously and nodded repeatedly.

"It's just Qiu Jun. When you go back this time, you will definitely become the primary target of the Jin family! It is conceivable that they will do everything they can to deal with you. So your situation is by no means an ordinary danger. You and Leng Yan, you have to You have to be mentally prepared!"

Xu Wenchuan looked worried, wishing he could go back to the Iron War Dynasty with Wu Qiujun and the others, so as to help them.But the problem is that the Qingyun Empire is also at a fork in the road of fate, and he can't get away at all!

Wu Qiujun smiled and said, "Brother, you don't have to worry about us! For so many years, Leng Yan and I have come here like this, it's nothing special! Besides, Leng Yan is deeply favored by His Majesty the Emperor, until His Majesty is still there The Jin family and the two princes don't dare to mess around!"

"I don't have to be afraid of rebellion! With such a sword reforged by Yaoting for me, I will definitely be able to kill them!" Duan Lengyan pulled out a sword with a cold light like water, shook it at Xu Wenchuan, and said with a smile.

It was only then that Wan Dong realized that Duan Lengyan had always carried this sword with him, and never left it.

"I'm afraid it's not enough just to have this precious sword! Yao Ting, you have to think of a way to make Qiu Jun and Leng Yan more able to protect themselves!"

In fact, there is no need for Xu Wenchuan to say that, Wan Dong's head has been wandering around since just now.The return of Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan this time is not only critical to the political situation of the Iron War Dynasty, but also has a huge impact on Tiandu Kingdom.

If Duan Lengyan really gained power, the war between the Du Kingdom and the Tie Zhan Dynasty would have ended that day, and the entire Dongxuan Continent would be able to live a peaceful life from now on.Therefore, for Wan Dong, helping Duan Lengyan is tantamount to helping himself.

"Haha... yes Yao Ting, if you can help us, then we will have more confidence!"

Wu Qiujun was full of confidence in Wan Dong, his eyes looking at Wan Dong were full of hope.

Wan Dong frowned slightly, and suddenly raised his eyes to look at Wu Qiujun, and asked, "Master, how is your "Chengfeng Jue" and "Poyun Strategy" training?"

Wu Qiujun knew that Wan Dong had something to say as soon as he heard it, his expression lifted immediately, and he didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, and replied solemnly, "These few days, thanks to senior brother for clarifying my doubts, can be said to be progressing rapidly, and I have gained a lot of experience!"

"Oh? Then please uncle, give me a slap with all your strength!"

Wan Dong's eyes twinkled, he was very serious, he was definitely not joking.

Wu Qiujun was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted, and smiled at Wan Dong, "Okay! You kid is going to test me. Okay! Then I'm here!"

Wu Qiujun knew very well that Wan Dong's cultivation was unfathomable, even if he tried his best, he might not be able to hurt him at all.He didn't have any worries at all, as soon as he finished speaking, he gathered [-]% of his true energy, and with a terrifying power like an angry tiger roaring in the forest, he slashed towards Wan Dong viciously.

As soon as Wu Qiujun's palm was released, Wan Dong realized that during the ten days of his retreat, Wu Qiujun had made a lot of progress.The current cultivation base has already reached the middle level of the ninth level, which is a full level higher than before!It seems that Wu Qiujun knew that going back this time would be extremely dangerous, so he was so eager to improve his cultivation.

It's just that although "Chengfeng Jue" and "Poyun Strategy" are considered top-notch methods in the small world of common people, they are not worth mentioning in the big world of Taoism.In Wan Dong's view, such an improvement speed was still too slow!

While speaking, the strength of Wu Qiujun's palm rushed to Wan Dong's chest like a river flowing backwards.Looking at Wan Dong at this time, he still didn't make any movement, standing there quietly, like a wooden stake, which made people anxious.

Wu Qiujun couldn't help opening his mouth to remind him, "Boy, if you don't move, my palm will really come down."

"Hehe... Uncle, please do it!"

"You boy, you must be too contemptuous of your uncle!" Wu Qiujun narrowed his eyes, no longer had any scruples, and the violent power of his palm slashed at Wan Dong.

At this moment, Wan Dong finally moved. He waved his palms lightly in front of his chest. The speed was not fast and the momentum was not too strong. But following his palms, there were faint thunderclaps in the air. The voice is dull and solemn, which makes people feel depressed.

At the same time, an invisible but extremely strong coercion also spread out, immediately causing Wu Qiujun's shoulders to suddenly weigh, as if pressing on a thousand-foot-high mountain.

"What kind of move is this?" Wu Qiujun's eyes widened in shock, and before he could digest the wave of shock, he was even more horrified to find that the palm force he had blasted with all his strength was rolling in the air. In the thunderous thunder, the land collapsed, and in a blink of an eye, it disappeared without even hurting a single hair of Wan Dong.

After being stunned for a long while, Wu Qiujun, Xu Wenchuan and Duan Lengyan woke up together, and turned their heads to look at Wan Dong together.

Xu Wenchuan couldn't wait to open his mouth and said, "Stinky boy, don't try to show off, tell me quickly, what kind of kung fu did you use just now?"

The eyes of Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan's master and apprentice were equally as hot as fire, as if they were going to melt Wan Dong alive.

"This is a unique skill I got by chance, called 'Lei Beng Jue'!"

"Lei Beng Jue?" Wu Qiujun and Xu Wenchuan looked at each other in dismay. Based on their experience, they had never heard of this unique skill.

"Just now I felt that this Lei Beng Jue is far superior to "Riding the Wind Jue" and "Poyun Strategy" in terms of power and momentum, but the aura it exudes is not the same as "Riding the Wind Jue" "Poyun Strategy" has something in common..." Wu Qiujun looked up at Wan Dong suspiciously.

Wan Dong smiled, just as Wu Qiujun said, when he first discovered this, he was also surprised.It's as if this Lei Beng Jue is an upgraded version of 'Riding the Wind and Breaking the Clouds'.It was precisely because of this that Wan Dong decided without hesitation to teach the Lei Beng Jue to Wu Qiujun, Xu Wenchuan, and of course Duan Lengyan.This mentality is simply tailor-made for them!

"Yao Ting, you show your skills, are you planning to teach us the Lei Beng Jue?" Wan Dong's smile made Wu Qiujun suddenly realize that his face was immediately occupied by thick excitement.

"How dare he not teach! I must break his legs!" As soon as Wu Qiujun's words fell, before Wan Dong could answer, Xu Wenchuan yelled first.

Leng Shuangrong, a woman, has already reached the state of Dzogchen, but they are still wandering around at the ninth level of zhenqi. Although it is said that each person has his own fortune, every time he thinks of this, Xu Wenchuan is not annoyed.Now that there is hope of catching up with Leng Shuangrong, it's no wonder Xu Wenchuan would let it go!

"Yes! Uncle, I support you!" Duan Lengyan is also a little martial idiot, at this time she seems to be more excited than Xu Wenchuan and Wu Qiujun.

Fortunately, Wan Dong originally intended to teach them the Lei Beng Jue, otherwise his leg would have stayed here in all likelihood.

Taking advantage of the early morning, when the energy of heaven and earth was active, Wan Dong didn't waste any time, and immediately passed on the formula of Lei Beng Jue to the three of them, and supervised and instructed them at any time until the three of them could flow smoothly.

Wu Qiujun and Xu Wenchuan are experienced, while Duan Lengyan is smart and savvy. The learning speed of the three is almost the same.Coupled with the "Chengfeng Jue" and "Poyun Strategy" as the foundation, the three of them practiced the Lei Beng Jue, which really did more with less.

It didn't take long before three streams of heaven and earth essence as thick as buckets descended from the sky, and poured into the bodies of the three of them respectively through the vital acupoints on the top of their heads.

Such thick heaven and earth essence gathered together, almost to the point of being visible to the naked eye.This spectacle made Ning Shan stunned and amazed, and she became even more proud of her son!

In the past, with the help of "Chengfeng Jue" and "Poyun Strategy", the three of them could at most arouse a wave of heaven and earth essence as thick as a little finger, which was already very good.At this time, there was a bucket of heaven and earth energy pouring into their bodies endlessly. Even though the three of them were in meditation at this time, there was still a hint of excitement and surprise on their faces that could not be concealed.

And this is just the beginning, anytime the three of them deepen their understanding of Lei Beng Jue, the speed at which they can absorb the essence of heaven and earth will increase exponentially.In other words, the speed at which their cultivation bases improve will also skyrocket, far beyond their imagination!

About an hour later, Wu Qiujun opened his eyes first.The eyes are full of light, and the depths of the pupils are even covered with a layer of silver. This is a sign of Dao Qi!

Wan Dong was not surprised by this. Lei Beng Jue is a unique Taoist art, and it is only natural to use it to cultivate Dao Qi!But what surprised Wan Dong was that Wu Qiujun's talent was really slightly higher than Xu Wenchuan's.

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